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EP 282: The “Contractor Bailed on Me” Deal w/ Keith Sant | Behind the Deal

Keith Sant is a long-time friend of Carrot, a five-time Carrot Camper, and returning guest here on the Carrotcast. Recently, he closed a deal that was plagued with difficulties from beginning to end. He’s going to walk us through how he dealt with the contractors disappearing and his buyer bailing out at the last minute. After all was said and done, Keith even walked away with a higher profit than what he was expecting. Here’s an inside look at how he did it!

DealMachine Driving for Dollars Army David Lecko

EP 281: How to Recruit & Manage a Driving For Dollars Army for More Off-Market Deals w/ David Lecko of Deal Machine

David Lecko is a returning guest and long-time friend of Carrot. His software, Deal Machine, is a game-changer when it comes to curating a list of proven, personalized leads. Automating routine tasks and direct-to-seller marketing tools, have freed up his time to work on the bigger deals and spend time doing what he loves which is what this is all about. Today we’re going to learn how he utilizes his software and a team of drivers to dominate his chosen market.


EP 280: The “Free Car” Deal w/ Beau Hollis | Behind the Deal 1

Back on September 16th, we did an awesome Livestream with our good friend Beau Hollis. As a long-time Carrot customer, wholesaler, investor, and occasional flipper, Beau is going to take us behind the scenes, showing us every aspect of the deal. Its part of a new Livestream we are doing that takes you inside a real-life deal, from start to finish. We answered questions live on air and offered some tips that really work. Catch up on this exciting new series here, and join us every other Thursday, live on Facebook!


EP 278: 4 Ways Chasing Pirates as a Marine Helped Josue Velney Become a Confident Real Estate Investor

Josue is a Carrot client, Carrot Camper, and a perfect example of someone who is doing things right. He has served our county as a Marine, shipping out on three combat tours. He then spent 12 years in the fire service, while building a rental portfolio. Today, Josue has retired from the fire department and holds a portfolio worth 10’s of millions of dollars. With 50 units under construction or in the permitting and zoning process, Josue has become a master of bringing value, finding value, and controlling his mindset. Today we’ll learn exactly how he has taken his military background and brought those lessons into his real estate business.

EP 277: How These ‘Covid Pivots’ Delivered $600k/yr on 1/3 the Marketing Budget w/Joe Hartman and Shane Bloyer

Joe and Shane have been with Carrot since 2014. They’ve made many shifts in their business over the past 7 years, including a strategic downsizing (right-sizing) at exactly the right time. Using evergreen marketing, intentional relationships, and a fresh take on their business, they have transformed their business into what they always knew it could be. Today we are learning exactly how they did a 180 in their business while dealing with competition, a tough market, and a global pandemic.

Brett Iwanowicz new investor mistakes

EP 275: 3 Costly Mistakes Newer Investors Need to Understand w/ Brett Iwanowicz

Brett Iwanowicz is closing just under two deals per month on average, but it wasn’t always this way. Brett struggled with anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, and low-self esteem. It took him a long time to decide what he wanted in life and find the momentum to get him there. Today, Brett is living life on his terms. By surrounding himself with the right people, building credibility through video, and figuring out exactly what he wants his life to look like, Brett is carving out the life of his dreams. Today, he is sharing his early mistakes so you can learn how to avoid them.

EP 274: Why You Might Need a #2 and How to Find One | Behind the Scenes at Carrot w/ Director of Operations Alex Zerbach

I love having these in-studio sessions where we go behind the scenes of life here at Carrot. Alex Zerbach has been with us at Carrot since the beginning. From intern, to office manager, to the director of operations, he has done it all. Today, he’s my #2 guy, handling the day-to-day tasks, and helping turn the vision into a reality. He thrives on process, planning, and improving the overall function of the business. Without his consistent effort toward the greater good, we wouldn’t have been able to grow in the way we have. Find out if you are ready for a director of operations, where to find them, and the qualities you should be looking for.


EP 273: How to Create A Follow-Up Machine That Sells While You Sleep in 4 Steps with Mark Skowron

What message are you sending to your prospective leads? How are you connecting, building trust, and following up? Mark Skowron is an investor and agent who uses carefully crafted copy to close an extra deal each and every month. Today we will talk about sequencing, frequency of contact, and what you can say to build instant trust and rapport. Most importantly, you will learn how to turn a small investment of your time upfront, into a potential $240k per year in extra profits.

Seth Buechley Mentorship

EP 272: Why Every Successful Entrepreneur Has This Type of Mentor | Behind the Scenes with Seth Buechley

This is a very special episode for me as I was able to sit down with my friend and mentor, Seth Buechley. You hear me talk a lot about the importance of the right mentor, but how does it even happen? You don’t necessarily go out looking for a mentor, but there are ways to attract the right one when you are ready. With several multi-million companies under his belt, a consulting firm, and numerous entrepreneurial pursuits, Seth knows the importance of the mentor/mentee relationship. Today you will learn what to look for in a mentor, how to find one, and what makes a mentor so different from a coach or guru.

Yonah Weiss Tax Savings F

EP 271: How to Save on Taxes with Biden’s Impending Tax Hikes for Investors & Agents w/ Yonah Weiss

It’s a sad truth that people will spend more time trying to lower their cell phone bills than they will trying to lower their taxes. The subject comes up and brains get foggy. The lack of information and education on things such as cost segregation and tax credits is costing investors thousands each year. Yonah Weiss helps investors analyze and strategize to save hundreds of thousands in taxes. In some cases, he has helped his clients to pay no taxes whatsoever. Here’s the (perfectly legal) way he does it…

Negotiation Beau Hollis

EP 270: Negotiation Mastery #4: Closing 20 Deals a Month Using 1 Simple Conversation Recipe w/ Beau Hollis & Adam Johnson

I invited Beau and Adam to join us on part 4 of our negotiation series, because they have one very important thing in common. They know how to sit down with anyone and turn them into a friend. People will often think of negotiation as a battle. But by bringing the humanity back to the table through education and real conversations, investors can not only close more deals, but also serve more people which is what this is all about. Today we are going to wrap up the tactical elements of this series by showing you how to break down seller walls to both help and close more of the leads you are already bringing in.

Pace Morby Negotiation

EP 269: Negotiation Mastery #3: 9 Magic Negotiation Phrases Guaranteed to Turn Sellers into Your BFFs w/ Creative Finance Junky, Pace Morby

I challenge you to find anyone who gives more in this industry than Pace Morby. His energy, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn something from every transaction have helped propel his investing career in a highly competitive market. In part 3 of our series on negotiation, I sat down with Pace to talk about how he connects with clients to win more deals, even when he isn’t paying the highest price. You’ll learn what to say, what to ask, and how to show credibility even if you’ve never done a single deal.

Steve Trang Negotiation Agent

EP 268: Negotiation Mastery #2: How to Eliminate Competition by Negotiating With Sellers as a Hybrid Agent/Investor w/ Steve Trang

Steve Trang wasn’t born a salesman. He has spent hundreds of hours training, and through trial and error, has become one of the best in the business. Now Steve runs a brokerage, a flipping and wholesaling business, and spends the majority of his time doing what he loves – training the best of the best on sales and negotiation. Steve and his team are dominating one of the most competitive markets in the U.S.- and making it look easy. Today, we will learn not only how to quickly raise your lead to close ratio, but why it is so important to both listen and offer multiple options to your clients.

Rod Khleif

EP 358: Goal Setting on Steroids: How Rod Khleif Lost & Recovered $50,000,000 & His 3 Mindset Hacks for Success

Rod Khlief immigrated to Denver when he was very young and was raised by a single mother. He was bullied for his wooden shoes, teased at school, and held onto all sorts of limiting beliefs. What got him through it all was his incredible mindset and desire for something more. Today you are going to learn how his way of thinking helped him recover after a $50 million dollar loss, and how getting clear on his goals has brought him true fulfillment, happiness, and success.

Income Streams

EP 264: 7 “Bolt-On” Income Streams from Brokerages to Bitcoin as an Agent or Investor w/ California’s Fastest-Growing Brokerage Cofounder, Oliver Graf

Cofounder of Big Block Realty, Oliver Graf, has quickly helped to start and grow one of the top brokerages in the United States. Their “gym-membership” approach has shaken up the industry and attracted some of the area’s top agents to their team. Here’s how Oliver and his team have gotten creative to become San Diego’s top brokerage, while also generating multiple streams of income. Plus a special conversation in which Trevor and Oliver discuss his strategy for Cryptocurrency. Whether you are an agent, investor, or entrepreneur, Oliver Graf is a guy you want to know…


EP 263: Agents & Hybrids: How to Get Better Seller Leads through Messaging & Brand-Building w/ Kiley Newbold & JT Rose – Facebook Ads Mastery Part 4

Welcome to our forth and final installment of our Facebook ads mastery series. Today, we are talking about bringing in high-quality seller leads, buyer leads, building authority with your content, messaging for hybrid agents, and what to do if your ad is disapproved. We are once again sitting down with Kiley and JT of Silverstreet Marketing, focusing more on agents and hybrid investor/agents. However, the principles discussed apply to any sort of business, even those not related to real estate.


EP 260: The 5 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes + How To Get Started w/ Chad Keller – Facebook Ads Mastery Part 1

What better way to kick off a series a new series on Facebook ads than with a guy who spends MILLIONS of dollars on ads? Seriously. Through working with big companies like Dish, Macy’s, Chewy, TheChive, Sprint, and more – not to mention successfully running ads for his own investing business, Chad Keller has been testing, optimizing, and teaching others how to turn cold traffic from crappy ads into sellers that are more motivated than Tony Robbins on Red Bull. Today, we’re looking at the most costly mistakes investors & agents make. Then, in the next 3 episodes, we’ll dive into the copy, creative, budget, targeting, and how to scale campaigns. Stop blowing your marketing budget on under-performing ads & Listen to the podcast.


EP 259: Marketing, Automation, and Delegation – How to Build Systems That Will Free You From Your Business w/ Joe McCall

Joe McCall is a pro when it comes to building processes and scaling. These skills have helped him to build a business of flexibility and freedom, that allows him to travel the world with his family. Today, he is running his business from his laptop, spending the majority of his time on his long-running podcast and teaching others investors creative financing tricks. Listen in as we talk about creating the right marketing, automating it so it happens in spite of yourself, and how to delegate all of your tasks to the right people.

Tristan Ahumada Labocat Agents

EP 258: Tech Disruption in Real Estate – How Agents Are Finding Listings Right Now w/ Tristan Ahumada

Tristan Ahumada is an agent, mentor, consultant, and editor for Success Magazine. His relationships, drive for knowledge, and insight into the world of real estate technology have helped him build a business and a community that help elevate others. Today we are talking about the disruptions of technology on the real estate market, and what agents and investors can do to find motivated sellers, even in a low-inventory market.

Greg McKeown Effortless Interview

Ep 257: Effortless Essentialism | How Greg McKeown Trains Top Leaders to Get More Done by Trading Chaos for Calm

Greg McKeown is a best-selling author and speaker who works with businesses and individuals to help them find out what’s really important. His world-renowned book, Essentialism, has changed the way people prioritize their crazy lives. I don’t care whether you run a growing business or you’re raising a growing family at home… if you apply Greg’s concepts from Effortless & Essentialism, they will open your mind and fundamentally change your life. I couldn’t be happier to hear his insights & stories first hand. It’s sort of like a behind the scenes look at his writing process. By the way- warning: the interview gets pretty emotional towards the end. So please, listen in or keep reading to learn how to apply these wildly powerful ways of thinking in your life so you can do more of what makes the biggest impact and trade the chaos for calm.

Evan Holladay

EP 255: The Mission-Driven Strategy that Led to 1,347 Multifamily Units & $225 Million in Developments w/ Evan Holladay

In our 250+ episodes of the Carrot Cast, we have never talked about the world of affordable housing. This unique niche is not only a way to make money, but it is a way to provide assistance to the over 7 million Americans who lack adequate housing. Evan Holliday has an incredible business model that is empowering people and improving communities. Here’s how Evan is influencing change, building thousands of units, and creating over $225 million in developments… all at the ripe old age of 30.

SEO 4/4: 5 Backlink Building Pro Tips for Faster SEO Results

EP 254: 5 Backlink Building Pro Tips for Faster SEO Results w/ Keith Sant & Bryan Driscoll, SEO Series Part 4

Part four in our SEO series came from feedback we received from Carrot users who wanted to know exactly what to do if they were only putting in an hour a week on their sites. We brought in two of our favorite guests, Keith Sant and Bryan Driscoll, to dive into using valuable backlinks and creating consistent content for your website. (Pssstttt… it’s easy with our Advanced Marketer Plan.) So listen in or read on to find out how to get the most out of your website in just one hour a week!

SEO for multiple markets

EP 253: SEO for Multiple Markets w/ Bryan Driscoll & Adrian Nez, SEO Series Part 3

Part 3 of our SEO series is aimed at those who wish to rank in multiple markets. We’re sitting down with Bryan Driscoll and Adrian Nez (2 of our favorite SEO pros) to find out if you should set-up multiple websites, how to best optimize your homepage, how to ace your location pages, where to send your paid leads, and much, much more!
Put our SEO strategies to work for you! Get your copy of our SEO Bible here…

Seo Secrets Bryan Driscoll

EP 252: The 5 Most Important & Most-Overlooked SEO Secrets for Real Estate You’ve Never Heard of w/ Bryan Driscoll, SEO Series Part 2

SEO is a topic that can seem overwhelming for some of our members who simply want to close deals and not work on the details of their website. However, as you’ll discover in our latest episode of the CarrotCast, with these simple, effective, and often overlooked strategies, you’ll be able to achieve higher rankings faster than you may think. Higher rankings lead to more clicks, more clicks generate more leads, and more leads mean more conversions. Here are 5 incredible SEO secrets from our friend, client, and professional marketer, Bryan Driscoll.

Matt Slowik

EP 249: The 6 Biggest Real Estate Investing Hacks to Implement From Listening to 255 CarrotCasts w/ Part-Time Investor Matt Slowik

Matt Slowik has always been interested in real estate, but he is just now taking it up a notch by launching his business and his Carrot site. Last year, he stumbled upon the Carrotcast, listening to 255 episodes last year alone! Currently, he is working on his Master’s Degree and is employed full-time as a safety compliance officer. That said, he was probably our top listener in 2020. Last year alone, he listened to over 250 episodes, which equated to about 10,555 minutes! I know what my favorite episodes are, but we felt there was tremendous value in seeing which episodes resonated most with a newer investor. Today we are chatting with Matt to learn about his business, what he’s learned, and how he balances his busy lifestyle!

Carter Crowley Podcast

EP 248: How Credibility and the Right Partnership Led to 38 Transactions in 2020 w/ Carter Crowley

The importance of the agent investor/relationship is something we’ve been talking about for a while now here at Carrot. We’ve often said that in the future, agents will need to invest, and investors should be licensed in order to better serve their leads. Well, the future is now. Now, more than ever, people are looking for ways to sell their homes. With the rise of iBuyers, people are looking to other sources when they are thinking about putting their home on the market. The agent or investor who is able to offer multiple solutions, is going to be able to complete more actions and help more people. Here’s how Carter Crawley is doing it.

EP 247: How to Balance Being a Real Estate Agent and Investor While Keeping Your Marriage, Faith, and Family Intact w/ Eric Sztanyo

With so many people out there bragging about their wealth, lifestyle, and real estate conquests, it can be difficult as a new investor or agent to find your place. So often, people see what others are doing and feel that they need to do that too. But luckily, there are many ways to get where you want to be in the real estate business. You can do things your way, without having to compromise your family, lifestyle, or moral compass. Today, Eric is going to share with us how he has built his business from the ground up, always keeping his great, great, grandson in mind.

David Greene Bigger Pockets Podcast

EP 246: How to Double Your Commissions Without Doubling Your Team w/ David Greene of Bigger Pockets [HYBRID Part 1]

David Greene is an award-winning agent, investor, businessman, and the co-host of the Bigger Pockets Real Estate Podcast. His “eco-system” of services is changing the real estate game. By being a one-stop-shop for his clients, David is able to provide service that is superior to many others in his field. Today, we’re diving into how he has built his incredible team, what he is doing today that is unlike other agents and investors out there, and why you don’t need to have it all figured out… you just need to take action.


EP 244: Site Not Converting? Make These Tweaks to Your Site for More Traffic & Better Conversion w/ Cristina Kudlock

Cristina doesn’t come across as your usual home buyer. Her website has lots of pink, lots of smiling photos, and even some emojis tucked in there for good measure. But what the site doesn’t show is the massive amount of effort, learning, and trial and error that got her here. Her website may not look like other Carrot sites you have seen in the past, and that is exactly why she is converting so well. She’s ranking in the number one spot for many keywords in both Los Angeles and Arizona because of her unique approach and high-quality content. Today we are going to learn how she had built the perfect team, modified her marketing, and what she is doing to make herself even stronger.

Adam Mitchell Podcast

EP 243: From a $40k loss to $500k Profit – How the Home Buying Guys Pivoted Their Strategy to Win Their Competitive Real Estate Market w/ Adam Mitchell & Lance Doty

Adam Mitchell and Lance Doty are the perfect example of a business following the plan, following through, and reaping the rewards. However, this wasn’t always the case. Just a couple of years ago, Lance and Adam lost over 40k, but they stayed the course, pivoted their strategy, and are now seeing profits well over 6 figures. This is how they did it.


EP 242: Diving into Member Data, Foreclosure Data, and the Real Estate Industry as a Whole Post-COVID w/ Aaron Amuchastegui

Aaron Amuchastegui is an investor, developer, dad, husband, and the host of the Real Estate Rockstars podcast. He has bought and sold over 1,000 foreclosures and has developed his own software to help other investors do the same. Most importantly, Aaron is a data nerd like me who let’s math guide him in all aspects of his business. Today, we are talking about foreclosure data, member data from our Carrot sites (our members raked in over 500,000 leads this year,) and the steps you should be taking as an agent or property investor to stand out from the pack post-COVID.

Sam Starns Elope Your Life Interview

EP 240: Elope Your Life | Why Most Entrepreneurs Overthink Purpose & Under Think Authenticity w/ Sam Starns

San Starns isn’t an agent nor is she a real estate investor. She is an elopement photographer who is creating her own niche to help people not just create the perfect wedding day but also to find the courage to go after what they want – even when society says no. Using the lessons she’s learned both in life and business, she’s developed the confidence to become the person she was meant to be, and now she’s helping other people to do the same. No matter what industry you’re in, Sam’s tips can help you define your purpose, create your niche, and live the life you were meant to live.

EP 218: All Radio. All Virtual. How I Used Radio Ads for Real Estate Investing to Build My Business and Lifestyle w/ Chris Arnold

Radio is old-school. Because of this, investors and agents will confuse themselves with their target demographic, avoiding radio advertising altogether. However, if you are an investor looking deals in your area, your target demographic is very likely listening to the radio! Today, we sat down with Chris Arnold to learn more about how he had relied on radio advertising to build and grow his multiple companies. Learn about what works, what to avoid, and how to build a business that offers freedom and impact.