EP 117: We’re The Fastest Growing Software Company In Oregon… + Speaking Dreams Into Reality

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We're The Fastest Growing Software Company In Oregon... + Speaking Dreams Into Reality

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Don’t start a business on being mediocre. Go for being the best! Trevor Mauch

On this episode of the CarrotCast, Carrot recently received some very exciting news and we want to share it with everyone. Because, if it wasn’t for our amazing team and our equally amazing members, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Tune into this episode of the CarrotCast and learn which “life list” item I can now, proudly, cross off my list.

I hope this episode inspires you to write down your own dreams, visualize success, and make them happen!


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We’re The Fastest Growing Software Company In Oregon… + Speaking Dreams Into Reality

:45 –  What prestigious list Carrot recently joined.
1:50 –  “Think and Grow Rich” the path to visualizing success.
2:45 –  The item on my “life list” that I was able to recently cross off and how it happened.
6:45 – Carrot’s business path and our intention for our members.
8:35 – When you go wide but not deep, you don’t give yourself true momentum.
9:45 – So proud of the Carrot Team to be the fastest growing software company in Oregon.
10:25 – What dreams can you write down so to visualize getting there. Making it happen!


  • Breaking Down the Barriers to Achieving Your Goals: CarrotCast
  • What I Told 53 Local Entrepreneurs About Life, Success, and Happiness: CarrotCast
  • My 3 Mindset Tips to Help You Motivate, Inspire, and Execute… CarrotCast


We want to hear how we can make our products better and what we can do to help you! Drop them in the comments section below or hit us up on Facebook.

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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