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EP 41: Finding Your Purpose: Carrot Intern, Mike Blankenship, Asks About Mission, Setbacks, Collecting People, And Why Giving Up Isn’t The Answer w/ Trevor Mauch

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Finding Your Purpose: Mission, Setbacks, And Why Giving Up Isn’t The Answer

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As an entreprenuer, you like to start new things and you want it to be perfect. But, a lot of times it’s hard to trust anyone other than yourself.
Mike Blankenship

You’ve considered quitting on the dream you’re pursuing. If you haven’t, then it’s just a matter of time. How do you give up on this give-up mindset?

Carrot’s latest intern on the Content team puts Carrot CEO, Trevor Mauch, on the hot seat, diving into Trevor’s past — the moments and lessons that have led to where he is today.

Mike asks questions regarding purpose, passion, the story of Carrot, and how Trevor was able to get through his biggest setbacks to come out even stronger.

This conversation will give you several actionable “success habits” that could change the direction of your life and your business.

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In This CarrotCast Episode, We Cover…

2:20 – Who is Mike Blankenship? – From Christian Ministry to trying to find a new passion.
7:40 – Connecting with great people – How Trevor and Mike connected.
9:30 – Mike discusses the freedom to creatively work on targeted content as one of the main reasons he chose to take an internship at Carrot.
15:20 – Trevor’s struggle to allow more authority within Carrot teams and his understanding, that, to attract “A” players, you must allow them to march forward without resistance.
18:10 – Q&A – How long has Carrot been a company?
19:45 – Q&A – What are the biggest setbacks Trevor has experienced with Carrot and how did he overcome them?

never give up on finding your purpose
24:25 – Why it is important to set a mental tone for your day. The life of an entrepreneur can be one heck of a roller coaster ride.

day in the life as an entrepreneur

Image Via Derek Halpern

26:10 – Part of finding your purpose is finding your unique abilities and learning how to work within them. One important step is creating a daily productivity program. Check out these examples…

Download Trevor’s Daily Productivity Worksheet

Download Adrian’s Daily Productivity Worksheet

32:40 – How Trevor deals with life and the struggles of entrepreneurship: Build a foundation so you’re living life rather than cleaning up messes.
33:20 – Why having a mission is vital for success, how to find it, and how to decide on a business model that fits within your purpose.
35:00 – Stories about culture, longevity, and finding a purpose that forces you out of bed.
44:30 – Being Practical – Stop focusing so much on finding your purpose and just do the best you can.
50:00 – Decluttering your life and amplifying your leaders using the Pumpkin Plan method.
54:30 – Take care of the little things and stop putting pressure on yourself to find purpose.
55:10 – Keys to keeping a positive attitude.
59: 50 –  Two pieces of advice for inspiring entrepreneurs: Incredibly easy methods that work.

Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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