How to Create Real Estate Content in Under 10 Minutes with Carrot’s VideoPost

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Create Real Estate Video Content in Under 10 Minutes with Carrot's VideoPost

With less than 10 minutes of effort, you’ll have video and real estate content for your blog that will boost your SEO, help you stand out with more credibility, and convert more visitors into leads.

Cool update, the videopost we walk you through within this blog post actually ranks in Google for the phrase we went after. It took a month, but it’s ranked #1 now!

how to rank number one in google using videoposts

Video Transcription

What’s up y’all. Trevor here with Carrot

Creating content for your real estate website as an agent is easier than you think. Today we show you how to shoot videos without any fancy cameras or lights, or scripts.

Many of you guys are not doing what I’m asking you to do and doing video posts.

Putting content online is critical for standing out and building expertise, building authority, and our tool called VideoPosts turns your short videos into written content that ranks.

In this video, I’m going to actually do one in real-time, show you how I ideate, find the idea, research it, do the video, get it uploaded, and optimize it, all in one. It’s a real video. I’m putting it on my own site.

So first thing right here: doing a videopost in real-time. I’m going to go through it really quick.

  1. First of all, we’re going to pick the topic based on the niche that you’d like to own.
  2. Next, we’re going to research it using Google suggest; it’s crazy, easy, free, simple, cheap.
  3. Number three, shoot the video, under three to five minutes using this fancy, crazy expensive tool called a cell phone.
  4. Number four, upload the video to YouTube from your cell phone.
  5. Number five, optimize and create the videoposts in Carrot, all in under 10 minutes.

All right. The first thing we’re going to do here is … I’m in Roseburg, Oregon. I have an entrepreneur cowork space called The Loft.

I want to rank a video there for people that are looking to find a cowork space. I’m going to go to Google right here. I’m just going to type up phrases that I think someone might want to search if they’re looking for a cowork space.

So Roseburg co … We’re at Roseburg cowork … Right there: Roseburg coworking space. Cool.

So that’s my title. I’m going to click this and see what’s ranking here. We’ve got this. The Loft Roseburg is there, but I want my personal website rank in there.

Okay? I want my personal website rank in there. So I’m going to create a video. I’m going to upload it. I’m going to optimize it for Roseburg coworking space.

I know that’s the phrase people like the search. I’m going to scroll down to see if there are any suggested searches at the bottom. That’s a pretty obscure search phrase so there’s not any there.

If there were, you can use those search phrases at the bottom.

Here’s an example. Let’s say it was North Umpqua river homes … Homes for sale.

You can use the suggested searches for ideas right here. These are ideas you can work into the words of your video.

One of the keys here, one of the keys right before I start to record this is you need to be saying the types of words in your video that people are going to be searching in Google.

So whatever you say is actually going to then get put in the video, which we’re going to yank the words out and put it in writing.

The way that you rank well with videoposts is to localize all of your content. I’m going to do it in real-time right here, doing a videopost to rank really high. We’ll show you the real results later for Roseburg coworking space.

[VideoPost Script Now Ranking #1 in Google]

Hey, this is Trevor Mauch here in Roseburg, Oregon. And I’m actually in The Loft in Downtown Roseburg right now: 950 South East Oak Avenue.

And I’m shooting this non-professional video on my cell phone, just to kind of give you a little tour of The Loft, of this space. So I just came out of my office right there. I’m going to flip the lights on here in a second, but this is our kind of general gathering room.

We have our gym right here. We have about 13 different companies all doing amazing things, innovative things here in Roseburg, a lot of people probably don’t know about.

Here’s our awesome content studio where Born And Raised Outdoors does podcasts. I do podcasts. Other people do videos and podcasts in this studio, available for Loft members.

Popping over here now, flip on some lights, we’ve got our kitchen. We’ve got our lounge. I’m going to take you over to the actual office space on the other side.

If you’re looking to get a cowork space here in Roseburg, Oregon, if you’re looking for an entrepreneur workspace, you want to have a space to work with other amazing people, The Loft is the heartbeat of entrepreneurship in Roseburg, Oregon.

We’re growing our company here, Carrot, a fast-growing software company in Oregon right here. This is our lounge, kind of a break area. Over there we have a lot of cool parties, lots of fun stuff. You can lounge right here and hang out.

I’m going to take you over to this side now and show you some of the more offices.

So what do we have here at The Loft? We have a gym. We have a studio. we’ve got our lounge, our bar, our kitchen. I think it’s about 13 offices, I should have flipped the lights on before I did this video also, of amazing people. Now currently, as I speak, we don’t have any availability but there might be availability. Or at the very least come and visit us and see what we’re doing here at The Loft.

Taking you in the boardroom now.

This is our boardroom, so if you are going to be working and you want to do meetings, you’ve got the white board, you’ve got the big meeting area right here. And I’m going to be coming in here and kind of showing some of the other Loft members.

We’ve got a one of our offices here. I’m interrupting my team. Mr. Josh back there. This is one of our offices here at Carrot. Right over there is where my office is, where I started this video.

And then we’re going to take you over here by the rest of the offices, then take you out front so you can see what our building here in Downtown Roseburg looks like.

And if you’re looking for office space in Roseburg, this is a good fit. Once again, we’re currently full right now but we have amazing offices all over here, a historical building.

And most of these people here in Roseburg, in The Loft, are creatives. It’s people who are creative. They’re doing marketing. They’re doing video work. Once you move into The Loft, you’re going to get a sticker up here to be able move in and out at your leisure.

And I’m going to take you out front. You’re going to see where we are here in Downtown Roseburg. And once again, if you’re looking for downtown office space, we are so passionate about, and we so love the Roseburg community here.

But this is where you’re going to see right here. We’re in beautiful Downtown Roseburg. We have the coffee shop right across the way. We’re there quite often. This is The Loft, right here. You’re going to see it. This is Oak Avenue. Right up here you Have Main Street.

And so I’m going to finish it with this. If you’re looking for a coworking space here in Roseburg, if you’re looking for an office space here in Roseburg, if you’re looking for a place downtown to call home, to grow your business, to have fellowship, to be there with other creatives that are doing amazing things from software, from graphics to IT security, marketing, YouTube stars, the whole thing, come down here to The Loft and check it out.

So what are some other things if you’re looking for food? We have a lot of amazing food down here. We’ve got Brix down there, we’ve got Old Soul right there. So that’ll kind of give you an idea of where we are.

Check us out at or come down here to 950 SE Oak Ave. There’s one of our downtown residents right there, the owner of Umpqua Sweets and Treats.

Come down here to 950 Southeast Oak Avenue and join The Loft and check us out. Even if you don’t want an office, just come visit us.

If you’re looking for an entrepreneur coworking space and if you’re looking for a place to rent an office here in Roseburg or whatever, you just want fellowship, come check us out.

Cool. So, you see, it wasn’t perfect. I stumbled a bunch, I didn’t know what words I was going to say sometimes, but you make it through it.

And while I’m heading back to the office, I’m actually going to upload that on YouTube in real time.

So the title for this one is just going to be Roseburg Coworking Space, probably put a “dash, The Loft.”

I’m going to click “upload.” It’s now uploading on my phone. It’s going to take them a minute or so. And then from there, I can take that and I can put it directly inside of my Carrot site.

So I’m now logged into my Carrot site, over here, and I’m going to show you where to go for video posts.

So right here I’m going to log into my account. I’m going to click “content.” And we’re doing some things to make this even simpler and quicker. And then we go to “posts.” Okay, and then just go ahead and click “add new.”

Just go ahead and start a new post.

start a videopost

And there’s this little option right there that says “video,” okay? And what I’m going to do is I’m just going to go to my YouTube account … So YouTube.

So go to my channel. I’m not a professional on YouTube. I’m working my way through this as well. Okay, so right now this video is uploading. It’s crunching. It should end up here in my account here in a bit. I did mark it as unlisted, but you can see right there it’s still uploading right now. It’s about one minute remaining.

Once I get this video, what I’m going to do is I’m going to put it inside of video posts. I’m just going to take that URL. I’m going to paste it right there. It’s going to import everything in.

The title for video posts should be the keyword that I typed up into Google, which was Roseburg Coworking Space.

I’m going to maybe put a little bit of content on the back end of it so it’s not just this boring short title. it’s probably going to be Roseburg Coworking Space – The Loft.

Let’s go and do this. Roseburg Coworking Space, downtown offices at The Loft workspace.

That’s a long title. You have to make it like that. But you can see, I put my title right there. I’m waiting for my video to upload and start crunching.

Once I get the video in there, I’m just going to go ahead and paste the URL straight in there. Okay, I’m going to do it right there and then there’s going to be a button right here that you click and that’s it. That’s all you’re going to do.

So I’m going to take a video right now just for sake of time on this particular video, and I will put in my old Loft video.

I’m just going to go edit right there, copy and paste the URL. You can see our system imported the whole thing in there. And then if I was logged into an actual Carrot account, there’d be a big callout there that says “embed video” add your YouTube video, and click next.

So I’m going to do that. We’re going to check back in in a couple of weeks and see where that video post is ranked in Google.

That’s it. The steps were this, let me review them:

Pick your topic, whatever your topic is going to be. In this case, I want it to rank well for coworking spaces. That’s one of my niches.

Research using Google Suggest to peg a title, just like I did. Just go to Google and start typing in what your prospect might type in, find other suggested phrases. That’s now you’re going to be your title. Pick the best one of those for your title.

Make sure you say those words in your video in natural spots multiple times. Say different words that are related to that.

Okay. The next step here is you go shoot the video. Make it a three to five-minute video. That video I shot was four minutes. Upload it to YouTube straight from your cell phone.

The title of that should be the word that you grabbed from Google. Throw that now into videopost with Carrot and you’re done.

All right, I want to challenge you to make your first video post. You saw this whole video, including flub-ups, including us, walking around, actually not producing the video post, is right around 10 minutes.

We know that you can do the same thing. My videopost was four minutes. It took me three minutes to upload it to YouTube, a minute to research it, four minutes to walk around filming myself, flubbing up words.

The people are going to love it and it’s going to rank well on Google. Do the same thing. Use videoposts!

Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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5 responses to “How to Create Real Estate Content in Under 10 Minutes with Carrot’s VideoPost

    1. Hey JB, to fully utilized the VideoPost feature, you’d need a YouTube link. But, there are advantages of creating a YouTube account. One big advantage is that you’ll also have the ability to rank your videos within the organic search results. You could potentially have a video as well as a VideoPost ranking on page one of Google.

      Let us know if you have other questions.


  1. Great way to get 2 things done at once!

    How long should an article be so that you optimize your chances of ranking? I’ve heard that Google punishes for having content that is too short. What are your thoughts?

    1. Great question Felicia!

      Ideally it should be 3 – 8 minutes long.

      the reason for that is Google likes to see content that is at least 500-800 words of robust valuable content. The average person speaks 120 to 160 words per minute…

      … so a 3 minute video is about 500 words of content.

      … an 8 minute video is about 1,000 words of content.

      I wouldn’t go above 9 or 10 minutes unless you dive into the transcription and put in some work editing and formatting it to look good as it’ll be a lot of text that will be hard for someone to read.

      And anything less than 3 minutes is too short to have enough content to rank.

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