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EP 218: All Radio. All Virtual. How I Used Radio Ads for Real Estate Investing to Build My Business and Lifestyle w/ Chris Arnold

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All Radio. All Virtual. How I Used Radio Ads to Build My Business and Lifestyle w/ Chris Arnold

Radio is the marketing channel that everyone knows about but nobody is using.

– Chris Arnold

All Radio. All Virtual. How I Used Radio Ads for Real Estate Investing to Build My Business and Lifestyle w/ Chris Arnold

Radio is old-school. Because of this, investors and agents will confuse themselves with their target demographic, avoiding radio advertising altogether. However, if you are an investor looking deals in your area, your target demographic is very likely listening to the radio!

Today, we sat down with Chris Arnold to learn more about how he had relied on radio advertising to build and grow his multiple companies.

Learn about what works, what to avoid, and how to build a business that offers freedom and impact. 

Read the Full Show Notes Below…

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When Chris first started out, he focused on direct mail advertising. This kept him on the hamster wheel, managing campaigns, fielding hate-calls, and trying to manage a team that was dealing with low-quality leads. Then one day it hit him – radio.

Using radio ads for real estate investing is something that none of his competition was doing. He knew that his target demographic wasn’t listening to Spotify when they got in the car – they were turning on the radio.

By advertising to them in this manner, he was able to appear less sleazy, build credibility, and create a name for himself and his brand. Today we are going to dive into his ad strategy and how he is running a virtual business that provides him with freedom, flexibility, and impact.

We love discovering ways to use offline marketing to create online demand and radio does just that! 

Tips For A Great Radio Ad

Before creating your ad, you need to make sure it will reach the right people. To do this, reverse engineer the genre.

There are 3 main genres:

  • Urban
  • Rural
  • Over 50

Think about who is listening to these stations. If you are looking for deals in a city with younger people, choose an urban station. If your target client is a bit older, look for stations that appeal to those 50+. 

Many stations have a team in their marketing department who can help you with your ad. While they are there to help, avoid them like the plague. They do not know how to position you to your prospective clients. 

  • Write your own copy
  • Make sure the copy hits a seller’s pain points
  • Start with 60-second spots
  • Start with music stations vs. talk radio
  • Have your ads played during commute times or during prime time
  • Have your CTA lead them to a phone number so you can answer their call live

Once you get your first ad in place, you can always tweak and perfect it to get the biggest response possible. 

The Benefits of Radio

Radio reaches your prospective clients in ways other marketing channels can’t. It can help you build celebrity status by positioning you as the expert in your market. Radio can help you build your brand without having to spam people with letters and calls.

Instead, they will come to you. Radio will help you to quickly build authority, putting you ahead of the competition. 

Radio is great because you truly just set it and forget it. With direct mail and other types of marketing, you are always involved, scheduling, looking at reports, and creating campaigns.

With radio, they have a whole team to manage it for you. They schedule everything. All you have to do it provide your content one time and the rest is handled by them Your only job is to make sure you answer the calls live as they are coming in. 

Building a Lifestyle of Freedom and Impact

Chris has always known he wanted to help people. In fact, he possesses a seminary degree and always thought he would work for the church.

Then one day it hit him.

He didn’t have to become a pastor in order to positively impact people’s lives. He could build a business that would give him freedom so that he would have the time to help people in the ways he wanted to.

15 years ago he discover real estate and hasn’t looked back since. Today he runs a coaching business, an investment business in Dallas, and a Mastermind Group. The best part is that he does all of this while working from his home in Tulum, Mexico. 

Today Chris is giving back through his Mastermind and by coaching others. He has been through a lot personally and has taken these experiences to help others. Chris works with others in similar boats as he is, providing a true brotherhood and comradery, helping other fellow leaders avoid the isolation so many others often face. He has become a true example of someone who has built a business to create impact, freedom, and flexibility. 

Thanks for listening and be sure to head over to Apple Podcasts to leave us a review! 

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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