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EP 211: Part-time Real Estate Investing is Now My Success. Here’s Why Paul doCampo Did It & How It Works

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Full Time Investing is Now My Side Hustle. Here’s Why I Did it & How it Works w/Paul DoCampo

– Paul doCampo

Here’s Why & How Paul doCampo Started Part-time Real Estate Investing

Now, more than ever, part-time real estate investing is helping people to not only subsidize lost income but to generate additional revenue for their families. In this two-part series, we sat down with returning CarrotCast guest Dennis Fassett as well as Paul DoCampo to discuss how they balance part-time real estate investing with a family, kids, and a full-time job.

Whether you are currently real estate investing part-time and want to do it full-time, you are doing it full-time and want to pull back, or if you are working a 9 to 5 and thinking about getting involved in the market, Paul’s story will have something to offer you. 

Read the Full Show Notes Below…

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Paul is one of those guys that is always trying something new. He understands that it’s important to like what you’re doing and that it pays to be flexible, shifting your business model when you need to.

Paul has found success in land investment, mobile homes, as well as rehab projects. He is a dedicated father of four and has managed to balance all of this while still maintaining his full-time job. So how does he do it?

Time Blocking

If you want to be successful part-time real estate investing, you MUST time block.

Paul wakes up every day at 3:30. I am sure there are some of you out there rolling your eyes at this, but for Paul, this schedule works. See Paul leaves for his day job at 6 am and is off somewhere around 3 in the afternoon.

Getting up a couple of hours early gives Paul the quiet time he needs during his most productive time of day. Paul will also block out time later in the day when needed, but he has found he can get a lot done by waking up before the sun. 

When he was first diving into real estate, Paul would set aside specific times for specific tasks. For example, on Monday’s, he would go door-knocking after work with a partner.

Having a partner help him do it help him accountable and made sure he was showing up each money to do the work.

On Tuesday, he would cold-call. He set up a place to do his calls in the garage right when he got home from work.

On Saturdays, Paul would go to Starbucks and make his follow-up calls from the car while banging out some content. 

Time blocking applies to family time as well. After work, Paul is able to spend a good 4 hours with his kids each day before they go to bed. No phones at dinner and throughout the evening ensure that the time spent together is more meaningful. 

Knowing When To Shift

Being flexible and knowing when to make a shift has been very important to Paul’s success. He noticed everyone was going after single-family properties, so he began focusing on mobile homes.

After finding success there, he realized he really did not like the rehab part of things, so he started investing in land. And throughout all of this, we realized that he wasn’t necessarily thrilled about land and selling the end product, but he was more into the strategy of it all.

Today, Paul is getting into the info-publishing business, where he is helping others to find success in real estate. 

Creating The Right Content

When Paul is helping people create content for the website and for their business in general, he does a few simple things that help turn his words to gold. 

  • The first thing Paul will do is find something unique about the client, and do all he can to exploit that. If there is anything that makes them stand out, that will be brought to the forefront of all content. 
  • Next, Paul will find out where the leads are coming from. Whether from probate, foreclosure, tired landlords, etc. 
  • When creating content, Paul makes sure it is written in a personal way. He likes to write in the same way he talks, without any overly wordy paragraphs. 
  • Adding articles and information to help the client will always pay off and get attention. 
  • When writing emails, Paul always tries to make them fun. Anyone can showcase the latest deals, but Paul would work in a related news story or something that would make his email stand out from others in the recipient’s inbox. 

With his Carrot site, Paul made regular use of our automated articles. Once he paused this, he found his rankings dropped almost immediately. Once he started doing it again, he brought someone in to tweak and personalize these articles, and he is now ranking in the top spots once again! 

The Perks of Staying Employed

As a real estate investor, there are many great perks of keeping your day job. Paul doesn’t hate his job, he is paid well, and he has the flexibility to tend to his real estate business as needed throughout the day.

Having a secure paycheck allowed Paul the ability to dabble in different types of real estate and test out different strategies. When Paul was focused solely on his land business, he realized he was hustling, doing a ton of work, and taking on things he didn’t really like, all in an effort to replace his W2. It just wasn’t worth it. 

By staying employed, you will be able to learn, to dabble, to find what you like, and have the resources to go all in. There will typically be a phase that lasts a year or two where you will really be putting in the work, but all this work is what will eventually set you free.

So my advice to you is if you are thinking about getting out there to do something in real estate investment, go out there and do it. You never know what you will discover about yourself on the other side.

Check Out Our Other Post In This Part-Time Investing Series!

EP 210: 56 Deals in 2019 w/out Looking at Houses, Working 12 Hours/Week – Part-Time Investing w/ Dennis Fassett

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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