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Greg McKeown Effortless Interview

Ep 257: Effortless Essentialism | How Greg McKeown Trains Top Leaders to Get More Done by Trading Chaos for Calm

Greg McKeown is a best-selling author and speaker who works with businesses and individuals to help them find out what’s really important. His world-renowned book, Essentialism, has changed the way people prioritize their crazy lives. I don’t care whether you run a growing business or you’re raising a growing family at home… if you apply Greg’s concepts from Effortless & Essentialism, they will open your mind and fundamentally change your life. I couldn’t be happier to hear his insights & stories first hand. It’s sort of like a behind the scenes look at his writing process. By the way- warning: the interview gets pretty emotional towards the end. So please, listen in or keep reading to learn how to apply these wildly powerful ways of thinking in your life so you can do more of what makes the biggest impact and trade the chaos for calm.

Evan Holladay

EP 255: The Mission-Driven Strategy that Led to 1,347 Multifamily Units & $225 Million in Developments w/ Evan Holladay

In our 250+ episodes of the Carrot Cast, we have never talked about the world of affordable housing. This unique niche is not only a way to make money, but it is a way to provide assistance to the over 7 million Americans who lack adequate housing. Evan Holliday has an incredible business model that is empowering people and improving communities. Here’s how Evan is influencing change, building thousands of units, and creating over $225 million in developments… all at the ripe old age of 30.

SEO 4/4: 5 Backlink Building Pro Tips for Faster SEO Results

EP 254: 5 Backlink Building Pro Tips for Faster SEO Results w/ Keith Sant & Bryan Driscoll, SEO Series Part 4

Part four in our SEO series came from feedback we received from Carrot users who wanted to know exactly what to do if they were only putting in an hour a week on their sites. We brought in two of our favorite guests, Keith Sant and Bryan Driscoll, to dive into using valuable backlinks and creating consistent content for your website. (Pssstttt… it’s easy with our Advanced Marketer Plan.) So listen in or read on to find out how to get the most out of your website in just one hour a week!

SEO for multiple markets

EP 253: SEO for Multiple Markets w/ Bryan Driscoll & Adrian Nez, SEO Series Part 3

Part 3 of our SEO series is aimed at those who wish to rank in multiple markets. We’re sitting down with Bryan Driscoll and Adrian Nez (2 of our favorite SEO pros) to find out if you should set-up multiple websites, how to best optimize your homepage, how to ace your location pages, where to send your paid leads, and much, much more!
Put our SEO strategies to work for you! Get your copy of our SEO Bible here…