Real Estate Testimonial Tips & Examples for 2025

“The only way to build authority is through content.” If you’re serious about generating leads, real estate testimonials can be a key content element because they are unbiased comments that prompt visitors to give you their contact information. × × See How Carrot Works How many deals are you losing to your competitor’s website? See How Carrot Works A QUICK STUDY ON THE POWER OF PERSONALIZATION Key takeaway: 123% increase in leads for sites with personalization. We compared a batch of our CSU member’s motivated seller sites over 6 months to see the difference in the lead count. Now, there are, of course, other factors that play into site conversion. It’s also a great reminder that great-looking sites still need the personalization element to round out. We compared member sites WITHOUT personalization on the homepage (no testimonials, photos of the member, etc.) and homepages CONTAINING testimonials (1-3) and a personal photo in the about section. The result?  PROOF: 123% increase in leads for sites with personalization! Our most engaged members create the most content and get the most leads. Using real estate testimonials on your site in text or video, you introduce content that will authoritatively promote your business. You should be using real estate testimonials to help establish credibility and authority. Quality testimonials increase conversions because they aren’t looked upon as sales pitches. If they come across in an unbiased voice, they will build trust. You’re using real people to show success in your service. In the end, your testimonials will convert more visitors into buyers and sellers if you use them correctly. According to a study… “Testimonials and case studies are considered the most effective content marketing tactics.” In short, in a crowded market like today, great testimonials for real estate agents and investors formatted correctly can boost your leads and deals. They help add credibility to an untrusting world. Additionally, as those values go vertical, many aspiring wholesalers start flipping houses, making for increasingly saturated online spaces. But before panic sets in, breathe. It’s not as bad as it sounds… well, but it’s also an opportunity. It’s a chance to flex your real estate muscles, to stand head and shoulders above that semi-debilitating clutter, to be the solution rather than contribute to the problem. What I will teach you will apply whether you’re an investor, buyer, seller, or agent. I will teach you how to build credibility by leveraging testimonials that shine. Let’s dive in! What is a Real Estate Testimonial? A real estate testimonial relays a story from a current to a potential client. The shorter, the better (unless you sacrifice quality). You don’t want an hour-long testimonial. When a client has a great experience, let them share it. Get real testimonials. Potential clients experience shopping anxiety — you know, that feeling before buying something that says, “It costs too much. It’s not good enough. How do you know it’s what you want?” — and testimonials are one way of shooting down this discouraging devil. The testimonial says, “Other people have worked with this company and had a good experience. I probably will, too.” Here are some examples from one of our member sites: Why are high-quality testimonials such a big deal? If used correctly, testimonials for real estate agents and investors are important for website visitors (and your conversion rate). They can… Consider that 88% of consumers claim that they read at least 10 reviews before deciding whether they can trust a company or not (and they have to trust you if they’re going to work with you) or that 88% of people trust online testimonials … Continued

30 Real Estate Agent Marketing Ideas to Win More Deals in 2025

You’ll agree that sifting through endless real estate agent marketing ideas is challenging. It’s tough to determine which tactics will generate the highest volume of quality leads while keeping your sanity. When people think of buying or selling a home, you want them to think of your name. You want them to give you a call. And you want them to work with YOU. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Many other real estate agents in the area are fighting for the same attention. Fortunately, you don’t have to win all the attention to dominate your market – just most of it. And the best part is… You don’t even have to leave your computer to get started. 30 Real Estate Agent Marketing Ideas to Win More Deals I will show 30 real estate agent marketing ideas for dominating your online market in this article. 1. Market Yourself on Instagram Instagram is an incredible place to share your listings and get noticed! For real estate agents, Instagram provides a whole new world of opportunity. With over one billion monthly active users on the platform, there’s no better time than now for you to join in with all these people looking at beautiful pictures daily. Whether showcasing properties or providing helpful content like tips for staging homes, something here is suited ideally for you! Learn more: 2. Create a Professional Website Why does a real estate agent need a website? Most real estate agents become a part of the online “clutter” in their markets when they toss up a website that gets lost in the shuffle. Building a focused and optimized website will help you cut through that clutter with content marketing and adding your industry expertise. A website will attract more of your favorite clients by using it as an Evergreen Marketing tool. You can reduce or eliminate relying on cold calling, direct mail, Zillow, and the marketing that’s burning you out when done right. Having a website will also… Learn more: 3. Use Facebook Live Videos Facebook’s LIVE video feature is useful for more than recording your kid’s birthday party. You can also use it to do a LIVE walkthrough of house listings you’re trying to get attention for. After all, one of the most time-consuming parts of your day is house showings, so why not show a house to your entire Facebook audience with a single LIVE video? Plus, 70% of homeowners want to list with a real estate agent who does some video marketing to sell their home. This might be your dead-simple, don’t-have-to-hire-a-professional way of integrating video marketing into your service. Just create a healthy cadence and get in front of your social media audience more regularly. The more people see your face online and hear you talk about their problems and your solutions, the more familiar your market will be with you. Video is increasingly important in content marketing for social media. More people are choosing to consume information through video. Here are some ideas for Facebook live videos to work into your real estate marketing: Learn more: 4. Post on Social Media Why do real estate agents need social media? According to the National Association of Realtors, social media has become a significant way to acquire clients and close deals. Here’s a snapshot of their report: It’s powerful. Perhaps there’s no better way to generate consistent word of mouth around your brand name and service than by staying in front of your audience. Posting on social media consistently allows you to stay in front of your audience without leaving your desk chair’s comfort. Where to post: What you … Continued

EP 269: Negotiation Mastery #3: 9 Magic Negotiation Phrases Guaranteed to Turn Sellers into Your BFFs w/ Creative Finance Junky, Pace Morby

I challenge you to find anyone who gives more in this industry than Pace Morby. His energy, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn something from every transaction have helped propel his investing career in a highly competitive market. In part 3 of our series on negotiation, I sat down with Pace to talk about how he connects with clients to win more deals, even when he isn’t paying the highest price. You’ll learn what to say, what to ask, and how to show credibility even if you’ve never done a single deal.

10 Proven Techniques to Create High-Converting PPC Ads for Motivated Sellers

When it comes to real estate investor PPC for motivated sellers campaigns, there tends to be a lot of emphasis on the quality and content of landing pages to increase conversions. × × Ready To Get More Leads & Close Your Next Deal? Take Your Business To The Next Level Join the next Challenge Your landing page is crucial, but to motivate sellers to visit it, you must first persuade them to click on your ad. The best landing page will do little good if a seller doesn’t see it.  So, how do you make your Google PPC ads stand out from the rest of the clutter on a Google search result page?  Based on the analysis of over 50 Google Ads accounts, we identified the top 10 commonalities with the highest click-through and conversion rates. Here’s a real example of a high click-through (17.39%) converting motivated seller ad (37.50%)… After their Google search, that little ad has two to three seconds to grab the house seller’s attention. You get a small headline and a very short amount of copy to convince the seller your site is worth visiting… and that you can solve their problem. The better your ads perform, the more clicks you’ll get. The Top 3 Google PPC Ads Get 2-6% click-through rates. Whereas ads 4 and below average 1-2% On A Google Search Result Page 10 Techniques for Creating High Converting Motivated Sellers PPC Ads You want to make your ads leap off the page and pull the viewer in. (Like this Carrot member did in his ads) As quickly as possible, you need first to grab their eye; second, show them that you can likely help them, and relay a sense of credibility through the ad to make them feel great about clicking the ad to learn more. Since you only have a few lines and seconds to relay all that, your ad headline and copy need to trigger an instant response. Give motivated sellers a reason to click.  Here are some practical and ethical triggers I use when creating PPC Ads for Real Estate Investors. These triggers have helped to yield an average 5% click-through rate and an 18.2% visitor-to-lead conversion rate across Carrot PPC accounts that I manage. Use this article and our “20 Steps to Optimize Your Google PPC Campaigns” and “How to Tell If My Real Estate PPC Campaign Is Working – Setting Up Conversion Tracking” posts to hone your campaigns. 1. Ask a Question: People naturally interact with questions. Often that sense of curiosity piques our interest, and it creates an “open loop” in our minds to want to find the answer to that question. When asking a question in your ad headline, you’re triggering this curiosity and making your ad appeal to them personally. Here are a couple of ad headline examples where I used a question: Other examples of questions you can pose are… You get the idea. Get creative. 2. If Possible, Use Humor: Sometimes, this is a little harder in the real estate market. People like to laugh. If your ad headline makes them chuckle, they associate your ad with positive emotion. This creates a more receptive message. A way to do that may be… “Is Your House A Total Beater?”Sell As-Is. We’ll Pay For RepairsGet A Fair Cash Offer 3. Add Credibility Call out a BBB rating or how long you’ve been in business. Increased credibility equals increased persuasiveness of the ad overall and strengthens your brand’s quality. This can lead to a higher click-through rate. 4. Go Regional: Depending on your campaign’s demographics, using regional triggers … Continued

[Backed By Data] What is a Good Conversion Rate for Your Real Estate Investing Website?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “conversion rate” tossed around quite a bit over the years. And that can be a great thing if you’re testing your conversion rates… but not so good if it’s inaccurate and you follow the next “guru” advice blindly without running your tests (or for Carrot members, we do this for them). Carrot is one of the leading real estate website platforms. We are confident that our members generate 60,000+ leads per month through our platform and nearly 1.7 million sessions each month because we have such an extensive data set available to us from which to conclude. So first… let’s dive into the basics of conversion rate (specifically for a real estate investor website). Then we’ll dive into why it’s important, how to do it right, and give you a few resources we use to improve our conversion rates. What Is Conversion Rate? The “conversion rate” on your website is simply the ratio between the number of people who land on your website vs. the number of people who “convert” on your website to become a lead. That could be a cash buyer lead, motivated seller, tenant, or private lender. The “conversion rate” is pretty simple to calculate. If you have 100 visitors to that page and 15 of them put in their info on that page and opt-in as a lead for you, that is a 15% conversion rate. In other words, it’s… Conversion rate percentage = (Number of people who converted on your website / Number of visitors to your website) x 100 At Carrot, we’re constantly testing our customer’s websites to see what converts visitors best. A Test In Progress On A Carrot Members Website: This is a shot from an actual test we’re running on a motivated seller website. How Do You Find Out The Conversion Rate? There are a few ways to determine your website’s conversion rate. The easiest and most accurate is using a software tool… like the one we use… (about $49/month and easy to use). You have to get a bit of code from the software, put it on your website (really easy to do inside a Carrot account – hit up our support if you need help), and then set up the test in the software. Let the traffic come in; it’ll tell you how many people convert as a lead. It may take you a few hours your first time to set up a test, and unless you’re getting 100 visitors to your website each month, it’s probably not worth setting up a test (it would take many, many months to come up with any real info because your traffic is so low). If you’re on a budget and are not a tech person, you can count the number of leads you had in a specific period — then look up the # of visitors in that period on your analytics and divide the two. *Or, if you’re a Carrot member… and you’re getting over 500 visitors a month to your site and 15+ leads a month, we’ll do your conversion rate and optimization testing for you! Just let us know through support.  What Is A Good Conversion Rate For A Real Estate Investors Website? One of the biggest misconceptions we hear all the time (and I once thought the same thing) about conversion rates from our members… is that there is a “normal” conversion rate for a website in our industry. I wish there were. But in reality… there are so many factors that can affect how many people convert on your website into a … Continued

15 Real Estate Direct Mail Tips from Experts | Find Out How to Effectively Use Direct Mail in Your Marketing Campaigns

Real estate direct mail marketing is one of the most tried and true methods for investors and agents to generate leads and find deals. Unfortunately, some mail ends up in the trash without a second look.Mailboxes have become so overcrowded that unopened envelopes get pushed to the side. × × Join Our 30 Day Authority Building Challenge: Dominate your market, build a consistent and predictable lead flow, and earn more income. Join the Challenge The average mailbox is packed with junk mail, bills, and other correspondence from various sources telling you about deals or offering their services. It can be easy for an envelope containing information on real estate opportunities to land in one corner, forgotten amongst all this noise – which means missing out on potential leads! Your only chance of sending successful direct mail is to target the right audience at the right time with the right message.How? Let’s not waste any more time. Here are 15 tips for getting the most out of your real estate direct mail campaign. Table of Contents 15 Real Estate Direct Mail Tips from Industry Experts Tip 1: Define Your Target Audience Importance of Defining Target Audience: Defining your target audience is the foundation of any successful marketing campaign, including real estate direct mail. Understanding who your ideal recipients are allows you to tailor your messaging and design to resonate with them. By targeting the right audience, you can increase the effectiveness of your direct mail efforts and maximize your return on investment. Advice on Identifying and Segmenting Target Demographics: Conducting thorough research and analysis is crucial to define your target real estate direct mail audience effectively. Start by examining your current customer base and identifying common characteristics, such as demographics (age, income, location), behaviors, and preferences. Additionally, consider the specific properties or services you offer and the unique needs of your target market. Once you understand your audience, segment them into distinct groups based on relevant criteria. This segmentation allows you to create personalized messaging and offers that speak directly to the needs and interests of each segment. Utilize data analytics tools and CRM systems to track and analyze customer interactions, preferences, and feedback, further refining your targeting strategy. By defining your target audience and segmenting them effectively, you can ensure that your real estate direct mail campaigns reach the right people with the right message, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Tip 2: Craft Compelling Messaging Creating Engaging Content for Direct Mail: In real estate direct mail, the content you deliver to your audience is paramount. Your messaging serves as the primary vehicle for communicating your value proposition, highlighting property features, and ultimately convincing recipients to take action. Engaging content captures attention, sparks interest, and drives desired behaviors, making it a critical component of any successful direct mail campaign. Tips on Writing Effective Copy and Headlines: When crafting messaging for your real estate direct mailers, it’s essential to focus on clarity, relevance, and persuasion. Here are some expert tips to help you write compelling copy and headlines: By following these expert tips and techniques, you can create compelling messaging that resonates with your audience, drives engagement, and ultimately leads to successful real estate direct mail campaigns. Tip 3: Use Eye-Catching Design The Role of Design in Direct Mail Success: In real estate direct mail, design captures recipients’ attention and conveys your message effectively. Your mailers’ visual appeal can significantly impact their effectiveness and determine whether they are opened, read, and acted upon. A well-designed direct mail piece grabs attention and communicates professionalism, credibility, and value, instilling confidence in your … Continued

Real Estate Video Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For Agents

Video has completely taken over the internet. According to MechDope, there are 3.25 billion hours of video watched on YouTube each month. Video content is the most engaging and easily consumable form of content and can be very beneficial for building your credibility and brand within your market when used correctly.  × × Featured Resource: Our Free Video Marketing Playbook For Investors And Agents! Download for Free In a world with smartphones, Facebook Live, GIF-, Vine-, and Boomerang-creation tools, the territory belongs to anyone who will claim it. And that includes real estate agents. As Hubspot reports, “90% of users say that product videos are helpful in the decision process.” And real estate is all about helping people make BIG decisions. As part of your agent content strategy, we’re going to cover 12 real estate video marketing ideas that you can easily replicate, no matter where you stand in your real estate journey. The examples we provide are far from mediocre, but don’t let their quality of them discourage you. You simply need to have videos that are high-quality for the stage you are currently at. The worst thing you can do is allow perfectionism to get in the way of producing content. Rather than use the examples as a standard by which to measure yourself, use them as a guide for inspiration, allowing technique, idea, and cadence to inform your own videos. The Real Estate Agent’s Video Marketing Playbook Attract your most motivated prospects in under 20 minutes a week, no gear or tech expertise is required. Includes Free Scripts & 52 Ideas What is Real Estate Video Marketing? In real estate, video marketing is the process of creating video content for the purpose of building brand awareness, generating leads, getting listings, and helping homebuyers. Video is currently the most popular form of content on the internet — and by executing a consistent video content marketing plan, real estate agents can rise head and shoulders above their competitors. How to Create a Real Estate Video Marketing Plan Soon we’ll give you 12 ideas for creating video content (with examples). But before we get into that, let’s talk about how you can create and execute a video marketing plan that works. Follow these five steps and you’ll be on your way to building more authority in you market. Step 1. Choose Your Platform There are a lot of different video content platforms. YouTube is the most popular, but video content runs rampant on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. And while you might publish your videos to all of those platforms, it’s still best to focus on just one. Which platform will be your main platform? It doesn’t matter which one you choose. But once you make a decision, you’ll want to optimize your content for that platform. If you’re doing TikTok videos, make them short and sweet. If you’re doing YouTube videos, create longer-form content that is still valuable but also entertaining. Step 2. Create Your Calendar Creating videos can be time-consuming. And if you’re not careful, it can quickly become overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to have a content calendar. This will help you batch your content creation so that you’re not trying to film, edit, and publish a video daily. Your calendar doesn’t have to be fancy. A simple Google Calendar will work just fine. Make sure you stick to the calendar you create. But if you miss a day, don’t try to make up for it by filming two videos the next day. This will only lead to burnout. Set aside days for creating lots of content and then schedule that content … Continued