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EP 109: How RJ Will Do $2M+ Flipping Houses In 2018 In 4 Different States

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How RJ Will Do $2M+ Flipping Houses In 2018 In 4 Different States

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I dont’ do well if I set small achievable goals. That to me does not excite me. I need to have the large goal because in my mind, I can see what I need to do to achieve the large goal. RJ Bates

I’m pumped about this podcast today. One thing that I love to do and also I hear this feedback from guys all the time in iTunes reviews and the reviews everywhere else and emails and Facebook messages I get from everybody, that they love case studies. You guys love case studies. You love to hear someone else’s journey, their successes, their failures, the things that they went through, the trials, the tribulations and what got them to where they are.

So I’m bringing on another one of our amazing clients, RJ Bates with Titanium Investments, today. And RJ is one of the top investors in Dallas, Texas, but also he’s branched out into multiple markets. He’s in the Hawaii market, he’s in the Anchorage, Alaska market now, and one back Midwest. And we discuss his journey here and his journey, it’s one that was really interesting. I found it fascinating because he’s a guy who kind of found himself falling into house flipping and wholesaling.

He didn’t set out to do that. He actually was a roofing contractor, hustling, selling roofs. And then one of his clients said, “Hey, can you also fix this rehab house?” And he’s like, “Man, I think that’s a good business opportunity.” Before you know it, he’s running a $2 million plus a year wholesaling and house flipping company based in Dallas, Texas, but in four different markets. You’re going to hear his journey, you’re going to hear his trials. You’re going to hear the things that he failed on early on. You’re going to hear why he has a business partner and how they work together.

And you’re also going to hear what works best for him for his marketing mix. He uses online a lot. He uses Facebook a lot. He’s going to talk about that, but he also breaks down the other things that are working insanely well in this cluttered market for him, even when he enters into new markets. Last, how does he enter into new markets? Because he’s just one guy with a business partner in Dallas there. How is that he’s entering into these new markets? Well, he talks about how he’s finding his boots on the ground people, business partners in those markets and how he structures it.

Without further adieu, welcome in RJ Bates from Titanium Investments into this podcast.

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How RJ Will Do $2M+ Flipping Houses In 2018 In 4 Different States!

2:15 –  Who is RJ Bates and what locations he’s currently investing in. Two of which aren’t the typical locations.
4:50 –  What his company looks like right now: Team and deal volume.
10:30 –  From Pizza Hut delivery driver to Roofing Contractor. RJ’s amazing journey into real estate investing.
16:15 –  He went all-in into wholesaling in 2014. All-in close enough to have $11 before closing his first deal.
17:30 – How RJ stumbled upon InvestorCarrot (Carrot) and Trevor’s backstory about building Carrot sites in 2014.
19:45 – RJ’s vision as an entrepreneur and how that has changed over time.
20:45 – Creating a passive income goal of $100k per month. Why that is his “magic” number and why he focuses on large goals instead of small achievable ones.
29:00 – Changing the mindset around having employees. Scaling business by hiring the right team.
31:15 – Some of the limiting beliefs RJ had to deal with when starting out and struggling a bit.
34:20 – KEY things that must be in place before RJ expanding into a new market. 
38:30 – What type of marketing platforms are working right now in specific markets.
40:35 – Breaking down RJ’s cost per deal within certain markets.
43:15 – MINDSET SHIFT: Finding your monthly budget by calculating your max cost per lead.
46:05 – How having a Carrot website has helped drive RJ’s offline marketing.
51:10 – Unpacking what ads are working on Facebook right now.
56:30 – What RJ’s marketing budget looks like and how he’s able to do so much and stay within this mark.
58:15 – What he’s seeing since Facebook has started stripping away some features.



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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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