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EP 261: What Makes An Effective Facebook Ad? Copy & Creative That Converts! w/ Chad Keller – Facebook Ads Mastery Part 2

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Don’t be scared. Give it time. You can’t run an ad for a week and then stop. Don’t just spend money and leave. Stay the course.

– Chad Keller

Facebook Ads Mastery #2/4: What Makes Effective Facebook Ad Copy? Create Creative That Convert! w/ Chad Keller

In part 2 of our Facebook Ads series, we are once again sitting down with Chad Keller to dive into what makes an effective Facebook ad. We will discuss which ads you should launch first. How to nail your Facebook Ad copy and creative. And how to hack the competition to get a better idea of what works and what doesn’t in your market. 

Catch the entire series on Facebook Ads!
Part 1: The 5 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes + How To Get Started
Part 3: How to Maximize Facebook Ad ROI + iOS 14 Update
Part 4: Agents & Hybrids: How to Get Better Seller Leads through Messaging & Brand-Building

Read the Full Show Notes Below…

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Chad Keller isn’t only a professional marketer, but he is an investor as well. His unique insights are helping many Carrot clients find success in the Facebook ads world. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when creating your ad so that you can maximize the reach and effectiveness. 

Which Ads Should You Launch First?

Without a doubt, you should start with ads to retarget leads who have already shown an interest in your services. Your goal now is to build trust in order to achieve a conversion. Your retargeting ads should: 

  • Include a video or picture of your face – if not you, then include a photo of your team
  • Highlight a testimonial from a past client
  • Retargeting ads can have longer copy than ads appearing to cold audiences
  • Serve up content that eliminates objections
  • After you have built up trust – hit them again with your main marketing message: “I will buy your house.” 
  • Don’t exclude leads who have already filled out your form, but haven’t yet converted

Which Type of Headlines and Hooks Work Best?

Having the right headline and hook is critical in reaching your audience and getting those clicks. Think of your sellers and what they are going through. What will motivate them to sell to you? Good copy should: 

  • Be hyper local, focusing on the area you wish to buy
  • Copy should address obstacles homeowners may be facing
  • Reinforce that you buy in as-is condition, etc. 

How Do I Know Which Pictures and Videos to Use?

The visual appeal of your ad should be strong and geared to the audience you want to reach. If you are buying houses to fix up, use a photo of an old and run down house. If you are looking to buy land, use a photo of land. The photos and videos in your Facebook ad should: 

  • Experiment with gifs and movement vs. still photos to see which garners the most attention
  • Your gif should be about 8-13 seconds so that the ad will appear across other platforms
  • If your gif or video is over 15 seconds, it will not post to all platforms, (Instagram, etc.) significantly lowering your reach
  • Keep photos relevant to the market you are targeting – avoid overused stock photos that you see on every real estate site
  • A digital bandit sign that is direct and to the point has been a successful Facebook ad for Chris in the past

What Are Some Mistakes People Make With Their  Facebook Ad Copy?

There are many common mistakes Chris sees when working on ad campaigns. A few of these include: 

  • Slapping their logo on or typing over a stock photo – Facebook likes when there is an element of design. Canva is an easy way to create ads that look professionally done. 
  • Using the wrong sizing, thus allowing other ads to be seen in the same space when a potential lead is browsing Facebook on their phone

What Can I Learn From the Competition?

Whenever I see an offline advertisement that grabs my attention, I save it into a swipe file. I use this for inspiration when creating ads of my own. I do the same thing with ads I see on social media. What did I like about it? What made me stop? A few ways to learn from the competition include: 

  • Whenever you see a great ad, click to save the video to a file you can reference later
  • If you see an ad for a competitor – click it. You will then be privy to how they are running their retargeting campaigns
  • Check out the Facebook ads library to look up competitors to see what ads they are currently running and what is working for them

Keep AIDA in mind when setting up your ad. Attention, interest, desire, and action. Do your best to work this all in, study the results, then tweak as necessary. In the next episode of this series, we will dive in even further, offering you ways to maximize your ROI with Facebook ads.

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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