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Carrot Case Study: Why A Website Developer Decided To Use Carrot To Grow His Real Estate Business

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When we first got started here at InvestorCarrot we were honestly focusing mainly on investors who wanted a quick, easy way to get the best performing real estate website online fast at a great price.

But over the last six months (when this story was filmed), we’ve realized that Carrot is attracting a type of customer we hadn’t expected quite as much…

… people who are advanced real estate investors can build their websites themselves but find it more cost-effective and effective to their bottom line to use our system rather than build their website.

If you’re in that boat… the “I’ll just create my own WordPress website and go it on my own” mindset… you’ll want to watch this video case study.

David Brown NY Real Estate Business

This first Carrot Client Case Study / Review is from David Brown of Sell Now Home Buyers in New York.

Investor Carrot Customer Story - How David Brown Uses Carrot for Content Marketing

In this video case study, you’ll… 

  • Hear David’s “startup story”… how he got started, what struggles he went through, how he overcame them and how he’s grown his real estate business.
  • Learn why David, even though he owns a company that builds custom real estate investor websites (they build GREAT sites too), chose to join InvestorCarrot instead of building himself a website (HINT: He explains why Carrot is in the long run actually lower cost, more effective, and less hassle… all giving him MORE TIME to spend doing what he enjoys)
  • How David is driving traffic to his websites currently
  • Why he loves video marketing in conjunction with InvestorCarrot to generate great SEO rankings and leads
  • … and more!

It’s a great call that’ll inspire you and walk you through David’s real estate business journey… and if you can build your own websites (or if you have a “nephew who said he’ll build me one for $200″… this interview will show you why that decision is costing you MORE money vs. just joining Carrot).

Leave a comment below if you have questions for David, or just throw David some props!

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*Note: David is focused and determined and worked her butt off at the beginning to get the results he’s earned.  David did purchase the 3 Lead Per Day Training program upgrade (only $99) and applied the training diligently for several months to get him high rankings in Google and the leads that have come with those rankings. Your results will vary. Our most successful clients are the ones who have a positive mindset and have a plan for generating traffic to their website and implement that plan (the 3 Lead Per Day Training lays out a plan, so if you don’t have plan, upgrading to that training may be a good option for you after you sign up).  Those who just set up websites and don’t do the work will get results equal to the effort and focus put in.  

Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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5 responses to “Carrot Case Study: Why A Website Developer Decided To Use Carrot To Grow His Real Estate Business

    1. Jeff! Thanks for the comment man!

      Yep, give it a go. We’d love to have you aboard. I looked at your current website and it looks pretty but there are many reasons that site won’t perform as well as it should as far as converting visitors into leads. And if you lose just 1 deal over the next year that would have netted you $10k+ because your website isn’t structured to convert at a high rate… that “phantom expense” is a big deal.

      Check out our Website Conversion Checklist free resource over here: https://oncarrot.com/conversion-checklist/

      It’s free. Enjoy!

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