How important are cash buyers to a house wholesaling or flipping business? If you ask Daniel DiGiacomo of Baltimore Wholesale Property… he’ll say pretty darn important (to the tune of over $180,000 of extra business in 12 months).
Are those results typical? Not really… because Daniel was hustling on a daily basis and showing up to our coaching calls weekly… and worked his butt off hitting the streets building great relationships in Baltimore. Those results are his results and they rock!
Daniel is the CEO of one of the most active real estate investment firms in Baltimore and an InvestorCarrot customer for the past 2 years.
We had a chance to sit down with Daniel recently and have a conversation with him about…
- How he got started in real estate investing (from a background as a financial analyst)
- Why he didn’t start off wholesaling like everyone else… but how he now does 6 figures per year just with the wholesaling side of their business (this doesn’t count their rental portfolio or other investments)
- The opportunity that “note investing” poses for investors and why it’s almost exclusively his primary way to acquire discounted properties
- What Daniel did to build a powerful cash buyers list of over 1,700 names using Carrot and why after months of research and testing he found that Carrot helps yield him the highest ROI on his money and best results at the end of the day vs. building a custom website
5 Signs You’re Likely To Fail As An Entrepreneur And Real Estate Investor
Hear Daniel’s Story + Learn How He Has Built Such A Powerful Cash Buyers List Online
This case study is a full-length deep dive into Daniel’s story and how he’s built a very successful wholesaling and investing company over the past 2-5 years and his exact strategies on how he cuts through the clutter online in a sea of other competitors trying to find active cash buyers in his market too. Click play and dive in!
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Things Daniel Covers…
Start – 7 mins talks about how he got started in real estate (apartments to wholesaling to tax lien investing)
8:30 talks about his tax lien investing
HUGE tip on listing his properties w/ Carrot on how he gets more traffic and leads through Google w/ his property listings
18:00 Discusses why he chose InvestorCarrot vs. a $10k custom built website…
“It took less than 90 days for me to be super impressed” (18m). After a couple of failed attempts with other website alternatives, I finally landed on Carrot. My alternative was to pay someone to build a custom website and platform… I had seriously considered paying somebody tens of thousands of dollars to build a pretty robust platform.
I walked into this thing saying alrighty I’ll work on it as much as I want to work on it long-term and if I get the results I want to get with the work I want to put into it within 90 days I’ll stick with it. And I got those results, I got much more than expected in that 90 day time frame with the amount of work I wanted to do. After that 90 days, I decided to really explode it and ramp up my focus and work on my Carrot site”
19:50 tip on building your cash buyers list through targeting online conversations on google
22:10 what he’s doing w/ Facebook to grow his cash buyers list and business
24:00 what he’s done to customize his sites and time commitment
25:28 talks about power of Content Pro.. “It’s great having the content pro articles so I have a framework to go from, then we’ll tweak them up a bit and it’s been very helpful. You don’t have to edit every post but it can be a powerful booster, and saves time and money from writing your own”
29:35 on why he’s launching into other markets such as Florida in 2016
35:17 – why he loves carrot (yay!) :-)
“The short answer is that Carrot makes all of the decisions for me. The framework exists… and all I have to do is sort of tweak some things and I don’t have to put a whole lot of energy into building that framework. I’m not just talking about the code and pages… I’m talking about the strategy, ideas, and content based on performance… and the follow-up… is incredible support.”
Like this Case Study Episode? Check out our CarrotCast Episode with Daniel DiGiacomo and learn more about real estate marketing and how to build a successful business.
Here Are Some Related Cash Buyer Resources Here On Our Website
Looking to build your cash buyers list for wholesale properties too? There are many ways you can do it… but we’re finding some crazy effective ways leveraging the web. No matter what you hear in those online forums, there are plenty of amazing cash buyers online when you know how to attract them to your website… and convert them into a lead.
In the case study above Daniel goes over how he’s generating his cash buyers each and every day on autopilot (through SEO and Facebook mainly)… but here are a few other articles that’ll help you.
- Anatomy Of A High Converting Cash Buyer Website (blog post)
- How We’re Automatically Turning 10% Of The Cash Buyers Into Private Lender Prospects With Our Websites (blog post)
- 5 Simple Craigslist Marketing Strategies To Attract More Cash Buyers (blog post)
Let’s Congratulate Daniel For His Successes Below!
We call them “doses of awesomeness” in our company whenever someone does awesome things and reports back to us. So let’s throw Daniel some awesomeness below to congratulate him on his successes! Pop a comment below in the comments section on how you’re generating cash buyers (or what your goal is) and some encouragement for Daniel on his goals!
Incredible Job, Daniel!
Thanks for throwing the love over to Daniel John!
Awesome domain name by the way on your site. I likey :-)
If you want to ramp up the performance of your site just reach out.
Here’s a great post you should check out that walks through some ways you can improve the conversion rate on your site John:
Good luck!