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EP 104: Do You Struggle With True Happiness? A Simple Hack To Go STRAIGHT To Increased Happiness

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Do You Struggle With True Happiness? A Simple Hack To Go STRAIGHT To Happiness

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Don’t get into the “if/then” complex. If I achieve this, when this happens then I will be happy. Be happy today. Trevor Mauch

On this episode of the CarrotCast, I’m going to talk about ambitions, happiness, and some lessons I’ve learned that can help you take a shortcut to happiness.

All the hard work, all the time, and energy that goes into making money and achievement can leave you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.

This something a lot of high achieving entrepreneurs struggle with. They struggle with being content. And probably struggle with happiness on a daily basis.

Many of us fall into the “if / then” complex and that only becomes a life-draining cycle that is hard to break from.

Here is a simple hack to go STRAIGHT to true happiness.


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What Are Your Essential Keys to True Happiness? Listen to this Episode of the CarrotCast to Gain Some Insight Into Falling Into the “If/Then” Complex and How to Avoid It.

2:10 – What is the “if/then” complex? What Trevor learned during an event called Awesomeness Fest about 8 years ago.
6:45 – How to change your life and happiness by simply writing letters of gratitude.
11:10 – How real estate professional and CarrotCamper, David Wolf, uses letters of gratitude to connect with people and spread joy.

David Wolf’s Gratitude Card. Increasing Happiness!

14:55 – Where does extra happiness come from?
17:30 – [Action Item] Buy some postcards and write gratitude note for the next 10-days. #dailygratitude.
20:10 – Revisiting the “if/then” trap. How to pull out of that state of mind.


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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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