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EP 107: The 3 KEY Pivots Brad Chandler Made To Go Nationwide, Ramp To 25+ Deals A Month, and Do More Of What He Loves

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The 3 KEY Pivots Brad Chandler Made To Ramp To 25+ Deals A Month, and Do More Of What He Loves

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Ride the wave that is given to you right now. Brad Chandler

On this episode of the CarrotCast, we welcome back Brad Chandler from Express Homebuyers.

Brad and I met about 3 years ago and he recently joined us for CarrotCamp 2018 Spring Edition.

We dive into the 3 Key Pivots he has made to go nationwide, ramp up to 25+ deals per month and doing more of what he loves.

These weren’t small moves. They required a switch in their model from heavier stress, fix and flip model, to the fairly chaos free wholesaling model they currently have.

Listen to some of the insights Brad has about both sides of the industry and why shifting to a predominant real estate wholesaling business is where they’ve found the sweet spot.


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The KEY Pivots Brad Made To Take His Real Estate Wholesaling Business Nationwide, Ramp To 25+ Deals A Month, and Do More Of What He Loves

2:10 – What Brad’s real estate wholesaling business model looks like right now and how it’s evolved away from fix and flip.
5:20 – What his major stressors were during the fix and flip period ($34 million out on renovations).
7:10 – How much more work and time it is to go from 5 to 10 full-blown renovations.
9:50 – Why it’s so important to build your business model around you and your market.
12:00 – The main point about having CAPITOL. You need to have enough capital to renovate, have lenders, and be ready for liabilities. 
13:05 – What type of offline marketing Express Homebuyers is currently doing.
14:05 – How long it took to get SEO rankings while expanding Nationally.
18:30 – What they do for backlink building and who they quickly build up content.
21:35 – What other platforms are they using to stack their lead sources.
24:10 – GENIUS tip Brad provided during CarrotCamp.
26:40 – How to gain an edge in a competitive market.
30:40 – The point when Brad decided to hire a CEO and take a step back to focus on other passions. 
34:50 – Brad’s expectations from his coaching company and what has been working for his members.
44:15 – Upleveling and growing yourself, your mission, and your business.


  • He’s Bought 2,000+ Houses. How? Brad Chandler with Express Homebuyers Unveils His Journey: CarrotCast
  • What’s Your Credibility Score? The Top 5% Of Earners Are Doing These “Simple” Things To Build More Credibility In A Cluttered Market: CarrotCast
  • How I 10x’d My Income And Found My Purpose With This 15 Minutes Per Quarter “Energy Audit”: CarrotCast


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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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