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EP 124: Max Maxwell + Tony Robinson Unplugged: The Struggles, Lessons, Failures, and Keys That Led to a Multi-million Dollar Real Estate Business w/ Trevor Mauch

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Max Maxwell + Tony Robinson: Lessons and Keys To A Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Business

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We had no advantages. We had ups and downs just like everybody else. I think that’s what you know a lot of people in this real estate game don’t show that other side of the downside and we stuggle everyday. I mean it’s not easy. Max Maxwell

What’s up CarrotCast community. It is the end of a week right now as at the time I record this. I’m actually getting ready to head out to North Carolina and Tampa on Sunday for my last, last, last trips of the year for business.

It’s been … It’s definitely been cramming a lot of stuff in this past month and a half, it’s been all amazing stuff. Just meeting a lot of amazing people. I’ve talked about it in recent episodes of the CarrotCast and different masterminds and high level. I’ve been in boardrooms with two multi-billion dollar companies, their CEOs, different masterminds with just amazing, amazing people.

Speaking of North Carolina, the guests I’ve gotten today’s episode of the CarrotCast, they were actually out here from their home in North Carolina. They were here at CarrotCamp and it’s actually Max Maxwell and Tony Robinson. Max and Tony had been friends for … Shoot for decades and are going way, way, way back.

I think everyone in the industry knows that Max has been kind of taking the industry by storm with his YouTube channels, podcasts, his Instagram following. He’s just building a big, big, big movement. And it’s cool. I love seeing what he’s doing because he’s just sharing what he’s doing as an investor. And originally the whole aim was hey, how can I get from $20K a month to $100,000 a month? And he passed that, and here at CarrotCamp, he’s talking about doing some amazing, amazing things. They’re already doing crazy, crazy great things.

Anyway, we had a chance to kind of, hole away at CarrotCamp in my office, I pulled them to the side and I said, guys, everybody knows Max’s journey from the past two years. Everybody knows how he was broke and how he dove in and started tackling real estate investing and really nailed cold calling and really nailed PPC with Carrot and is doing great. Everyone knows that story.

But, one thing that hasn’t been told is the backstory before that, what happened 10 years, 20 years prior. What happened with their relationship? How did they get to know each other? And how did they support each other through the ups, through the downs?

So we sat down for this candid interview going all the way back to when they were 12 years old and they met, and through the struggles, through a jail stint, through both of them going broke at times, but opposite times through Tony making millions and then losing it all and going to jail.

It’s just crazy, crazy things during the story, but the cool thing I want you to guys to notice is what made these guys who they are today.

People see the success of the past two years as instant, just overnight success, but it wasn’t. It was success decades in the making and I’m insanely proud to sit down with these guys, they’re making an impact, so proud to call them a Carrot customer, Carrot member, Carrot client, and I’m just pumped to be able to see them again and see the impact they’re going to make on more people.

So listen in to this candid conversation with myself, Max Maxwell and Tony Robinson, his business partner, as they discuss their journey and their path that led them to a multi-million dollar real estate business.

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The Struggles, Lessons, Failures, and Keys That Led to a Multi-million Dollar Real Estate Business

1:55 – Tony and Max’s backstory. How they came together and their relationship.
3:15 – Their high school years and how those years impacted their success.
6:00 – Trevor’s brief backstory about a period in his life when he was introverted.
7:40 –  Where Tony and Max ended up after high school. One to the NFL and the other to the Military. How they helped each other during this time and how it ties into their real estate business now.
16:40 – Failed businesses and following the entrepreneurial spirit. Their route to real estate.
21:15 – The ups and downs of 2016 and starting the wholesaling business.
25:00 – Stop trying to duplicate what “gurus” are doing.
26:35 – How Max started creating a YouTube and Instagram following and starting their first meet up.
28:50 – How their business is shaping out to be in 2018.
30:10 – How they get over the fear of having a partnership while being best friends.


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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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