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Behind The Data: Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Ramp Up For Spring Online Motivated Seller Leads

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online motivated seller leads in the spring

Just like with farming, seasons matter in business. 

If you own a ski resort… seasons matter big time.

If you are a landscaper… seasons matter.

If you are a real estate investor or agent… seasons matter.

And, even though it’s December, now is the time to start thinking about Spring.

We wrote a blog post about the seasonality of real estate investor leads and the volume of online searches that motivated house sellers, cash buyers, tenants, etc. make each month during the holiday months.

In that post, we laid out the data and the stats showing the common “dip” in searches in the holiday months for people looking to sell their house… and the increase in those online motivated seller leads in the spring and summer months.

Now, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of deals to be had in the winter months.

In fact, on one of our recent Coaching Calls for our Carrot members (included in our Content Pro plan) we showed a few online marketing efforts, our Carrot members can start implementing now… with a mix of SEO and PPC marketing.

Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Ramp Up For Spring And Online Motivated Seller Leads

So, don’t look at the data and think that you can’t do deals in the holiday months. That’s not what this is about. It’s about…

Realizing There Is “Lead Gen” Seasonality In The Real Estate Flipping / Wholesaling Business and Preparing For…

… the dips and the climbs.

Take for instance the quick chart below that we pulled up.

Motivated Seller Searches: 11 Popular Highly Motivated House Seller Searches Online… The Trend

Motivated House Seller Searches: This is the average motivated house seller online searches of just 11 common highly motivated seller searches sellers make online. Notice the data… and the slight climb to a peak in summer in searches. Then another climb in fall before the holiday dip.

Now take a look at these ones below that are a bit more drilled down on specific keyword phrases that we know motivated sellers are typing into Google each month.

(at the end of this post I’ll show you something really cool that we’re seeing… and how it’s indicating that we’re heading into another GREAT year for an increase in motivated seller searches online. So read this whole article and let me know your thoughts in the comments section)

“We buy houses” Type Searches: Spring And Summer Increase

It’s December… Are you preparing right now to capture the higher motivated seller lead search volume in the spring and summer? If you don’t have a website, right now is the time to get one up and started. If you do have a website, now’s the time to get things ramped up.

“Sell house fast” Type Phrases: Spring Bump with Late Summer Increase

Getting The Picture Now? Getting your website up and rolling and optimized… or getting a real marketing plan in place and executing it RIGHT NOW is an ideal time to get rolling so you can capture the late spring and summer increase… which likely means a higher chance of more deals.

“I buy houses” Type Phrases: Seeing A Similar Spring And Summer Bump And Fall Slump

Pretty Consistent w/ a Slight Bump In Spring / Summer

“We buy houses in [location]” Type Phrases: But For Just Portland, Atlanta, Houston, and Pittsburgh

Even More Dramatic Spring / Summer Bump: When you go hyper-local… where the motivated seller includes their city in the search (which most sellers do), the increase likely coming up in spring and summer becomes even more apparent.

Last… from our own Google Analytics account.

Spring / Summer Traffic Ramp From Our Own Google Analytics Account

Further Proof… We can look at Google’s data all day long, but how about actual Google Analytics data from our own account for our Carrot members’ real state websites.

You get the idea.

Those charts above show just a few of the dozens and dozens of SEO search phrases motivated house sellers are typing in… that real estate investors should want to get in front of.

In fact, our Carrot members are generating over 60,000 opt-in leads per month (that doesn’t count the thousands of phone call leads per month to their Carrot real estate websites as well). So we’re constantly helping our customers position themselves in front of the online traffic to increase their chances of generating more motivated seller leads and more deals.

The SEO Search Data Is Great… But Why Is NOW A Great Time To Get Things Rolling?

Over the past five years, we’ve been tracking the organic search engine rankings of many of our Carrot members’ real estate websites. This goes from motivated house seller websites to cash buyer websites, to note buyer websites, rent to own websites, agent sites, etc.

This is a mix of real estate investors and agents who are both implementing our “lead generation” training… and the ones who decided to outsource their SEO or PPC for them.

Take a look at some of these charts below that show how long it *may* take in some markets to get your SEO rankings to improve enough to generate consistent leads online.

These pictures are from actual SEO ranking increases for a few of our Carrot clients in some more competitive markets.

How Long Did Their SEO Take? 4 Months To Make A Major SEO Jump In This Competitive MD Market

4 Months And 20 Deals – This InvestorCarrot client used our 3 Lead Per Day Training to get her website ranked high in Google. She’s in a more competitive market and it took about 4 months to get onto page 1… another few months to get in the top 2 results.

And another…

How Long Did Their SEO Take? About 3-5 Months In A Competitive Alabama Market

Similar To Above – This client is in a very competitive market for motivated seller searches as well. It took 3-5 months of solid SEO work to get into a top position in Google in his market. Now he’s generating a lead per day and closing deals consistently through his online marketing.

Last one…

How Long Did Their SEO Take? About 2-3 Months In A Competitive California Market

They Had A Jumpstart – This Carrot customer was already ranking near page 1 in Google for a competitive search phrase for motivated seller leads. Within 2-3 months, his ranking improved to the top of page 1 for this search phrase and he’s closed 4+ deals from his Carrot site since.

The Average Time It May Take To Rank Well In Most Markets Is About 3-5+ Months When You’re Doing SEO

SEO for real estate typically takes time. Although, I’ve seen websites rank in the top 3 spots in Google WAY faster than that in less competitive markets (within weeks)… I’ve seen some take way longer. But what we always like to say is that if you’re implementing SEO right (the way we teach) or hire someone who knows what they’re doing… in most markets you should see a dramatic improvement within 3-5 months.

From there, it may take another few months in competitive markets to get to the top of page 1… sometimes longer.

But, all this to say… if the average is 3-5 months to see an SEO boost… and it’s the beginning of December right now… that puts you into March – May/June to improve your rankings and capture that increase in online searches from motivated sellers come Springtime.

Don’t have a website right now but want to start leveraging inbound online marketing for your real estate investing business to grow your business?

Awesome, take our demo and see if Carrot is a fit

Already have a website and just haven’t seen the results or haven’t put in the right online marketing strategy to get results?

We can help you.

At Carrot we focus on results as the primary driver of everything we do.

Having a great platform that makes SEO easier for you is the first step (which our system does).

Having the right training, plan, and support is the part that makes the biggest difference.

If you’re a Carrot member and want to ramp things up, here’s what you can do:

  1. Show up to our weekly Carrot Coaching Calls – I’ll take your website and show you exactly what changes and steps you need to take right now to improve your SEO ranking and leads. This is perhaps one of the largest reasons Carrot members love Carrot and get great results. Hands-on help.
  2. Go through our 3 Lead Per Day Training – It’ll walk you step by step through how to improve your SEO rankings using your own website and youtube videos. Get implementing! And ask us questions when you hit any roadblocks. We’re here for ya!

With our detailed training and weekly LIVE Carrot Coaching Calls, we take our members by the hand and help you get results.

So, are you going to commit to getting things started or ramped up with your online marketing right now to catch the increase in traffic that’s heading our way in a few months?

Hit me w/ your comments below and let us know if we can help you in that journey this next year.

Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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