Madison was successful because she wasn’t afraid to fail forward. She wasnt saying “I don’t know what to do.” She just tried. I really appreciated that.
– Beau Hollis
The “I Quit My Job” Deal w/ Beau Hollis
Beau Hollis, the closer out of Louisville, is back to take us behind another one of his awesome deals. This one in particular changed the lives of both the buyer and seller. Beau has spent much of his career as a solo investor.
Recently, on a day like any other, Beau met Madison, an aspiring investor who wasn’t afraid to do the work. He brought her in to make some calls, and show her the ropes, and together they closed their first deal in only a couple of weeks. Right then and there, Madison quit her day job.
Here’s how Beau is finally expanding his team while helping others to gain financial freedom.
Read the Full Show Notes Below…
In our most recent Behind the Deal Livestream, we dove into a lot of great topics. From mentorship and growing your team, to doing deals that are out of state. You’ll hear how the lead was found, how they worked with the seller, and how much they made when all was said and done.
We were most excited to hear about the incredible impact he made with this deal, as well as Beau’s advice for overcoming your nerves. Keep reading or listen in to learn more…
Mentoring Your Way to a Larger Team
Despite what Youtube might tell you, you don’t learn this business overnight. The best way to become an expert is by getting out there and doing the work. Finding a great mentor can be the fastest way to learn. However, experienced investor can only devote their time to those who are eager to learn.
In the case of this deal, Beau worked with an acquisitions person named Madison. He was at the bank one day, wearing his infamous “House Buying Guy” shirt, when Madison asked if he was serious.
After a number of questions, joining his FB group, going to Meet-Ups, and getting on the phone to make some calls, Madison got this deal in the door.
The Deal
While Beau primarily works in Louisville, this lead came in from Florida. Normally, he would let the lead go, but he gave it to Madison so she could practice on the phones. The owner had recently lost his wife and they didn’t feel right trying to negotiate with him.
It was a tenant-occupied property that the owner simply wanted to sell right away. He wanted $85k and that’s exactly what Beau and Madison offered.
They sold for a $64k profit. And after the commissions and closing costs were covered, they walked away with about $54k.
Beau gave Madison a 10% split and she turned around and quit her job to pursue real estate full time.
Having Conversations
The best advice Beau can give is simply to talk to people. Many people get rattled by nerves or hesitate to pick up the phone because they aren’t sure what to say. The only way to get over this fear is by getting out there and doing it.
The only way to have good conversations is to have a whole bunch of bad ones first. Beau recognizes that we are in the people business. He loves talking to people and helping them find solutions.
He could hire a bunch of people to do this for him, but he genuinely loves doing the work.
Fear as a Healthy Motivator
Regret can be a huge motivator. Next time you are nervous to make that call or email that lead, think about how you will feel if you don’t do it. Even if you don’t close the deal, just by making the call you will be proud of yourself. Regret can be a healthy motivator.
Put yourself in that emotional state. How will I feel after I make the call? How will I feel if I don’t do it?
Tips That Actually Work: Landing Pages vs. Location Pages
A lot of our users have had questions about landing pages vs. location pages. In our experience, we have found that…
- The home page will build trust and rapport, driving people through the journey. They are great for SEO, especially for those on a desktop who may be in search mode.
- Landing pages do great on mobile and are a great place to point your Google/Facebook Ads. These pages are more simple than the home page, with less navigation and the opportunity to click away.
- Location pages are hyper-specific and are meant to bring traffic to your page. Just like Zillow or Realtor, adding Location Pages to your website will help to improve your SEO.
Join us at every other Thursday for Behind the Deal where you can ask your questions and watch live!
Follow Our Guest:
- Beau on Instagram
- Beau’s Website, Simply Sold
- Beau on Youtube
Mentioned in This Episode:
- Video Marketing Playbook
- Negotiation Series
- Our 30 Day Challenge
- Join us every other Thursday for Live episodes of Behind the Deal