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Seo Secrets Bryan Driscoll

EP 252: The 5 Most Important & Most-Overlooked SEO Secrets for Real Estate You’ve Never Heard of w/ Bryan Driscoll, SEO Series Part 2

SEO is a topic that can seem overwhelming for some of our members who simply want to close deals and not work on the details of their website. However, as you’ll discover in our latest episode of the CarrotCast, with these simple, effective, and often overlooked strategies, you’ll be able to achieve higher rankings faster than you may think. Higher rankings lead to more clicks, more clicks generate more leads, and more leads mean more conversions. Here are 5 incredible SEO secrets from our friend, client, and professional marketer, Bryan Driscoll.

Matt Slowik

EP 249: The 6 Biggest Real Estate Investing Hacks to Implement From Listening to 255 CarrotCasts w/ Part-Time Investor Matt Slowik

Matt Slowik has always been interested in real estate, but he is just now taking it up a notch by launching his business and his Carrot site. Last year, he stumbled upon the Carrotcast, listening to 255 episodes last year alone! Currently, he is working on his Master’s Degree and is employed full-time as a safety compliance officer. That said, he was probably our top listener in 2020. Last year alone, he listened to over 250 episodes, which equated to about 10,555 minutes! I know what my favorite episodes are, but we felt there was tremendous value in seeing which episodes resonated most with a newer investor. Today we are chatting with Matt to learn about his business, what he’s learned, and how he balances his busy lifestyle!

Carter Crowley Podcast

EP 248: How Credibility and the Right Partnership Led to 38 Transactions in 2020 w/ Carter Crowley

The importance of the agent investor/relationship is something we’ve been talking about for a while now here at Carrot. We’ve often said that in the future, agents will need to invest, and investors should be licensed in order to better serve their leads. Well, the future is now. Now, more than ever, people are looking for ways to sell their homes. With the rise of iBuyers, people are looking to other sources when they are thinking about putting their home on the market. The agent or investor who is able to offer multiple solutions, is going to be able to complete more actions and help more people. Here’s how Carter Crawley is doing it.

EP 247: How to Balance Being a Real Estate Agent and Investor While Keeping Your Marriage, Faith, and Family Intact w/ Eric Sztanyo

With so many people out there bragging about their wealth, lifestyle, and real estate conquests, it can be difficult as a new investor or agent to find your place. So often, people see what others are doing and feel that they need to do that too. But luckily, there are many ways to get where you want to be in the real estate business. You can do things your way, without having to compromise your family, lifestyle, or moral compass. Today, Eric is going to share with us how he has built his business from the ground up, always keeping his great, great, grandson in mind.