EP 80: Overworked And Struggling To Delegate Tasks? Listen To This… w/ Trevor Mauch

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Overworked And Struggling To Delegate? Listen To This… w/ Trevor Mauch

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Unleash your in your business so your business can be a vehicle for you to make the impact you want to make. So your business can be the vehicle for you to achieve the life and lifestyle you want. And, so you can inspire other around you to do the same – Trevor Mauch

88 deals this year. But … feeling lost and overworked rather than excited and full of energy. That was part of an email I received the other day from one of our Carrot clients.

We often look at our revenue as “mine” rather than a tool to build a business. That is where we fail at building the freedom and flexibility within our finances.

On this episode of the CarrotCast, I want to unleash you in your business so your business can be a vehicle for you to make the impact you want to make.  So your business is the vehicle for you to live the lifestyle that you want. And, inspire others around you to do the same.

How is this possible? Find out.

Listen to other episodes at carrotcast.com and be sure to give us a rating and subscribe to iTunes.

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Challenge yourself to let go of delegating tasks and allow yourself to build a team of leaders.

1:35 – Quite moments of desperation. Rethinking delegation.
3:45 – Shifting your mindset from “revenue as mine vs. revenue as a tool to build a business.”
6:15 – Why Trevor built Carrot … Unleash your business to be a vehicle for your passions.
7:25 – What Trevor did 6 years ago and he has hired a personal assistant and into the mindset of delegating.
9:45 – What might happen if you “micro-manage” your delegating rather than letting go of some control.
12:45 – Don’t make these two mistakes when empowering people.
15:10 – A couple of changes made to Trevor’s approach to delegating:

  • #1 Plan your goals with your team.
  • #2 Don’t delegate tasks.

17:00 – Start building leaders to be bigger parts of your business. Let them flap their wings.
19:15 – Think … “What are the things you need to do to start delegating right now?”
20:05 – DO THIS … If you feel like you’re burnt out by working on this that drain your energy … try the Carrot Energy Audit. The audit will help you visually see what is killing your happiness and energy in life and in work. Change it NOW!

Download The Worksheet

24:00 – Take a leap and hire a personal assistant. Need a push? Listen to “10x Your Productivity And Income – My Formula For Hiring A Personal Assistant w/ Trevor Mauch + Adrian Nez
26:45 – Cast a vision — Don’t be a task manager.

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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