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71+ SEO Keywords For Real Estate Investors and Agents – SEO Bible 2024

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It’s that time again!

Our annually updated SEO Keyword Bible for real estate investors and agents has been downloaded by well over 8,000 agents and investors in the past 18 months.

Many of those investors have gone on to implement not only the keyword recommendations in the SEO Keyword Bible but also the step by step SEO tips in there to get some amazing rankings in Google with their InvestorCarrot websites and other websites as well!

“I have several keywords on page 1 look at “we buy inherited houses Chicago” and see how many spots I have on page 1. And I closed a deal because a seller pulled up a keyword for a blog post I was ranked on” Rich Cascio

What’s The 2024 SEO Keyword Bible For Real Estate Investors and Agents?

We’ve expanded and improved the SEO Keyword Bible this year to make it even more useful for everyone. We’ve added keyword categories, built more robust SEO and keyword research training sections in the SEO Bible, and a fresh new design full of Carrot Awesomeness (yes, that’s a real thing ;-).

The previous version had about 52 SEO keywords for real estate investors and agents, the 2019 version has over 71+!

A few of the things new in this year’s SEO Bible…

  • Refreshed Cash Buyer, Motivated Seller, And Private Lender Keywords: There have been a few changes in the way buyers, sellers, and lenders are searching online today vs. a year ago… but also a lot of similarities. Download the report to see the current search trends. Pg. 19-21+
  • Note Seller Keywords: Are you a note buyer looking to get in front of note sellers in your area? We’ve added some of the most popular keyword phrases our research uncovered that note sellers are typing into Google every month. Pg. 24
  • Rent To Own / Lease Purchase Keywords: If you’re looking for “rent to own / lease purchase” tenants for your properties, there are a handful of keywords that’ll get you the best results. We’ve added many of these keywords to the list this year. Pg. 22
  • Expanded Keyword Research Training: To show how we do our own keyword research for SEO in the real estate industry, we’ve expanded the training section this year to show you (with screenshots) how we do it… and how you can too. Pg. 10
  • Localizing Your SEO For Greater Results: One of the things that have gotten our InvestorCarrot members such an edge on the competition this past year in the search rankings has been our efforts to help our members localize their SEO even more easily. We show you some of the ways you can localize your website SEO too, so you can capture highly targeted rankings in the markets you work in. Pg. 34
  • The Basics Of SEO And How To Optimize Your Pages Using These Keywords: We don’t sugarcoat things… SEO isn’t easy. But it’s a heck of a lot more fun and effective when you know how and why to use your keywords in your content. Pg. 26
  • A Simple Content Guide For Your Blog Posts: We’re big on content marketing. The Content Pro plan includes SEO’d and localized articles that many of our members are using to swarm their market online and capture more qualified traffic and leads. We show you our simple format for creating and optimizing a blog post to rank well for search phrases that matter in your market. Pg. 32
  • Additional SEO and Online Marketing Resources – Pg. 37
  • … and more!

All for the big price of… FREE.

All That We Ask In Return Is…

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Why? For many people, they may find that working with us for your websites and online marketing is a fit to help grow their business. Our members generate well over 45,000 leads a month right now… spreading the word helps us attract more people that we can help with our software and training.

Get The 71+ SEO Keywords For Real Estate Investors & Agents: Download The 2024 SEO Keyword Bible Below!

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Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot and knows a thing or two about inbound marketing and generating leads online in the real estate industry. As an investor himself, he's generated tens of thousands of real estate leads and is a leading expert in inbound marketing for investors and agents. In addition, his true passion is helping entrepreneurs grow businesses that truly help you live a life of purpose.

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One response to “71+ SEO Keywords For Real Estate Investors and Agents – SEO Bible 2024

  1. Thanks for this post about popular keywords people are searching when considering selling their home. Been a great help and very informative.

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