EP 274: Why You Might Need a #2 and How to Find One | Behind the Scenes at Carrot w/ Director of Operations Alex Zerbach

Leadership should not be transactionable, it should be transformationable.

– Alex Zerbach

Why You Might Need a #2 & How to Find One

I love having these in-studio sessions where we go behind the scenes of life here at Carrot. Alex Zerbach has been with us at Carrot since the beginning. From intern to office manager, to the director of operations, he has done it all.

Today, he’s my #2 guy, handling the day-to-day tasks, and helping turn the vision into a reality.

He thrives on the process, planning, and improving the overall function of the business. Without his consistent effort toward the greater good, we wouldn’t have been able to grow in the way we have. Find out if you are ready for a director of operations, where to find them, and the qualities you should be looking for. 

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As the founder of a growing company, I know how important it is to have a #2, a COO, an integrator who can take the visions of an entrepreneur and make them a reality.

Luckily for me, I have Alex. From intern to office manager, and now as the director of operations, he has done it all. This journey has helped us learn how to work together, communicate, and find synergy during periods of growth.  

Why You Need a #2 Guy

While a founder is often visionary, it will take a second person to take that vision and maximize it to its full potential. Founders can get in over their heads. Meeting, processes, planning, and communications can weigh you down fast.

Entrepreneurs often take too much on, get distracted by too many ideas, and will spread themselves too thin. I’ve found many entrepreneurs get stuck in a turn and burn cycle, in which they quit what they are doing to pursue something else.

After about 3 years, if you haven’t learned how to grow and scale your business, the excitement can wear off and you could be ready to find something new.

Having the right person by your side will help you grow instead of burning out. So how do you find the person that can help?

How Do You Find Them?

While you can post an ad for this person, someone you bring in from the outside may not share in your vision and drive. You can look to someone you already know to fill this role as long as they are coachable, eager, and passionate about what they are doing.

Alex didn’t start out as the director of operations, he came here as an intern. Through coaching and a dedication to improvement, he has quickly become my go-to guy. 

The person you want backing you up will be a unique breed. They should know how to get things done, have the vision to grow, yet not desire to be the center of attention. They are the behind-the-scenes guy who facilitates, produces, and gets the job done. They should remain calm under pressure, helping you to get the results you need. 

Communication, Delegation, and Boundaries

 Over the years, Alex and I have had to master how we communicate, not just with each other, but with the team. I’ve realized that I can’t force team members to share my interests and passions, while Alex has learned to manage his stress to become more accessible to the team.

Getting here wasn’t always easy, but we have found that by calling each other out, offering constructive criticism, and suggestions to facilitate growth, we have both become better people. 

We’ve learned how to delegate, let go, and trust others, who will often do the job faster and better than we ever could.  I’ve found that if I mention an idea in a meeting that I have worked out on my own, the team isn’t as excited about it as when they are a part of the planning process.

Today, when emailing, I include people from day one who need to be in the loop so they aren’t being brought up to speed at the last minute. Being able to listen and incorporate ideas from the team has helped us to grow exponentially. 

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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