Real Estate Testimonial Tips & Examples for 2025
“The only way to build authority is through content.” If you’re serious about generating leads, real estate testimonials can be a key content element because they are unbiased comments that prompt visitors to give you their contact information. × × See How Carrot Works How many deals are you losing to your competitor’s website? See How Carrot Works A QUICK STUDY ON THE POWER OF PERSONALIZATION Key takeaway: 123% increase in leads for sites with personalization. We compared a batch of our CSU member’s motivated seller sites over 6 months to see the difference in the lead count. Now, there are, of course, other factors that play into site conversion. It’s also a great reminder that great-looking sites still need the personalization element to round out. We compared member sites WITHOUT personalization on the homepage (no testimonials, photos of the member, etc.) and homepages CONTAINING testimonials (1-3) and a personal photo in the about section. The result? PROOF: 123% increase in leads for sites with personalization! Our most engaged members create the most content and get the most leads. Using real estate testimonials on your site in text or video, you introduce content that will authoritatively promote your business. You should be using real estate testimonials to help establish credibility and authority. Quality testimonials increase conversions because they aren’t looked upon as sales pitches. If they come across in an unbiased voice, they will build trust. You’re using real people to show success in your service. In the end, your testimonials will convert more visitors into buyers and sellers if you use them correctly. According to a study… “Testimonials and case studies are considered the most effective content marketing tactics.” In short, in a crowded market like today, great testimonials for real estate agents and investors formatted correctly can boost your leads and deals. They help add credibility to an untrusting world. Additionally, as those values go vertical, many aspiring wholesalers start flipping houses, making for increasingly saturated online spaces. But before panic sets in, breathe. It’s not as bad as it sounds… well, but it’s also an opportunity. It’s a chance to flex your real estate muscles, to stand head and shoulders above that semi-debilitating clutter, to be the solution rather than contribute to the problem. What I will teach you will apply whether you’re an investor, buyer, seller, or agent. I will teach you how to build credibility by leveraging testimonials that shine. Let’s dive in! What is a Real Estate Testimonial? A real estate testimonial relays a story from a current to a potential client. The shorter, the better (unless you sacrifice quality). You don’t want an hour-long testimonial. When a client has a great experience, let them share it. Get real testimonials. Potential clients experience shopping anxiety — you know, that feeling before buying something that says, “It costs too much. It’s not good enough. How do you know it’s what you want?” — and testimonials are one way of shooting down this discouraging devil. The testimonial says, “Other people have worked with this company and had a good experience. I probably will, too.” Here are some examples from one of our member sites: Why are high-quality testimonials such a big deal? If used correctly, testimonials for real estate agents and investors are important for website visitors (and your conversion rate). They can… Consider that 88% of consumers claim that they read at least 10 reviews before deciding whether they can trust a company or not (and they have to trust you if they’re going to work with you) or that 88% of people trust online testimonials … Continued