Carrot Website Pricing
Attract The Most Motivated Leads Pick The Plan Below That Fits You Best Starter $89/mo Our streamlined set of features and tools for those getting started with their real estate investing journey. Most Popular Plus $118/mo You’ve done some deals but are looking for a website that consistently brings you leads. Our Plus plan gives you the ability to research, plan, and execute an effective marketing strategy. Grow $176/mo Your goal is consistent inbound deals…Our grow plan makes it easy to save time and money by allowing you to work faster with our marketing automations and rank higher on Google. Have questions for our sales team? Book a call here. Customize Your Plan Supercharge your website’s performance with premium add-ons for more help and growth SEO Tools $29 /mo Improve your website’s ability to rank in Google and other search engines. Learn More → Content Tools $29 /mo Take your content marketing to the next level. Learn More → Premium Designs $29 /mo Stand out from the competition with our premium website designs. Learn More → Integrations $29 /mo Connect your website with other popular tools and systems. Learn More → Premium Support $69 /mo For those who need a little more help with their website. Get Some Help Get some extra help getting started. Discover the perfect package for your website design needs. Quickstart Want to get your site up and running ASAP? This setup option is for you. $275 one-time fee Quickstart Plus Our team of experts will set up your site and craft custom content. $1,200 one-time fee Still Have Questions Before Signing Up? What happens after I join? First you’ll enter a few simple things about your business so we can personalize your experience. Then launch and personalize your websites. Next pick your traffic plan and you’re off! Does Carrot website pricing include hosting? Yes, all plans come with secure and fast hosting. That means you don’t have to worry about server security, backups, and all that tech stuff. Is there a set-up fee? Short answer is no. Unless you want to leverage our team of experts to help you setup and design your website. But you can simply select that you will do it yourself when signing up. Can I see what a website from Carrot looks like? Of course you can! Check out our site types. These are what you will be able to launch once you are on the inside. What if I need more websites? Great question. Most investors & agents will leverage 1-2 websites depending on their strategy. If you need a website for cash buyers, land buying/selling, mobile homes or another investing strategy – you can simply add the website to your account for a nominal fee per month. Does Carrot do the SEO for me? When we set up your site we’ll ask you some questions that will help us do an initial search engine optimization jumpstart for your site. Often times this jumpstart helps our customers sites get ranked for popular searches in their local area within 2 weeks… but if you really want to get great results you should continue your SEO processes even after your site is set up. Can I move my current website to Carrot? You can move your domain over to Carrot. Your site will not come over, but if there are certain things (like logo, testimonials, content, etc) you can upload them in your Carrot account. What happens if I want to cancel? We would be bummed to see you go. But simply go into your account and request a cancellation…that’s it. If … Continued