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9 Real Estate Follow Up Scripts to Close More Deals

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If you want more deals and outgrow your competitors, you need real estate follow up scripts proven to close.

You want to own one of your market’s most successful real estate businesses (whether agent or investor).

There are a lot of things you could do. Sending paid ad traffic to a high-converting website, optimizing your ad campaigns for a better click-through rate, and creating sales scripts can make a massive difference in how many leads you generate and how many deals you close monthly.

Following up on your real estate leads is one of the biggest determiners of success.

If an agent or investor has a rigorous and consistent follow-up system, they are far more likely to be successful than those who assume a lead is dead if they don’t get a signed contract after the first phone call.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Hone Your Follow-Up Skills & Close More Deals

Cover seller objections, use high-converting warm and cold touch scripts, and follow an easy touchpoint schedule to increase your lead-to-deal conversion.

Download Now: Free Follow-Up Scripts

Is Follow Up Worth Your Time?

We’ve mentioned this in other blog posts before, but the data is pretty clear about whether follow-up is worth your time or not…

is lead follow-up important

(Image Source)

Think about that for a second…

80% of sales are made between the fifth and twelfth contact.

Let’s pretend that that is true for your business but that you only follow up once with each lead.

That would mean that you’re giving more than 80% of your potential deals to your competitors — just outright handing them over.

Because those leads aren’t just sitting at home waiting for you to pursue them, they’re calling other investors and agents in the area and examining their options.

If you stop contacting them, they’ll forget about you and work with someone else.

Over 80%!

Sound crazy?

Well, even if that percentage is 50% for your business, isn’t that too much?

Even 10% is too much!

Especially in real estate, an industry where one transaction often amounts to tens of thousands of dollars in profit.

Look — you know there’s money in the follow up, but you still have some limiting beliefs about building a follow-up system for your business.

So let me walk you through 3 of the most common myths of follow up in real estate.

Three Real Estate Follow Up Myths

Myth #1: “I need to have a complex CRM before building my follow up system.”

Yes. Having a super fancy CRM will help you organize your lead flow, assign tasks to different team members, and ensure that you follow up with every lead, with the same messages, a pre-determined number of times.

CRMs allow you to organize and automate your follow-up system, making the entire process much simpler.

But CRMs aren’t always cheap.

And they also aren’t always easy to use (some are better than others).

If you think your lack of a CRM or your hatred of technology is an excuse not to follow up with your leads, think again…

Just keep it simple, use an ESP like MailChimp or InvestorFuse (both of which integrate with your Carrot website), and schedule an automated follow-up campaign.

Remember, some sort of follow-up strategy is better than no follow-up strategy.

Myth #2: “Most deals come from first contact, not follow-up.

Whether you’re an agent or investor, it’s easy to assume that most of your deals come from first contact.

A motivated buyer or seller calls you on the phone, ready to take action now (they might even already know who you are and trust you), and that call effortlessly turns into a closed deal.

That’s how many of your transactions happen now.

But we have to ask the question… do most of your currently closed deals happen like that because if someone isn’t motivated from the get-go, then they won’t be motivated down the road?

Or because you’re not following up and thus not capturing leads that might require more time and effort?

The answer is clear.

After all, no matter how motivated someone is to buy or sell their home, a reasonable person likely won’t just decide to work with you right off the bat — they’ll need to process, think about it, examine other options, and speak with you some more.

And if you’re following up during that decision-making process, they might work well with you.

Myth #3: “I don’t want to follow up too much or annoy my prospects.

This “myth” isn’t false.

Some real estate follow-up sequences are downright annoying to prospects.

Suppose you’re sending the same thing every time — “Hey! I want to buy your house right now!” — then that’ll get old quickly.

But this belief is a myth in that the follow-up sequence you create doesn’t need to be dull and drab — it can be interesting, engaging, and trust-building.


Well, we think that one of the best ways to build trust and engage prospects with your follow-up sequence is by providing free value.

Send them a link to an article on your website that might help them solve a problem. Give them a piece of advice specific to their situation. Or even offer to get on the phone and discuss their options.

The better the relationship you build with them, the more dividends that relationship will pay you down the road.

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Get the fool-proof strategies & step-by-step scripts used by real estate investing’s top closers — all in one resource.

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What Is The Goal Of Follow Up?

Sometimes, a lead follow-up system’s goal is to get your lead to take the next step for conversion — getting on the phone with you, receiving their cash offer, or going to an open house.

Sometimes, though, the goal will be to get them to accept a cash offer you already made or to stay in contact with them if they become ready to use your services.

Each business is different, and each prospect is different.

What your follow-up system should look like depends on when you’re following up with prospects (what stage they’re at) and what action you need them to take.

Typically, though, the goal of mastering following up is to get the prospect on the phone again so you can work your sales magic — a phone call can serve all purposes.

The 3 Mediums Of Your Follow Up Strategy: Text, Email, and Phone Calls

How you follow up with your prospects — whether through text, email, or phone calls (or, even better, all three) — will partly be determined by your target market and how they like to communicate.

More than one investor, for example, has gotten on the phone with an elderly person looking to sell their home fast, only to find out that they have no idea how to work email.

So adjust with your market’s tendencies.

If you know, they don’t look at their emails and texts, then call them. If they don’t answer the phone, send text messages and emails.

The more you adapt your follow-up strategy to the communication style of each prospect, the better.

(But remember, progress, not perfection)

Oh! And here’s the best time to email…

best days to send a lead follow up email

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And the best time to send a real estate follow up email…

best hours to send a lead follow up email

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In other words…

best times and days to send a lead follow up email

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Real Estate Follow Up Timeline Calendar

Following up is, of course, easier said than done.

You need to figure out what to say and how to say it (covered in the next part of this article) and determine when you will follow up.

So to help with the decision-making process, we’ve put together this free follow-up timeline calendar that you can steal if you like.

Try it, see how it goes, and adjust it as necessary.

When we put it together, we’d tried to put logical spacing between each text, call, and email so that you’ll sometimes need to use free-value-based follow ups…

“Hey! I found something you might be interested in.”

and sometimes, you’ll just be checking in…

“Hey! Just calling to see if you’re still interested in my services.”

Hope it helps!

Note: This calendar is one month’s worth of follow-up for a given prospect who opted-in to your website on Sunday, the 1st. You can follow up more or less than the calendar suggests, but this is a good starting point.

real estate lead follow up calendar

Free Real Estate Follow Up Scripts

To make your follow-up strategy even easier to implement, we will provide you with 3 follow up scripts whether you’re an agent or an investor.

These scripts are written as if for an automated email campaign, but they can be adapted to fit any medium (including text and phone calls).

One of the primary ways we recommend reaching out to your prospects is by offering value rather than just asking for the sale each time (which can get annoying quickly).

How can you provide value?

Well, if you have a blog on your website (check out our Content Tools add-on where we’ll provide you with expert-written blog content every month), then you can send over links to helpful articles that you’ve recently published, making you look like the expert that you are and keeping you top of mind.

For agents and investors, here are 3 follow-up scripts you’re welcome to steal. :-)

  1. Hard Ask — Use When Trying To Close The Deal
  2. Soft Ask — Use When Trying To Get Prospect To Take Next Step
  3. Free Value — Use When Trying To Stay Connected With Prospect Simply

6 Free Real Estate Follow Up Scripts For Agents (3 For Buyers & 3 For Sellers)


Hard Ask

This depends a bit on what you’re trying to do with the buyer. Here, I assume you want them to choose to work with you rather than another competitor.

Hey [name]!

Great chat the other day.

I’ve spent some time thinking about your situation and I know that I can help you find the perfect home. If you’re okay with it, let me find some listings that I think are within your budget and we can go take a look.

What do you say?

Soft Ask

Hey [name]!

I hope you’re doing well.

I know you mentioned that you’re interested in finding the perfect home for [purpose]. I’d love to help you with that. Do you have time to swing by my office this week?

Free Value — Use When Trying To Stay Connected With Prospect Simply

Hey [name]!

I just published this article on my website and it’s all about [topic] — super relevant to what you’re going through.

Anyways, I thought you might find it helpful!

Hope you’re well. :-)


Hard Ask

Hey [name]!

I was just doing some research on your home and I’m confident we can sell it for [$XXX,XXX] — want me to get started listing it?

Soft Ask

Hey [name]!

I’d love to help you get top-dollar for your precious home so you can get moving with your big plans. How can I help you?

Free Value

Hey [name]!

I just published this article on my website that talks about [topic] — I thought it’d be super relevant to your situation and you might get some value out of it.

Hope you’re well!

3 Free Real Estate Follow Up Scripts For Investors

Hard Ask

Hey [name]!

Are you ready to sell your house fast for cash? I’m prepared to give you cash for what I offered you the other day.

Money in your pocket and stress off your shoulders…

Let me know!

Soft Ask

Hey [name]!

I would really like to buy your house for cash. Want to hear my offer?

Free Value

Hey [name]!

I just published this article on my website about [topic] and I thought it might help with your difficult situation. Give it a look.

And call me if you think I can help you out. :-)


These nine real estate follow up scripts should help you get started down the path to more deals.

Remember, some follow up is better than none. And this is going to get you moving in the right direction.

Create a follow up system that works for you, your business, and your prospects. Then, you’ll reap the benefits of being a business that consistently follows up with its leads.

If you’d like more real estate marketing materials like this, click on the link!

Mike Blankenship

Michael is a freelance copywriter who helps startups build bigger, more sustainable businesses. He’s been mentioned on Forbes and Entrepreneur for his expertise as a writer, and he's written articles for SUCCESS, SmartBlogger, GetResponse, AdWeek, Jeff Bullas, and a whole slew of other publications. You can learn more about him at or connect with him on Facebook.

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