EP 166: [GREATEST HITS] After 20 Years Tyler Was Going To Give Up Real Estate Until He Made These 3 Changes w/ Tyler Ford

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After 20 Years Tyler Was Going To Give Up Real Estate Until He Made These 3 Changes w/ Tyler Ford

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Long story short, I had my main guy that had worked with for ten years, did all of my rehabs, totally trusted him. I was getting ready to go out of town and he was going to be finished with this job before I got back and I prepaid him and also loaded up a Home Depot card. I can home and no work was done and he was nowhere to be found. Tyler Ford

I’m crazy excited about this CarrotCast guest. Let me introduce you to Tyler Ford because his story is exactly why we do what do here at Carrot.

People ask us why we do what we do. It’s not for the lead generation side of things.

That’s what we do.

That’s how we help our clients crush it and grow predictable, consistent, profitable businesses. They finally have freedom, flexibility, finances, and can make an impact. That’s why we do it. That’s what we do.

Why we do it is exactly Tyler’s story. He’s gonna walk through how he was … he’s been in real estate for 20 years, and he was about to give up his entire business January of 2017, and he made one change that he’s gonna be talking about on the episode of the CarrotCast that made the years to his real estate career he’s ever had, the happiest he’s ever been in his business, and he’s also growing.

It’s still just him and his wife flipping but he’s growing his agent business and he’s insanely happy. He’s gaining momentum, and every one of us wants momentum.

As entrepreneurs, momentum is so, so important. When you don’t have it, you can feel it. You’re down, you’re out, you’re getting stressed, you’re tired. You just don’t feel like you’re doing the right things. When you have it, nothing can go wrong and that’s where Tyler is right now.

So, if you guys wanna know how he unlocked that momentum, and how he went from almost giving up his 20-year real estate business January of 2017 to now, completely shifted, happy, most profitable as ever, he’s gonna tell you.

But first, he mentions a couple episodes of the CarrotCast in here that changed his life, and some of these things were some of those pivotal points for him that changed his mindset, that got him thinking in a different way.

So, key into those podcast episodes.

One of them is my Five Non-Negotiables episode. We’ve actually done this one twice, go back in the archives in iTunes or on CarrotCast.com. Find the one about my five non-negotiables.

That one changed my life and Tyler mentioned it changed his life as well.

There are a couple of other resources there, too. I want you to go to carrot.com/Tyler and you’re gonna be able to go to this episode if you’re listening to it on iTunes or watching it on YouTube, and you’re gonna be able to download Tyler’s SEO strategy for real estate investors that he developed in conjunction with our formula during 2017 that helped him get that momentum.

So, this is basically a process of formula that you can follow if you’re in a spot in your business to where you’re not having as much fun as you wanna have or it’s not as profitable as you wanna have it.

Without further ado, let’s welcome in Tyler Ford.

Also, go to the CarrotCast on iTunes and give us a rating and review. And, be sure to let us know how we’re doing. We appreciated your feedback!

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Whether you are just starting in the real estate industry or you are looking to scale your business, having a plan of attack is vital. Our strategy guide will walk you through the best way to crush your content marketing goals.

You might even be thinking about giving up, or you don’t have the momentum. The SEO strategy for real estate investors Tyler walks through is exactly how you can get it!

1:30 – Find out what Tyler’s current business structure looks like and why his eliminated rehabs.
2:50 – This is the best business start of a year. How that has unfolded and how Carrot has been able to help.
7:45 – Why Tyler gets excited about wholesaling and what strategy has worked for him.
9:50 – Diving into his online presence before Carrot.
12:40 – What his online profile looks like now. Optimizing with Carrot made a huge, positive, impact on his lead generation.
15:20 – Touching on numbers. 80% of his SEO leads are high quality and motivated. What his lead to close ratio is and his revenue goals for 2018.
18:00 – Breaking down his SEO strategy for real estate investors. Find out how he’s dominating his competitive market.

Download Tyler’s Free SEO strategy for Real Estate e-Book!

21:00 – How to build long-term, online lead generation momentum.
23:40 – Grab some SEO tips. How to capture new SEO rankings.
28:50 – What you need to know to rank SEO faster when launching a second website in a new market.
30:25 – Agent vs. Investor. Which hat Tyler prefers to wear and why.
33:50 – Massive Mental Note: The importance of being transparent when being both a real estate agent as well as an investor.
36:40 – What is next for Tyler Ford? Where he wants to take his real estate business. Moving towards income-producing assets.
38:00 – What is Tyler absorbing right now to better his life. Books and podcasts.
41:00 – Making the switch to Carrot. What Tyler has to say about the positive transition he has made. His advice he would give someone who is considering Carrot for their online lead generation.

Make sure you subscribe to get the CarrotCast each week!

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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