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EP 105: How I 10x’d My Income And Found My Purpose With This 15 Minutes Per Quarter “Energy Audit”

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How I 10x'd My Income And Found My Purpose With This 15 Minute Per Quarter "Energy Audit"

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What can I do this quarter to work towards my unique abilities? Things that give me more energy when I’m done doing them than when I started and also so I can really unleash myself in this world by being more energized in the work that I do. I love to encourage other people. I love to do get them to do that work that energizes them. This process can change your life. Trevor Mauch

*Originally Aired on Two-Brain Podcast

I was recently in Toronto at a Mastermind where one of the exercises was the 10-minute tactic, which is to come up with a framework and my 10-minute tactic was actually the winner. But, I had sorta a head start.

I’ve been using a similar framework within my quarterly tasks that I call the “energy audit”.

This framework only takes about 15 minutes per quarter to fill out, but it has taken me from doing things that sucked 75% of my energy to the exact opposite. I now spend somewhere near 75 or 80% doing things that give me energy and happiness.

These are the tasks that are built around your unique abilities and build up your happiness and income.

I was recently a guest on a podcast called the Two-Brain Podcast with Chris Cooper. Chris is the go-to business mentor for gym owners and more specific, Cross-Fit.

On this episode, Chris and I discuss the “energy audit” and how to fully take advantage of frameworks that can have a major positive impact on your life and business.


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How I 10x’d My Income And Found My Purpose With This 15 Minutes Per Quarter “Energy Audit”

3:05 – How Trevor became an entrepreneur.
6:50 – How to find your unique ability is that gives you the most energy.
11:00 – Using the energy audit.
15:40 – The mindset behind outsourcing energy draining work.
19:00 – Declutter. Take a look at what roles you could be outsourcing first?
23:25 – How to overcome the negative thoughts about outsourcing your work.

Check out the Two-Brain Business


  • Overworked And Struggling To Delegate Tasks? Listen To This… w/ Trevor Mauch: CarrotCast
  • How 5 Non-Negotiables for Business (and Life) Made Me A Better Entrepreneur w/ Trevor Mauch and Ed Gandia: CarrotCast
  • What I Told 53 Local Entrepreneurs About Life, Success, and Happiness w/ Trevor Mauch: CarrotCast


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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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