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Rod Khleif

EP 358: Goal Setting on Steroids: How Rod Khleif Lost & Recovered $50,000,000 & His 3 Mindset Hacks for Success

Rod Khlief immigrated to Denver when he was very young and was raised by a single mother. He was bullied for his wooden shoes, teased at school, and held onto all sorts of limiting beliefs. What got him through it all was his incredible mindset and desire for something more. Today you are going to learn how his way of thinking helped him recover after a $50 million dollar loss, and how getting clear on his goals has brought him true fulfillment, happiness, and success.

Income Streams

EP 264: 7 “Bolt-On” Income Streams from Brokerages to Bitcoin as an Agent or Investor w/ California’s Fastest-Growing Brokerage Cofounder, Oliver Graf

Cofounder of Big Block Realty, Oliver Graf, has quickly helped to start and grow one of the top brokerages in the United States. Their “gym-membership” approach has shaken up the industry and attracted some of the area’s top agents to their team. Here’s how Oliver and his team have gotten creative to become San Diego’s top brokerage, while also generating multiple streams of income. Plus a special conversation in which Trevor and Oliver discuss his strategy for Cryptocurrency. Whether you are an agent, investor, or entrepreneur, Oliver Graf is a guy you want to know…


EP 263: Agents & Hybrids: How to Get Better Seller Leads through Messaging & Brand-Building w/ Kiley Newbold & JT Rose – Facebook Ads Mastery Part 4

Welcome to our forth and final installment of our Facebook ads mastery series. Today, we are talking about bringing in high-quality seller leads, buyer leads, building authority with your content, messaging for hybrid agents, and what to do if your ad is disapproved. We are once again sitting down with Kiley and JT of Silverstreet Marketing, focusing more on agents and hybrid investor/agents. However, the principles discussed apply to any sort of business, even those not related to real estate.