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EP 262: How to Maximize Facebook Ad ROI + iOS 14 Update w/ Kiley Newbold & JT Rose – Facebook Ads Mastery Part 3

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When receiving a negative comment on your ad, if you can skew it into a positive thing, you can use it as an opportunity to clear a misconception or highlight your customer service. 

– Kiley Newbold

How to Maximize Facebook Ad ROI + iOS 14 Update

In part 3 of our Facebook ads series, we are sitting down with Kiley Newbold and JT Rose of Silverstreet Marketing. They are going to show you how to maximize your Facebook Ad ROI by setting the right budget and tweaking your creative. We will also discuss the best ways to respond to negative comments on your ad and what exactly you need to watch out for with the iOS 14 update.

Catch the entire series on Facebook Ads!
Part 1: The 5 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes + How To Get Started
Part 2: What Makes An Effective Facebook Ad? Copy & Creative That Converts!
Part 4: Agents & Hybrids: How to Get Better Seller Leads through Messaging & Brand-Building

Read the Full Show Notes Below…

As an agent or investor, you can use Facebook Ads to find motivated, high-quality leads. In the first two parts of our series we talked about launching your ad and the creative aspects. Now we want to help you maximize your Facebook Ad ROI by helping you set a budget, tweak your ad as necessary, and how to properly engage with comments to your ad. We will also let you know what you need to be aware of with the iOS 14 update so you can adapt accordingly. 

How Do I Set My Facebook Ads Budget?

Your budget will vary depending on your market and your desired result. Different goals will require different budgets. As a very basic rule of thumb, JT and Kiley recommend.. 

  • $500/month or about $17/day for those who are targeting a broad audience to build brand recognition
  • $1000/month or $34/day for those who are ready to really dive into Facebook Ads, using their page for lead gen and to increase website traffic

How Should I Tweak My Creative for the Best Optimization?

If you are not happy with how your campaign is performing or if you want to find ways to increase your ROI, there are several things you can look at. 

  • Reach – If your ad isn’t getting in front of enough people, even if your conversion rate is high, your volume will still be low
  • Clicks – If people are seeing your ad – are they clicking on it? If not, you may want to change up your creative to garner more interest. 
  • Conversion – If they are clicking, but not converting, there are a few things to look at. You can see if your page is slow to load, if your landing page is structured properly, and what your lead form looks like. 

If your campaign isn’t working, don’t just quit. If it were direct mail, you wouldn’t just throw it all away. You would tweak it, refine it, and try again. That is exactly what you should be doing with your Facebook Ads to maximize your ROI. 

What Should I Know About Engaging With Comments?

A lot of people will avoid engaging with negative comments by either ignoring them or deleting them entirely. For many reasons, this isn’t the right way to handle negative feedback to your ad. Instead you should… 

  • Flip it – changing it into a positive. Use the opportunity to clarify a misconception or show how well your customer service team performs
  • Always reply – good or bad, Facebook sees any engagement as a metric of health
  • Only delete comments that are spam or profane

Good or bad, it is very powerful to see a business who is actively responding to comments left online. For every comment made, there are lots of people thinking the same thing. When you are able to reply with intelligence and tact, you aren’t just addressing one person, but several who may have had misconceptions about you or your service. 

What Do I Need to Know About the iOS 14 Update?

The iOS update includes new privacy protocols that will change how ads can track people. While Kiley and JT aren’t concerned about the update, there are a few things to watch out for. 

  • You will see a difference in what you are able to track – this changing what some of your audiences look like
  • Make sure you verify your domain so that you can prioritize your Facebook Pixel events
  • Set your pixel prioritization – the new update will allow you to track up to 8 events

While your tracking may become a little skewed as this update rolls out, all will be well after the initial adjustment period. Some advertisers may see this update as a burden, thus pulling their ads. This only makes more room for those who stay the course. 

Look out for Episode 4 in our series which we will dedicate more to agents and hybrid investor.agents!

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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