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EP 251: Why The Best Time to Get Started in SEO is Yesterday | 3 Steps to Start SEO w/ Adrian Nez, SEO Series Part 1

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You’ve heard me say it before, but Carrot has changed my family tree.

– Adrian Nez

The Best Time to Get Started in SEO is Yesterday | 3 Steps to Get Started + Free Guide w/ Adrian Nez

Want to get more leads through SEO, but have no clue where to start? Over the next 4 episodes, we’re bringing on industry-leading SEO experts to teach you everything you need to do as an investor or agent to start bringing in more leads through the power of Search Engine Optimization for real estate. From getting started to advanced tactics & concepts.

Learn How to Rank #1. Watch the full Series:

Part 1: Why The Best Time to Get Started in SEO is Yesterday | 3 Steps to Start SEO

Part 2: The 5 Most Important & Most-Overlooked SEO Secrets for Real Estate You’ve Never Heard

Part 3: SEO for Multiple Markets

Part 4: 5 Backlink Building Pro Tips for Faster SEO Results

Three years ago, Adrian Nez was all set to continue his virtual deals and make the move to Columbus.

However, after a detour in Wilmington, he decided to become hyper-focused on the local market, building a brand, a website, and a reputation all from scratch. By following proven formulas, he has built his business in SEO, leading to excellent results. He never let the fear of others already being in his market get in the way of what he was setting out to do.

By being genuine, keeping it real with his clients, he has positioned himself as the real estate expert of Wilmington, NC. Here’s how he did it and how you can too… 

Read the Full Show Notes Below…

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I am crazy excited to share this episode of the Carrotcast with you all. Whenever Adrian and I get together, the creativity just flows and we find that we could end up chatting for hours. It’s so awesome to be able to share one of these great convos with you in Part 1 of our SEO series.

Today we are diving into Adrian’s background, how he’s utilized SEO to thrive in a crowded market, and what you can do to make it work for your business. 

Adrian’s Story

As many of you may know, Adrian has been a part of the Carrot family for quite some time. In fact, he was Carrot’s first customers, who has operated several websites, in several markets since signing up with us.

Today, Adrian leads our Tuesday Coaching Calls and has had 1000’s of calls with Carrot customers to provide his insight. We’re thrilled to announce that he’ll be taking on a new role with Carrot as the Official Real Estate Investor in Residence as of this quarter. We couldn’t be more grateful to have his insight, knowledge, and passion for helping, added to our team in a greater capacity.

For his investment business, Adrian focuses solely on SEO. He’s created proven strategies and formulas that simplify the entire SEO process. Here are 3 of the biggest takeaways from our talk. 

Google Changes… Concepts Don’t

We’re recording this in 2021 and while Google changes, the fundamentals don’t. When thinking about good SEO, it all comes down to what the search engines want to see. It’s not complicated.

They want to see that you are a credible, trustworthy business, that adds real value to people searching them out.

Adrian entered a highly competitive market just 3 years ago, and by being hyper-focused on his content and his brand, he’s shaped himself as the local real estate professional, vs. just another “we buy houses guy.”

What to Post and Where

SEO is more than just Google. It is Yelp, Amazon, Linked In, Airbnb, Facebook, and any other website that offers a search engine. How many times have you looked up a business on Facebook?

Or maybe someone you are working with on LinkedIn? As the real estate professional that you are, it is important that you provide, claim, and own all of the information about you on these sites.

Make sure your information is consistent and that you are listed in as many credible places as possible. Doing this will help your online reputation both with people and with Google. 

When to Share and How Deep You Should Go

For Adrian, being genuine and transparent with his audience has given him the most traction. This openness has helped him to change the perception of real estate buyers and put him in the good graces of agents, lawyers, and many others within the community.

It’s important to speak directly to your ideal customer, letting them know that you understand their problem and can offer a solution. Get to know your customers and become the resource they go to when they have questions. 

Consistency is key when it comes to posting. What is your perception of a business if you look them up on Facebook and their last post was two years ago? Now, what if the competition has added valuable content as recent as yesterday. Who are you more likely to contact first? 

Before You Start… 

Before you begin your journey into SEO, it is important to think about the business you want to have. You may hear these influencers out there talking about their 100 deals per year and it may sound exciting.

However, there is a whole lot of work and responsibility that goes into 100 deals a year. Do you want a big company or do you want a lifestyle business that gives you freedom? Once you figure out what you want, you can build the strategy to get you there. 

Mentioned in This Episode: 

We want to hear your thoughts on the podcast! Drop them in the comments section below or hit us up on Facebook or Instagram!

Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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