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EP 102: CarrotCamp Spring 2018 Real Estate Investing Mastermind for Market Domination

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CarrotCamp Spring 2018 Real Estate Investing Mastermind for Market Domination

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In order to extract yourself from your business, you’ve got to take the time to hire the right people. Brad Chandler

CarrotCamp Spring 2018 was again unlike most events. It was an opportunity for campers to immerse themselves with the knowledge of some of the nations’ largest home buyers. It wasn’t a workshop or seminar, nor was it a retreat.

This was a time to strategize as well as brainstorm with some high, high-level investors.

We also took the time to unwind while hiking to area waterfalls as well as a mountain biking excursion.

Camper then got the opportunity to work one-on-one with our team to get massive things done to uplevel marketing… all the while building relationships with other high-level real estate entrepreneurs that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Thank you Spring 2018 CarrotCampers!


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carrotcamp real estate investor mastermindCarrotCamp Fall 2018


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CarrotCamp provides an opportunity for real estate entrepreneurs to build relationships, break down the most important fundamentals to be successful, and reenergize. Listen how CarrotCamp Spring 2018 helped this great bunch of people…

1:45 – Why David Wolf from Florida, chose to attend CarrotCamp and dive into who he is and his biggest takeaways from the week.
3:15 – From Salt Lake City, Dustin Gilbert, discusses what his current scale looks like, his team, and thinking more about building passion into his business.
7:10 – Facebook Marketing Master, Kiley Newbold also talks about passion and finding that business vehicle that feeds that passion.
9:35 – From Miami, Brandy Pollack, just closed his first deal via Carrot and he talks about the “ah-ha” moment during camp.
10:55Michael Stansbury and Jamison Hendricks from Memphis reveal the value they achieved during this real estate investing mastermind.
13:10Tim Ittenbach needed a chance to get away and reenergize to escape some tunnel vision. CarrotCamp provided that release. Tim is now excited to get back to the Indianapolis area and start implementing all of what he learned during camp.
15:50Seth Carlsen, Sacramento, came to camp to build relationships and learn more to craft his skills. Listen to what he took away from the time here.
17:00 – Richmond VA, Forrest McGhee, discusses why he came all the way across the county and how he will be challenging himself both personally and professionally when he returns home.
19:00Ben Souchek, from Lincoln NB, why he came and what he walked away with. The interaction with other successful investors, the team, and learning to pull himself out of his business more.
20:15 – One of the largest homebuyers in the nation, Brad Chandler from Express Homebuyers, joined CarrotCamp latest minute. Get his take on how to extract yourself from your business to free up time for passions beyond real estate investing.
21:25 – Ben’s expectations of the caliber of people who would be at camp and if those expectations were met.
22:10 – Why Brad decided to come to camp.
23:00Matt Bristow is an up-and-comer from Lodi CA. He talks about his journey into real estate and his invaluable education from camp.


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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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