5 Signs You’re Likely To Fail As A Real Estate Investor And Entrepreneur
Let me start with a hard question: “Are you a real real estate investor or a fake?” Wait. Don’t answer that. The truth is… time will tell. Unfortunately, time — as it relates to real estate investing — is pretty harsh. Most real estate investors get chewed up and spit out before they even know what hit ‘em. Upwards of 87% according to some estimates. But it’s not just real estate wholesalers and flippers. It’s been published that 96% of businesses go out of business within the first 10 years, and over half fold up their tent by the end of the first year. But that number is even high for real estate wholesalers and flippers… … because of the low barrier of entry to get into business. It requires hardly any capital to get rolling… and you can read a book today, register a business tomorrow, and be a “flipper” or “wholesaler” by the end of the week… which is AWESOME. Still, it also makes it easy for many people who haven’t fully adopted the mindset and skill-set needed to be successful in running a business. So, wouldn’t it be nice if you could diagnose your real estate investor’s “realness” — your likelihood of success — before getting clobbered? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone told you the brutal truth about exactly why many real estate investors fail? Well, “nice” might not be the best word. After all, the brutal truth is rarely “nice.” But, profitable, career-saving, and life-changing? Absolutely! In my 10 years working with real estate investors, I’ve seen thousands of real estate investors come and go. And the deepest irony — the cold, hard, brutal truth — is that it all comes down to five things those who fail tend to ignore (and those who succeed master). The good news is you can overcome these common killers by having your eyes wide open to them and digging into the concrete solutions and resources I’ve included throughout. 1. You’re Following Emotion vs. Knowing Your Numbers Before we dive in, you NEED this tool… Carrot ROI Calculator. Investors who fail tend to open up their wallets based on emotional decisions vs. actually nailing their numbers and trusting the numbers. When emotion takes over you tend to stop investing in marketing before it has a chance to succeed… you tend to make offers based on your “gut” vs. a tried and true formula… and you tend to bounce around from one thing to another in search of that magic bullet like a pinball machine. One way people constantly get caught up in the emotions vs. the numbers is in how much money you invest in your business. How much money do you invest in a marketing strategy? How much money do you invest in a property? How much money do you invest in your education? As soon as emotion creeps into the equation and a mathematical formula stops being used… you’re on the fast track to losing your butt (and not knowing why). As a real-world example, let’s say two people are doing PPC marketing. Investor #1: Likely To Fail… Investor #1 started with their budget rather than knowing the numbers. They have set aside $2,000 for PPC marketing for motivated house sellers. Plenty to turn a profit, right? They start their PPC campaign and quickly find out that the first few weeks of a PPC campaign are all about honing the campaign and tweaking it… so they end up spending $800 in the first 3 weeks. They have 7 leads to show for it, which they’re working on… but no deals yet. By … Continued