Carrot Recap 2021: Highlights From The Year!

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2021 Carrot Review

Here’s to you Carrot members! You had an amazing year. Here’s a brief recap reel of some of the stories and things that happened in 2021.

It was another fantastic year for our Carrot members and another year of growth for our team and company.

Let’s recap some of the cool stuff in this quick post!

2021 Carrot Review

A Year of Giving and Inspiring

It was another year of giving… when all said and done…

  • We made donations in 38 team members names for a total of $16,500.
  • The shareholders chose a few causes to donate to as well for a total of $10k
  • We donated to food banks across the country 10 times for a total of $55,428.86
  • Our team also went out in December and between just over 50 people each handed out $100 for the giving challenge – to things that were important to each individual employee – with things like over tipping waiters,  buying coffee for everyone in line,  buying toys for needy kids,  helping elderly people, helping recently widowed mothers, etc was about $5300+.
  • We also hosted a toy drive here at Carrot HQ and from our community here in Roseburg collected over 130 toys for Toys for Tots.

The CarrotCast Podcast continues to inspire our audience. Our sales negotiation series was the most popular this year! Catch all four episodes:

Part 1: How to Deliver a No-brainer Offer & Close More Sales, Faster w/ John Martinez

Part 2: How to Eliminate Competition by Negotiating With Sellers as a Hybrid Agent/Investor w/ Steve Trang

Part 3: 9 Magic Negotiation Phrases Guaranteed to Turn Sellers into Your BFFs w/ Creative Finance Junky, Pace Morby

Part 4: Closing 20 Deals a Month Using 1 Simple Conversation Recipe w/ Beau Hollis & Adam Johnson

Our team grew by 22 this year as we continue to innovate and be leaders in our industry as well as in our communities.

We’re Honored Again – Carrot On the Inc. 5000 List for the 4th Straight Year!

This year we were placed at the 2,509th fastest-growing company in the nation according to the Inc. 5000 list. Again, major kudos to the Carrot team and our members. We wouldn’t be here without an amazing product, team, and amazing members.

… and more!

Here we go!

Hundreds of Thousands of Leads … You’re Crushing It!

Carrot members crushed lead generation.

You’re pulling in more SEO, paid, and social media online leads as a collective group than any other real estate investor and agent lead generation platform… by far.

Keep crushing it!

Here are some states based on site types…

Seller Sites

  • 11.1M Sessions, 199K leads

Buyer Sites

  • 2.6M sessions, 102K leads

Agent Sites

  • 1.6M sessions, 13K leads

All Other Site Types

  • 2.9M sessions, 146K leads

Other interesting stats…

  • 33.3M pageviews across our network
  • ~32% of all sessions came from organic search
  • Mobile accounted for 53.4% of all sessions, steep increase from years past (mobile first is way to go)
  • Mobile conversion rate is 28% higher than for desktop (could be a function of site types and traffic sources)
  • 60.1% of all conversions occurred on mobile compared to 37.3% for desktop and 2% for tablet
  • Paid search saw a big year of growth on our network (sessions up 6.9% and conversion rate up 16.6%)
  • Total organic traffic up 8%

Major NEW Features Launched in 2021

We launched many NEW Features for our members.

Core Value of ours is “Adapt, Evolve, & Always Improve“… and both our members and Carrot continue to push this value. In addition to the features we released in 2021, we helped our members spend more time focusing on their business.

Here is a look back on some of the features our AMAZING team rolled out in 2021 (but not limited to)…

  • Improved member site speed by up to 50% through our Core Web Vitals optimizations.
  • Added more data and insights to the SEO Keyword Rank Tracking tool to make member sites even more competitive in Google Search.
  • Offered members the all-new ability to purchase more SEO Keyword Packs.
  • Launched an enhanced version of our Visual Editor including new + improved content generation along with a friendlier and more powerful Lead Form creation toolkit.
  • Created and enhanced site templates: Agent Seller, Motivated Seller and Hybrid.
  • Enhanced our IDX feature with a more polished site appearance, advanced map search and made it FREE for Advanced Marketers (minus pass-through fees).
  • Added the Onboarding Checklist to our Motivated Seller site to get members up and going (and producing leads) faster.
New SEO Keyword Rank Tracking Tool
Enhanced Visual Editor

Getting Ahead of Google’s Core Web Vitals Update – We Made Carrot Websites 69.8% Faster Than Custom Websites on Mobile

Core Web Vitals was introduced to Google’s search ranking algorithm. Google partially introduced the update in June and by the end of August, it played a full role in Google’s ranking mix.

Our Dev team worked extremely hard to exceed this Google update. Here’s the data behind Carrot sites vs custom WordPress websites…

[Data] Carrot Sites Now 69.8% Faster than Custom WordPress Websites


Carrot members have seen many design elements scattered around their websites. Changes that make it easier to navigate checklists, read reports, and track leads. Shouting out just some of the amazing work the Design team created in 2021!!

Our Amazing Success and Support Teams

The Success team made a positive impact on many lives in 2021 by fielding 425 onboarding and strategy calls. These calls help our members succeed with inbound and outbound marketing.

The Support team also turned in an amazing year.

Here are some support stats:

  • Total Conversations: 36993
  • Total CSAT: 96%
  • Response time via Live Chat: 2 minutes 9 seconds
  • Response time via Email Support: 59 minutes 22 seconds

    Premium Support Call Numbers
  • Calls scheduled: 1049
  • Impromptu calls: 107
  • Total calls executed: 507
  • Average phone CSAT: 4.89/5

These two teams always align with our core value: “Craft Amazing Experiences” for our members!

Excellent Net Promoter Score

How do you know if you’re providing value and happiness to your members? How do you know if you’re failing? By using “Net Promoter Score”. It’s basically a question that asks how likely you are to recommend Carrot to a friend or colleague.

how to calculate NPS

With thousands of responses in 2021, the majority scored us 8-10… leaving us with an impressive NPS of 54%.

To put that into perspective

Image Source: Medium

NPS Scores range from -100 to 100. They vary based on industry and anything above 50 is considered as “Excellent”.

The Support team’s vision is “Putting customers at the heart of everything we do.

We’ll continue to go all out in 2022 to help make our members successful, excited, and happy… the way people expect companies to serve them in the future after they experience service the “Carrot Way”.

Hundreds of “Doses Of Awesomeness” From Our Members

Hearing amazing stories never gets old! We’re in business to change lives. So much that we have a dedicated #Awesomeness Slack channel.

Here are just a few examples of notes we get each and every day… not counting the hundreds that happen that we never hear about!

We Added 1,246 YouTube Subscribers and Accumulated Over 21.3K in Watch time hours!

2021 Youtube Totals:

Views:                          220,443
Likes vs dislikes:         97.4%
Watch time:                 21,360 hours
Shares:                        2.093
Impressions:                1,323,213
New subscribers:        1,246        
Videos published:       129

Our favorite videos of the year…

The Story of | About Us

1 Zip Code, 30 Days, 200 Leads | How to Optimize Your Digital Marketing for Maximum Conversions

$40k Profit Per Deal | The Power of Inbound Marketing w/ Beau Hollis | A Carrot Success Story

Two Carrot Team Retreats + Growing Our Team…

Carrot Team First Retreat 2016…

Carrot Team 2016

Carrot Team Retreat 2021!

Carrot Team Summer 2021

The Carrot team grew by 22 this year as we continue to innovate and be the leader in our industry. Our winter retreat again took virtually but we meet up for the summer retreat in beautiful Hood River, Oregon.

Retreats are a great way to pull back, celebrate wins, and deep dive into high-level planning for the future.

CarrotCamp (Spring and Fall 2021)

Since its inception in 2017, CarrotCamp has been a success for our members. It’s not just a workshop or seminar, nor is it a retreat.

CarrotCamp is designed to be more like an immersive experience. We deep dive into the campers’ world. We allocate time to unplug and get out of the office and into nature. It’s also time to work with the Carrot team to get massive things done to uplevel business. All the while building relationships with other high-level real estate entrepreneurs that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Thank you again 2021 CarrotCampers!

Spring 2021
Fall 2021

Be on the lookout for CarrotCamp 2022 Editions. Kicking off May 2022. Learn more about CarrotCamp.

We Lost One of Our Own…

Sadly, the Carrot team and the world lost a great person. Adrian Nez passed away in the fall. He is missed by many…

Headshot of Adrian Nez

We’re Grateful To Have You On This Journey With Us

How Was Your Year? 

How was your 2021? Let us know below in the comments section. The amazing, the fair, and the awful :-)

Also… want to fire up your 2022 and get momentum building?

These resources are the most shared and commented we’ve ever made. They can change your life…

Thank you for all you do and for inspiring us every day to do great things.

Chat with you in 2022!

Brendan Holmes

Brendan Holmes has been managing paid traffic accounts since 2013, overseeing more than $5 million in ad spend. As a seasoned content marketing and SEO expert at since 2015, Brendan helps real estate investors grow their online presence and generate high-quality leads. A seasoned content marketing and SEO expert at since 2015, Brendan works with Carrot and real estate investors to enhance their online presence and generate high-quality leads. His extensive digital marketing expertise, combined with in-depth industry knowledge, makes him a trusted resource for optimizing campaigns and driving results.

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