EP 223: Real Estate Partnerships – How We Closed 70+ Deals Together and Have Never Met in Person, All Part-Time! w/ Keith Sant & Norberto Ponce

When the right partnerships are formed, the sky is the limit. Meeting someone, clicking with them, and sharing common goals with someone can take you to places you never thought possible. Working with the right partner can help you become a better version of yourself. This is true for Keith Sant and Norberto Ponce who have never met in person, yet have positively influenced each other both in life and in business. Here’s how they do it…

How To Get Real Estate Clients [14 Effective Strategies]

How To Get Real Estate Clients | 14 Tried-and-true Strategies 1. Get a High Converting Website Your website is the most important part of your online marketing efforts. And without a website that actually converts traffic into leads, you’re probably going to struggle. To be fair, many real estate agents focus on offline marketing tactics… and they do well for themselves. In fact, we’re going to discuss some of the most effective offline marketing strategies in this article. But here’s the thing: online marketing is still the best way to find clients and grow your business in today’s world. Just consider some of this cold hard data… But before you start driving traffic to your website, you need to optimize your website to actually convert that traffic. That way, the phone is ringing and you’re collecting clients left and right. Well, that’s what we specialize in at Carrot. We’ve created (and tested) real estate agent website templates that convert like crazy. Here’s a little preview of what they look like… There are a few things we do that most websites don’t. And these differences are critical. First, we put your phone number in the upper right corner, so that visitors are encouraged to pick up the phone and call. Second, we shamlessly prompt people to give you their contact information whenever they click on the “Search Properties” button… That way, even if they don’t call you, you can follow up with them. We even provide text message notifications so that you get immediately notified when your website receives a new lead. That’s just a quick overview of why Carrot websites convert better than any other websites in the industry. (We have a ton of other included features to help your business grow!) If you want to try us out risk-free for 30 days, go here to start building your high-converting website! 2. Optimize Your Website For Search Engines Search engine optimization — commonly known as SEO — is one of the best ways to collect leads and find clients over the long term. You probably won’t find clients overnight using this strategy. But after weeks, months, and years, SEO is one common factor of real estate businesses that stand the test of time. Why? To explain what we mean, you first have to understand how SEO works… 92% of all home buyers use the internet at some point in their home search. And the websites that they find help to determine the house that they buy and, more importantly, the realtor that they work with. This is also true of home sellers when they type things like “realtors in my city” into Google when looking for a real estate agent to work with. The goal of SEO is to get these people — your target market — to find your website. Because if they find your website, then they might call you and they might become a client. In fact, most of our members claim that SEO leads are far higher quality than leads they get from paid advertisements. The best part is that once you’re ranking on page one for a high-value keyword phrase, you’ll start generating leads on autopilot, without any additional marketing. And websites that make it to page one usually stay there for quite a while. Which is why SEO is such a great long-term marketing strategy. So… how do you optimize your website to rank in Google? You can check out our full guide over here. But the basics are… Research and find high-value keyword phrases. Create content to rank for those phrases. Track your … Continued

EP 220: How to Master Your Real Estate Follow-Up with Gary Boomershine & Robert Syfert of RealEstateInvestor.com

As they say, the fortune is in the follow-up. Gary Boomershine and Robert Syfert have mastered it. From flipping properties, offering turnkey rentals, and creating some of the most robust software, these guys have done it all.

Today we will learn about their scripts, sequences, and how creating great habits have improved every aspect of their lives. If you are struggling to convert the leads you’re bringing in, this episode of the Carrotcast is for you!

19 Lead Generation Tools for Real Estate Agents [Your Guide for 2023]

Here are 19 of the best lead generation tools for real estate agents to help! 1. Carrot Website Many real estate agents start out by joining a larger real estate group or franchise. Their face gets added to the company website, and they receive a particular share of the leads. But it doesn’t take long to realize that if you want to grow your own business, you’re going to need your own website. Unfortunately, most agents think their website only exists to represent their business — as a sort of digital business card. The most successful agents, though, know that isn’t true. Your website is probably your company’s biggest lead-gen asset. There are two ways that you can use your website to predictably generate high-quality leads for your business. The first is paid traffic. Running ads on Facebook or Google is a great way to drive traffic to your website. But here’s the thing: that paid traffic isn’t worth a lick if your website doesn’t consistently convert that traffic into leads for your business. (In fact, driving traffic to a low-converting website is expensive and usually a waste of money) And our Carrot websites are built to convert and drive leads right out of the box therefore, can be one of the most productive lead generation tools for real estate agents. We start with a compelling homepage header, which transitions into two separate CTAs for buyers and sellers. And we always include the agent’s phone number in the upper right corner for people who want to take action right away. Take a look: the entire format is crafted to make taking action as easy as possible for visitors. The trick to building a high-converting website is to give visitors exactly what they want, as quickly as possible… and to build trust along the way. That’s exactly what Carrot sites do. But that’s not all they do. While paid ads are a great way to drive traffic to your website, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is just as powerful. SEO is working to rank in search engines (like Google and Bing) for keyword phrases that your target market types into Google. That way, those people click on your website and become leads. And SEO leads are usually even higher quality and more consistent than paid leads. SEO is a bit complicated but can be one of the best long-term lead generation tools for real estate agents. This is why our Carrot sites make search engine ranking as simple as possible. Check out some of our best lead-generation features in the second point. 2. Carrot Features Our Carrot sites convert better than any other websites in the industry. We’ve generated more than 2 million leads for our members with conversion rates between 10% and 20% (most real estate websites convert at 2%)! That means more leads and more closings for your business. And you can sign up for Carrot risk-free for 30 days over here. But what else do you get by signing up? Here are some of our coolest real estate lead generation tools Check Out Our FREE AgentCarrot Demo Now! 3. Silver Street Marketing Running Google and Facebook ads is much more complex than it probably sounds… especially if you’ve never done it before. If you have tried your hand at paid ads, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. You choose the targeting and craft the copy as carefully as possible, then hit launch with your fingers crossed. But those ads end up far less effective than had hoped. The truth is, it can take years to learn how … Continued

EP 218: All Radio. All Virtual. How I Used Radio Ads for Real Estate Investing to Build My Business and Lifestyle w/ Chris Arnold

Radio is old-school. Because of this, investors and agents will confuse themselves with their target demographic, avoiding radio advertising altogether. However, if you are an investor looking deals in your area, your target demographic is very likely listening to the radio! Today, we sat down with Chris Arnold to learn more about how he had relied on radio advertising to build and grow his multiple companies. Learn about what works, what to avoid, and how to build a business that offers freedom and impact.

EP 216: How Jason Pulls 50 Organic Leads Per Day + Full Strategy Breakdown for YouTube, Facebook and IG Ads w/ Jason Wardrop

Imagine pulling in over 50+ leads per day. Now imagine doing it all organically. Generating high-quality leads is more than just setting up a website or launching a campaign.

Today, Jason is giving us a full strategy breakdown, sharing with us how he is crushing it on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram Ads, and more! He will share with us the framework and the formulas so you can get out there and crush it too!

This Real Estate Agent Doubled Her Closings + Increased Website Traffic By 227%

In 2019, Shemeika Fox doubled her number of closings. But it wasn’t by sheer luck… it was by clear-cut strategy and intentional action. She’s marketing her business in ways that most real estate agents never even consider, and because of that, she’s cutting through the clutter in her competitive market. Just before that success, though, Shemeika was tired and frustrated — she was on the hamster wheel of business, sweating for every single lead. She knew something needed to change. And that’s when she made these five key shifts in her thinking and her marketing. 1. Mindset Shift: From Hunting To Farming Entrepreneurs are great at getting up early and working late. There’s a ceasless motivation that drives entrepreneurs, and while that’s an important quality for success, it’s also not sustainable. Ask any ex-entrepreneur why they got a day-job and they’ll probably tell you that they worked too hard and too long for too little payback. That’s because most entrepreneurs hunt for their closings. They pay for advertisements, ask for referrals, send direct mail, follow-up, and cold call. But here’s the thing: the moment that you stop doing those things… the leads stop flowing. Which means that the only way to generate more leads or to keep generating leads at all it to keep working harder and longer… to keep hunting. But what about a farmer? A farmer is different than a hunter. They plant seeds, nurture those seeds, and then reap the benefits of their careful attention. Sure, it takes more time to see the results, but the harvest is much more plentiful and, in terms of ROI, it requires much less work per closing. Farming strategies include SEO, buliding brand awareness, and content marketing… all strategies that most real estate agents neglect. Now we’re not saying that you should stop running ads or sending direct mail, but you should be farming and hunting for your leads. Hunt for leads when your business needs them immediately, and farm when you can allow a bit more time for results. This was an important mindset shift for Shemieka to make and it’s important for all entrepreneurs. Harder work is not the only way to generate more leads or grow a bigger business. Like the cliche goes, work smarter, not harder. For Shemieka, that means consistently running ads and sending direct mail, but also spending plenty of time building her online brand image, posting content to social media, and growing her SEO presence. 2. Simple, Effective Lead-Generation Website Building an effective website is one of the most difficult parts about building a real estate business. You need one because everyone else has one… but how do you get that website to actually be useful and generate leads? And in order to get the functionalities and features you need to get your website generating leads on autopilot, how do you build that without spending thousands of dollars on a custom design? For Shemeika (and for more than 7,000 real estate pros around the nation), Carrot was the answer. Before signing up with Carrot, this was Shemeika’s website. It might look pretty, but the problem is that it wasn’t generating leads for Shmeika’s business, no matter how much traffic she drove to the site. That’s why she signed up with Carrot. Here’s her new website. And guess what? People don’t just visit that site… they opt-in, they contact her, and those leads turn into closings. In fact, her website brings in so many leads that, in 2019, she doubled her number of closings. Why? Well, the genius of our Carrot methodology is in giving … Continued