EP 67: Facebook Ads For Real Estate Agents: Framework That’s Proven to Work w/ Josh Schoenly

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Facebook Ad Framework For Real Estate Agents

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There are lots of agents that love working with first-time home buyers. And, there are tons of agents that never want to work with first-time home buyers. You can go out and create that experience. You can go out and be intentional about attracting those people. Those perfect, right clients. Josh Schoenly

In this episode of The CarrotCast, I have a special guest for you, Josh Schoenly. I have known Josh for years in different businesses that he’s owned. First of all, he’s one of the best dudes around. He’s ethical, honest, and knows what he’s doing. He’s a big, big, big sharer.

But I wanted to bring him on because Facebook marketing became a topic, of course, over the past year that keeps on coming up more and more from our clients.

On this episode, Josh walks through every single step of how to dial in your Facebook ads for real estate. From targeting to your ads and your landing pages. If you want to learn more about Josh or more from him, then go check out his website, clientalchemist.com. I’m excited to welcome Josh to the podcast and you guys to his world because he’s an amazing dude. I think you’re just going to love him.

Also, we did a great podcast with Kylie Newbold, which I feel is the number Podcast episode on Facebook ads for real estate investors specifically. Go check out that episode here.

Enjoy and check out more CarrotCast episodes at carrotcast.com.

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Listen to this CarrotCast episode and start to embrace marketing for your business.

2:30 – Introduction to Josh Schoenly.
6:30 – Does that always need to be a grind phase when building up a business or can it be built with flexibility and leverage?
9:25  What marketing resources Josh has used during his marketing journey?
12:50 – One of the best ways to understand marketing is to take notes of what catches your eye. Start creating your own marketing swipe file.
15:00 – Josh’s 4 step philosophy to Facebook ads for Real Estate Agents.

  1. Identify
  2. Attract
  3. Connect
  4. Converse

23:00 – Putting your clients first. The importance of building relationships rather than chasing dollars.
26:15 – Facebook marketing for long-term growth. Quick wins but also creating a foundation.

Breaking down the 4 steps to Facebook ads for Real Estate:

30:30 – #1 Identify – How to identify your Facebook audience and niche.
37:15 – How Facebook “interests” targeting work.
38:30 – #2 Attract – What types of ads are working for Agents, and how much are they spending.

Do you need help calculating your marketing budget?

Listen to: #1 PPC Metrics: You Need To Build Into Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy w/ Adrian Nez

45:25 #3 Connect – What is your marketing objective, and where to send that traffic?
49:15#4 Converse – How to nurture leads and create an ongoing follow-up system.
53:30 – Telling simple stories within your marketing can go a long way for success.

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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