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EP 234: Flat-Fee Listings, Wholesaling, and Flipping – How to Build Your Business the Way You Want It w/ Matt Buttner

There are a million ways to get into Real Estate and Matt Buttner is proof that you don’t need to do things the same way everyone else is doing them. While many agents and investors are missing out on leads and opportunities, Matt is maximizing his reach and his ability to help people. He keeps his team lean, his processes simple, and has been able to grow his business while helping hundreds of people along the way.

EP 233: What I Wish I Would’ve Done Differently in 15 Years of Wholesaling and Flipping – The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of Investing w/ Edward Beck

What I like so much about Edward Beck is that he is the kind of guy who tells it like it is. There are so many gurus out there telling people how to get rich quick while they pose in front of cars that aren’t even theirs. Edward despises this side of the industry, and just like we’re doing at Carrot, Edward is determined to change the way real estate investors are perceived. By leading with his heart and having a true intent to help people, success will inevitably follow.