How to Wholesale Real Estate for Beginners: Ultimate 2025 Guide

Are you ready to step into the ring and take on the world of real estate with NO money down, NO experience, and NO traditional financing?! That’s right, folks—if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, dreaming of making it big in real estate, NOW is your moment! And I’m here to show you how to dominate the game with one of the most powerful strategies in real estate: wholesaling! × × Demo Carrot: How many deals are you losing to your competitor’s website? Take a Free Demo Wholesaling is like body-slamming your way into the real estate market. You find deeply discounted properties, lock them down with a contract, and then tag in your cash buyer to close the deal—without ever owning the property yourself! You’re the ultimate middleman, connecting motivated sellers with hungry cash buyers and raking in the profits. No heavy lifting, just smart moves and fast wins. This is the best entry point for beginners who are ready to crush it. You don’t need a mountain of cash, years of experience, or a bank begging you to borrow. What you need is hustle, heart, and a great strategy. And the best part? Wholesaling sharpens your skills in negotiating, deal analysis, marketing, and building a buyer’s list—all while keeping your risk low and your potential high. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll break it all down for you. From finding motivated sellers to analyzing deals, securing contracts, and building a cash buyer’s list, this is your ultimate playbook to score your first wholesale deal in 2025. Are you ready to step into the spotlight and make your real estate debut? Let’s get to work and get you on the path to your first wholesale victory! The time is now! The key, of course, is finding a good deal.  Here’s an example of how Ryan Dossey — a real estate investor in Indiana — found just one of his great deals… List of Topics What is Wholesaling Real Estate? Wholesaling real estate is one of the simplest and most accessible strategies for getting started in real estate investing. At its core, wholesaling is about finding distressed or discounted properties, putting them under contract, and then assigning that contract to a buyer for a profit. Unlike traditional real estate investing, where you actually purchase and hold the property, in wholesaling, you’re simply acting as a middleman between motivated sellers and cash buyers. The goal is to profit from the spread between the price you negotiate with the seller and the price your buyer is willing to pay. The key to wholesaling lies in assigning contracts for profit. When you find a property that’s deeply discounted, you sign a contract with the seller agreeing to purchase the property. Instead of closing on the property yourself, you assign that contract to a buyer—usually an investor—who pays you an assignment fee. This way, you can make money without ever taking ownership of the property or needing large amounts of cash to close the deal. How Wholesaling Differs from Traditional Real Estate Investing In traditional real estate investing, you typically buy a property, make improvements (if necessary), and either rent it out or sell it for a profit. This requires capital, the ability to get financing, and often a longer time commitment. With wholesaling, however, you’re not buying the property—you’re securing it with a contract and selling that contract to someone else. It’s a much faster process and typically requires far less money upfront. Benefits of Wholesaling Real Estate Wholesaling is the ultimate strategy for beginners because it offers quick, low-risk entry into real estate … Continued

A Look Back At The March Google Algorithm Update – A Win For Carrot Sites!

Have you noticed any changes in your site’s search rankings since the March Google Algorithm Update? SEO experts detected significant tremors in mid-March, indicating another large-scale algorithm update by Google. The search giant confirmed the update’s completion on March 28, leaving website owners and SEO professionals to assess its impact on their online visibility. × × Demo Carrot: How many deals are you losing to your competitor’s website? Take a Free Demo As with any significant core algorithm update, the details – and the effects – haven’t been immediately evident.  Generally, experts have indicated that this was a broad update, targeting all types of content rather than focusing on one particular area.  Additionally, it’s believed that this update wasn’t necessarily a penalty but instead a promotion or reward for great web pages. So, we dove into data from our Keyword Tracking Tool to answer the question: how did Carrot sites fare? First, a little about the data… Carrot’s Keyword Tracking tool has enabled thousands of our customers to track tens of thousands of keywords, resulting in a vast reservoir of SEO data that is one of the most comprehensive in the real estate industry.  We can aggregate this data and paint a picture of what happened on our network before, during, and after these large-scale Google algorithm updates.  This data lets us keep our finger on the pulse regarding what it takes to win with SEO in the real estate industry.  That said, this data represents precisely that – aggregate changes.  It’s important to monitor your own sites to see how algorithm updates impact the pages and search phrases you care about most.   Carrot’s SEO Keyword Tracking tool – the ultimate solution to skyrocket your website’s visibility on search engines and bring more motivated leads to your doorstep! Say goodbye to the hassle of manually tracking your website’s keyword performance and hello to effortless optimization with our user-friendly platform. Our advanced keyword tracking tool monitors your website’s ranking on major search engines and provides valuable insights on how to improve your SEO strategy. With Carrot’s SEO Keyword Tracking tool, you’ll have access to real-time data and metrics that will help you: Don’t let your website get lost in the sea of competitors, start using the keyword tracking tool now! Not a Carrot member yet? Join today and start dominating search engine rankings! Overall, a positive update for Carrot sites.  Less volatility.  More upside. We wanted to look specifically at how Top 10 Rankings fared during and after this update finished rolling out.  Of all URL/keyword combinations tracked through our Keyword Tracking Tool, a little over 40% sit in the Top 10 of Google Search Results. That’s a lot of first-page real estate being claimed by Carrot members! And overall, there were more Top 10 Rankings following this update than there were prior to it. In other words, following Google’s algorithm update, even more of that first-page real estate is being claimed by Carrot sites. % of Tracked Keywords in the Top 10 Unique URLs w/ Top 10 Rankings Pre-Update 40.27% 41.33% Post-Update 3944 4200 After finding that there was a net positive in terms of sites and keywords now sitting in the Top 10, we want to paint a picture of how much volatility occurred.  Were there many rankings turnovers, or are the same sites and keywords ranking in the Top 10 now as before? Overall, this core algorithm update brought much less volatility and more upside than August’s Helpful Content Update. To determine this, we put each URL/keyword combination into one of three groups: A few things immediately stand … Continued

EP 438: Google Ads/PPC for Real Estate Investors – What You Need to Know w/ Brendan Holmes

Want to generate highly motivated seller leads without breaking the bank? When done right, Google Ads (pay-per-click) can be the perfect supplement to a solid marketing strategy, helping you generate leads fast while building long-term lead gen efforts like SEO. Brendan, our in-house Google Ads expert, is here to share: The most common mistakes investors make with PPC ROI, budget & lead expectations How to keep your ads relevant & effective and more! Enjoy! Let us know what you think of the episode – Get more content about paid ads at Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:00 – 00:00:23:06 Brendan Holmes Google ads is how I always related it to two baseball playing baseball through my youth. And our coach always said it’s it’s the little things that can win the game. Yeah. And in Google ads, it’s kind of the same thing. You make these little adjustments and then you can get leads from and those little adjustments for someone just self-managing their campaigns, that that can go a long ways. 00:00:23:06 – 00:00:33:04 Brendan Holmes It’s not necessarily the home runs and Google ads rarely. It’s something major that you did to a campaign that’s going to drive more leads. 00:00:37:27 – 00:00:55:13 Brady Winder Hey, friends, you’re listening to the CarrotCast podcast, where we help investors and agents build businesses of freedom and impact by dialing in your marketing, your online marketing. I’m your host, Brady Winder. And today I have with me my friend, my coworker, PC expert, Mr. Brendan. Holmes What’s up? Brendan? How you doing, man? 00:00:55:13 – 00:00:57:05 Brendan Holmes Hey. Hey. Guess how you doing? 00:00:57:16 – 00:01:16:15 Brady Winder Brendan has year. Let me. Brendan has been accurate since the beginning, you know, with Trevor when this thing started and he he knows carrot customers. He knows carrot members in and out. He knows real estate marketing in and out. And he’s been running PPC campaigns for. And how many members do you think over the years? Ran campaigns for? 00:01:17:29 – 00:01:36:29 Brendan Holmes Hundreds. Yeah, hundreds. It’s kind of funny that I mean, before I recall, you mentioned Kylie as on a call with Kylie talking about Cam paid marketing last week and I got out my binder and this is, this is how I learned that that’s that that was Google ads in 2013. 00:01:37:21 – 00:01:38:11 Brady Winder Yes. 00:01:38:11 – 00:01:49:19 Brendan Holmes And I read almost every every one of those pages to learn about. And now now probably 90% of the ads probably obsolete. And then the other 10% we we kind of still use. 00:01:50:08 – 00:02:01:08 Brady Winder Yeah, that’s awesome. So yeah, you’ve been running PPC, Google, PPC, Google Ads for members for years, since before it was called Google Ads when it was just pay per click goods. 00:02:01:13 – 00:02:04:07 Brendan Holmes Yeah. Yeah. Is that was that’s average. Yeah. 00:02:05:00 – 00:02:26:22 Brady Winder Yeah. Google AdWords it wasn’t even that long ago. So everybody listening and watching, it’s paid ads month at carat. So before you do anything else or I guess after the podcast, go to slash ads ads and we’ve got a bunch of resources on Facebook ads, on Google ads, YouTube ads, any sort of paid marketing that you want to run to supplement. 00:02:26:22 – 00:02:48:06 Brady Winder You’re also, you know, if you’ve listened this podcast for any length of time, you know, the SEO, we practice what we … Continued

EP 432: T.V. Ads for 5x ROI & Less Competition. Everything Real Estate Investors Need To Know

Tony Javier $3k into $30k with his first month of TV Ads, and since then he’s been “off to the races!” After realizing there were no masterminds out there teaching the things he had learned from his experience with television advertising for real estate, he started taking on clients and typically gets his investor’s returns in as little as 3-6 months! Today we’re talking about real estate investors, television advertising, and lead generation methods, the top 10 benefits of running ads on TV, and how you can dial the channel into a turn-key traffic solution! Check out for 52 free ideas & a guide on how to get started in video marketing. Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:03 – 00:00:22:15 Tony Javier And so first month I spent three grand and made 35 my first month and was off to the races from there. And over the years I’ve told people that I do TV, you know, high level masterminds I’ve been a part of. And every mastermind that joined there was either zero people doing TV or there might have been one out of like 100 plus high level real estate investors. 00:00:23:03 – 00:00:35:22 Tony Javier And I wish I had won back then that I had a gold mine for other real estate investors. I would have started, you know, helping people dinner. 00:00:35:22 – 00:00:56:13 Brady Winder Hey, friends, welcome back to the Kirkus Podcast. I’m your host breadwinner and this is the podcast where we help you dial in your marketing and help you build businesses of freedom and impact. I’ve got our guests with us today, Mr. Tony Javier, a.k.a. the TV guy who happens to be a very good, close longtime friend of Trevor Mark, our co-host and CEO. 00:00:56:21 – 00:01:07:06 Brady Winder And so I’m really excited for you guys to get to meet him and talk all about TV today. Why it’s an awesome marketing channel and get into the nitty gritty. And so, Tony, I hear the podcast, man, How are you? 00:01:07:18 – 00:01:15:00 Tony Javier Really good, man. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Driver And I’ve been talking a while about putting this together of being on the podcast, so I’m glad to be here. 00:01:15:00 – 00:01:36:27 Brady Winder Absolutely. Absolutely. And so we don’t do a lot with offline marketing, you know, most podcasts, online marketing and but I think out of the past 400 episodes, we’ve done maybe one or two on radio. I don’t think we’ve done a single one on TV. So this is going to be really valuable. I think it’s it’s one of those topics where the investors just don’t know enough about it. 00:01:36:27 – 00:01:54:11 Brady Winder And so our goal with this conversation is I want to learn, you know, is this right for me? Is TV something that I should try? And if so, then when? And how do I go about it with without losing a bunch of money? Because I’m sure that’s probably what people are thinking is like, Oh, is this going to be a massive investment? 00:01:54:11 – 00:02:02:24 Brady Winder Is it a big risk? And so that’s what we’re going to answer. But Tony, how did you how did you get started in TV? What that look like? 00:02:03:08 – 00:02:21:15 Tony Javier Yeah, before I tell that, that’s actually a good point. Most people, when they think about real estate investing, don’t think about TV, which makes it … Continued

EP 430: YouTube SEO & Ranking in Google Using Video w/ Bryan Sekine

Getting a video to rank on YouTube and Google is not as difficult as you might think. Today we’re walking you through the step-by-step: Quickly plan your topic, keywords, headings, and YouTube Chapters. The critical steps to optimizing a YouTube video for SEO plus what not to waste your time on. Quickly turn your video content into written content that Google loves. Carrot’s SEO Bryan Sekine & Carrot’s content strategist Brady Winder cover the nitty-gritty of YouTube SEO for real estate, so you learn how to use video to generate motivated seller leads and understand what Google & Youtube’s algorithms are looking for. Enjoy! Check out for 52 free ideas & a guide on how to get started in video marketing. Mentioned in this Episode: How to Create Real Estate Content in Under 10 Minutes with Carrot’s VideoPost Tube Buddy VidIQ Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:04 – 00:00:26:06 Brady Winder How to use videos to get them ranked in YouTube and Google. And so I think it’s important because a lot of our customers and people are real estate investors are shooting videos, but to them, the finish line is uploaded to YouTube. Maybe I told a few friends about on Facebook or since my email is and they’re done. What I want you guys to realize today is that we’re trying to get motivated seller leads. 00:00:26:14 – 00:00:52:19 Brady Winder Or if you’re an agent trying to build your brokerage and build more local authority, whatever you’re doing. There’s a lot of low hanging fruit that people don’t take advantage of when it comes to video. So the finish line for us is getting that video into a blog post where it’s ranking and Google getting it to rank in YouTube and it’s really not a whole lot of extra steps and not a lot of time that you have to spend on your website and on YouTube. 00:00:57:18 – 00:01:14:21 Brady Winder Hey, friends, welcome back to the Characters podcast, where we help investors and agents heal businesses of freedom and impact by dialing in your online marketing. I’m your host, Brady Winder. And today I have with me returning guest care its own SEO specialists, Bryan Skinner. Welcome back. Bryan Heitman. 00:01:15:04 – 00:01:16:11 Bryan Sekine Doing great. Thanks for having me on. 00:01:17:12 – 00:01:21:12 Brady Winder Absolutely, man. Bryan, what’s your favorite productivity hack? 00:01:22:06 – 00:01:42:00 Bryan Sekine Oh, man. Favorite productivity hack. That’s a good question. I don’t know. I like waking up early. That’s part of my favorite productivity hack. I think that I have the most willpower and the most like, I don’t know, energy to get things done, and I’m more likely to tackle the more difficult parts of my day first thing in the morning, then wait until like mid afternoon or even in the evening. 00:01:42:19 – 00:01:46:28 Bryan Sekine So if I really want to be productive, I’ll wake up early and just knock it out first thing the day. 00:01:47:29 – 00:01:49:22 Brady Winder What’s early for you? What time? 00:01:50:02 – 00:01:52:04 Bryan Sekine 5:36 a.m. sometime. 00:01:52:07 – 00:02:11:05 Brady Winder Okay, that’s good. 545. That’s my. Yeah, that’s my balance. That’s my perfect time. Swallow the frog. A recent caring camper shared a care camp is a mark Twain quote. If you have a frog to swallow, swallow it first thing in the day. If you have two frogs to swallow, swallow the bigger one first. I think it was … Continued

How To Build a High-Converting PPC Landing Page For Real Estate PPC Campaigns (7 Elements With The BIGGEST Impact)

You’re spending a hard-earned marketing budget on your PPC campaigns… Every penny counts. More importantly, every click counts. × × Real Estate Investor PPC Report 600+ highest profit motivated seller keywords Download Now The worst thing that can happen is a lot of people click on your PPC ad (costing you money), but none of those people become a lead or turn into cold, hard cash for your business. That would make your PPC campaign a waste of time and money. This is why where you send people (i.e., the landing page) when they click on your ad is so critical. If you send prospects (even motivated sellers) to a low-converting landing page, you might still get some leads, but you won’t get as many as you could (how hard is it to hit the back button and click on your competitor’s website instead?). Sadly, one lost deal could be between $10,000 and $50,000 down the drain, depending on your business model… And that’s not money you’re willing to lose. At Carrot, we’ve generated millions of online leads for real estate investors and agents. During that time, we’ve learned a thing or two about building a high-converting landing page. Let’s talk. What is a landing page for real estate PPC? A landing page is just marketing terminology for the page you send people to in a marketing campaign. In the case of Google Ads, it’s the page people go to when they click on your ad. For example, if I click on this result… The reason that optimizing your landing page is so essential is because it helps determine the effectiveness of your ad campaign. If the page people go to after clicking on your ad is irrelevant, unpersuasive, or even takes too long to load, they won’t stick around and will not become a lead. Here’s a table summarizing the key differences of full webpages vs PPC landing pages: Feature Webpage PPC Landing Page Purpose Informational, brand awareness Lead generation, conversion-focused Target Audience Broader audience interested in real estate Highly targeted audience, e.g., motivated sellers Content Diverse content: bio, services, blog posts Focused on a single offer or call to action (CTA) Navigation Extensive navigation to other website pages Limited or no navigation to avoid distractions Call to Action (CTA) May have various CTAs Strong, clear CTA to capture leads Now that you know what a landing page is and why it’s important, let’s talk about 7 elements of every landing page that impact conversion. 7 Elements You MUST Have for High-Converting PPC Landing Pages to Maximize Lead Generation Element #1: Simple Opt-In Form Every real estate website (agent or investor) at Carrot needs a high-quality, easy-to-fill-out opt-in form. And we don’t just believe that for no reason: it’s science. We’ve run hundreds of A/B tests on our member’s websites to determine whether opt-in forms perform better than a “Call Now” CTA (they do) and what types of forms perform the best. From one test we ran, we found that our member’s sites had almost a 30% conversion rate! Here’s the heatmap from the test… And here’s the data… If you want a high-converting landing page right out of the box, our Carrot sites already have all the elements mentioned in this article baked right in. Or, if you want to build one yourself (no biggie!), here’s what you’ll want for your opt-in form… High-Converting Element #2: Clear & Actionable Content When it comes to capturing motivated sellers, clarity and action are key. Your landing page copy should be clear, concise, and laser-focused on the benefits you offer. Why is clear content important for seller-focused … Continued

EP 428: Multifamily Development Opportunities for 2023 w/ Daniil Kleyman | Market Harvest 3/23

If you’re a wholesaler or flipper wanting to get into multifamily developments, this episode is for you. Daniil Kleyman talks about the important steps he took to GC & raise capital for duplexes and, later on larger commercial properties. We talk about the ROI of building spec homes vs commercial properties and what opportunities Daniil sees in his market. Enjoy! Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Daniil: In-depth content on developing: RehabValuator YouTube Channel Catch more episodes at Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:01 – 00:00:27:12 Daniil Kleyman The rental side. What I focus on is really class-A product these days in order to build ground up. Given what things cost you almost have no choice but to focus on class-A product because that’s the only kind of product that will give you the rents that can support the cost of construction. But even before construction costs got out of hand, I very quickly realized that a lot of the suffers is a management headache. 00:00:27:12 – 00:00:44:14 Daniil Kleyman And my focus for a long time has been on the classic product. We build really nice stuff that attracts really nice tenants that commence really high rents and in turn it allows me to build a scalable portfolio. 00:00:48:27 – 00:01:11:23 Brady Winder Friends, welcome back to the Kurt Cass podcast. I’m your host, Brady Winder, and this is a podcast where we help you dial in your online marketing so you could build a business of freedom and impact. The second Tuesday of every month is our market harvest, where we’re bringing you data from behind the scenes at Carat, the real estate industry data, and we bring in an expert to talk about something that we don’t traditionally talk about during the podcast. 00:01:11:23 – 00:01:26:03 Brady Winder So a little bit of a step away from online marketing to talk about what’s going on, different relevant real estate industry topics. So I’ll spend a couple minutes going over our data, but first I want to kick it off and introduce you to our guest, Dana CLAMAN. Welcome on, man. 00:01:26:05 – 00:01:28:01 Daniil Kleyman How are you? Thank you. Happy to be here. 00:01:28:14 – 00:01:49:22 Brady Winder Yeah, absolutely. Well, I’m going to go through our data real quick here and then I’ll toss it over to you to give an intro. And then we’re going to be talking about multifamily today. So multifamily trends and opportunities for 2023 and what I’ll see in his market, it’s going to be a fun conversation. So real quick, behind the scenes at Carat, it’s been a couple months since we did this. 00:01:49:22 – 00:02:12:10 Brady Winder We skipped last month and as a side know, I’m probably not going to be on the next one or two of these. I’m having a kid at any time now in the next two weeks. Thank you. And so Trevor is going to be coming back on, so you’ll get to hear from Trevor. He’s been away from the podcast for a little bit and he’s going to dive really deep, much deeper into the data with you guys and hopefully Tyler for my co-host will be joining us soon as well. 00:02:13:20 – 00:02:53:07 Brady Winder Anyway, so visitors, what we’re seeing behind the scenes at CARAS in terms of visitors, motivated sellers coming to care sites has been has declined steadily, not a huge drop off but a little bit taper down over the last … Continued

EP 426: Real Estate Video Marketing: 9 Creative Use Cases, 12+ Topics & 15 Pro Tips to Attract & Convert Leads w/ Josh Culler

This one is jam-packed! In this podcast all about video marketing for real estate investors, you’ll learn: Creative ways to integrate video into your marketing & follow-up that you likely haven’t tried (with specific apps & tools) The most effective topics for getting motivated seller & buyer leads + how to outline a video fast What gear you don’t need, how to create a video strategy, why audience & demographic matters, and the truth about being comfortable on camera The most common video marketing mistakes made by investors & influencers and a whole lot more. You might want to take notes and listen to this in two parts! Head to to get the full playbook & our other resources. Mentioned in this episode: Work with Josh Culler at REI.Video Carrot’s Videopost VidoeAsk TubeBuddy AdobePodcast BombBomb Loom Josh’s first CarrotCast episode from 2020: Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:01 – 00:00:18:00 Josh Culler There’s been a lot of interesting changes over the last few years, and even I would say like some changes since the last time I was on the Caracas. Like some really big changes in terms of like video traffic. And I feel like when I was on that first episode with Trevor, we were talking about like why you should take advantage of it. 00:00:18:03 – 00:00:35:00 Josh Culler The time has passed if you’re not doing video now, this is not going to be a very comfortable episode for you. Like it’s it is definitely something where it is the standard, it is the thing that you have to be doing and 2023 and it’s not a case of like, should I or should I not? It’s a yes, automatically. 00:00:35:07 – 00:00:38:07 Josh Culler It was a yes two years ago. 00:00:43:21 – 00:01:06:16 Brady Winder Hey, friends, welcome back to the current cast podcast. I’m your host Brady Winder, and this is the podcast where we help investors build businesses of freedom and impact by dialing in your online marketing. So this month is video month at Video Marketing Month. And so this is probably one of my favorite topics and it’s very relevant right now. 00:01:06:16 – 00:01:29:09 Brady Winder I know any time you’ve heard us talk about video marketing in the past two years, we’re always saying, Oh, it’s more relevant, but that’s because it actually is. It’s increasingly becoming more and more relevant to things that happened this last year that matters As far as video marketing. One of them, it has become a lot more almost necessary in order to rank high in Google. 00:01:29:09 – 00:01:47:20 Brady Winder So pages that are putting videos on their blog posts and on their pages are much more likely to rank. We don’t have an exact percentage, but anywhere between ten and 100% more likely to rank, depending on the topic, the types of posts. Anyways, the SEO benefits just within the last year with the updates of Google made have come up a lot. 00:01:47:20 – 00:02:15:06 Brady Winder And the other thing is I ran a survey every few months, every six months to a year within our audience on how they like to consume content, what topics they’re interested in. Far and away. 80% of our audience this time around wants to consume content through video. And so we’re seeing the same thing for our members customers. For sellers, video content is just more of a standard right now and less and less. 00:02:15:06 – 00:02:32:00 … Continued

EP 422: Getting Better Testimonials: A Practical Guide to Increasing Trust & Conversion

Testimonials can make or break your ability to generate leads and convert those leads into profitable deals. That’s why we’re talking with two of our all-time favorite guests, Beau the closer & Keith the SEO beast to break down: The specific questions that’ll get a house seller to give you a raving review that bust objections How Keith & Beau leverage these testimonials on your website and Google profile to generate more & higher-quality leads How to capture the perfect video testimonial vs. a written review, the most common mistakes investors make, and more! Whether you’re brand new to real estate investing or you’ve done 100 deals, join in on this conversation with two six-figure wholesalers to hear how you can become a more credible (and profitable) real estate investor. Learn how to make the most of your website at Mentioned in this Episode: Keith Sant’s Carrot site Beau Hollis’ Carrot site Episode Transcript (This is an automated transcript by robot carrots – please mind the typos 😉) 00:00:00:04 – 00:00:16:00 Beau Hollis And I have so many my friends. I’ve tried and tried and tried to talk to them. Go to closings. Go to closings. Go to closings, get allies, go for the reviews. And they still don’t have reviews. And they’re trying to run like PPC ads and all this kind of stuff. They’re running all these kind of ads, paid ads with no reviews. 00:00:16:00 – 00:00:22:04 Brady Winder Wasted money. Everybody listen to this. Like, don’t be run on PPC as with no reviews, no credibility, your waste money garbage. 00:00:22:04 – 00:00:37:22 Beau Hollis Stop that. Don’t do it. Go to go to the start going to closings for the next month or two. Bring your cell phone. Have great cameras, by the way. Go there. Take a selfie video with these people or go to their house. If you already bought their house and have a good relationship, say, hey, I know it’s crazy, but would you do a review with me? 00:00:38:05 – 00:00:43:07 Beau Hollis You know, like go, like, spend, spend a little time, do this, invest in it. 00:00:48:16 – 00:01:06:11 Brady Winder Hello, friends. Welcome back to the Care Cast podcast, where James Brady I’m your host and this is the podcast for real estate investors and agents, where we help you build businesses of freedom and impact by dialing in your online marketing. Today I have my friends with me, Mr. Keith Sands, Bo Hollis. Welcome back to the podcast, guys. How’s it going. 00:01:07:15 – 00:01:11:04 Beau Hollis Man? Glad to be on here with all of these guys. 00:01:11:15 – 00:01:13:10 Keith Sant Yeah. Bernie, appreciate you having me back. 00:01:14:20 – 00:01:33:05 Brady Winder Absolutely. It has been a minute. If you guys don’t know, Bo Hollis keeps saying, go to Google and type in carrot. Keith, Bo, whatever. You’re going to find a lot of good content, but these guys have been investing for years are some of the best wholesalers, best investors around and really know their stuff when it comes to it. 00:01:33:05 – 00:01:49:23 Brady Winder So Keith is stronger on the lead generation side and Bo is the closer, but they both do both of those really well. But if you guys want to know how to generate leads through and closed deals, we’ve got a lot of content on both of those. So what are we doing today? It’s website design and conversion month care. 00:01:50:14 – 00:02:15:08 Brady Winder In February. And so we’re talking about how to … Continued