I write this blog post with mixed feelings.
Both bummed at losing such a great team member… someone who has been at InvestorCarrot since almost the beginning (longer than anyone else on the team currently)… but also excited as heck for my brother for taking the next step in his own career to follow his passions and make big things happen in life.
If you didn’t pick it up already, Kyle Mauch (my younger brother) is doing what most people hope to do in their lives… pursue their dream and build a business around their biggest passions.
The End Of An Era, And Beginning Of A Journey
Kyle joined Carrot (before it was called InvestorCarrot)Â and has worked in pretty much every role (except programmer) in the company. He was the heart and soul of our awesome Customer Support at the beginning… has helped with marketing… with our affiliate program… and overall picked up the slack when we didn’t have the revenue to add new team members in the beginning.
Kyle definitely took one for the team in the beginning and really grew as a team member and entrepreneur while we worked together.
Also during that time Kyle started a company based on his passions.
The past 2 years he’s been working on a business called Athletes Brand, which is a high end apparel company focused on creating the best off-field apparel for athletes.
It’s been amazing seeing what Kyle has done with Athletes Brand… from an idea of just making t-shirts with clever graphics and quotes on them for sports fans… into having dozens of some of the highest profile athletes in the world wearing his clothes.
From Olympians, All-Star baseball players, top soccer players, musicians, and more.
Heck, he was even featured on a national TV advertising campaign for GoDaddy where I was lucky enough to travel with him to North Carolina where he got to pitch his business idea to Danica Patrick while going around the Charlotte Motor Speedway at 125mph+.
It was a pretty wild experience for all of us (video below)
What’s Next For Kyle?
I’ll be a part of Kyle’s journey from here on out in his journey to grow as an entrepreneur and make a big difference in the lives of people around the world.
But.. up next… he’s tackling a few huge projects with Athletes Brand.
From a new line of clothes… a live music and brew festival here in Oregon in 2015… and a KickStarter campaign to help launch his business and the new line.
So, if you want to follow along and see Kyle’s journey… head over to his website at www.AthletesBrand.com and join his email notification list… and like his page over on Facebook here <<
Let’s All Wish Kyle Luck And Thank Him For Helping Make InvestorCarrot What It Is Today Below!
Shoot Kyle a quick comment below to encourage him to kick some ass out there in the business world.
As you know… us entrepreneurs can use all of the support and encouragement we can get.
And, check out some of his apparel and awesome accessories (beanies, wrist bands, bags, etc.) over at his website.
If you like something… pick up a shirt! My favorite is the #belief t.
But you can see the whole line of clothing by clicking the graphic below.
So Kyle… we all thank you for your time here at Carrot… appreciate the heck outta you… and wish you luck in dominating the world with your passion and entrepreneurial chops.
Go get ’em!
Kyle…….it sounds so good and so proud of your brother to write this article…..I wish you so much luck in your new endeaver………..mush love to you
Wow… blown away with such an unexpected and awesome post. Trevor, thank you man. For everything. Also, HUGE thanks to all of the Carrot members for all of the support and encouraging words over the past 8 months since the GoDaddy contest. I know so many of you voted for me during that contest, and so many of you personally wrote me to wish me luck and let me know you were pulling for me which just shows the character of Carrot members… or maybe it was because the members wanted me to quit working at Carrot and were tired of me? haha either way! ;) I truly think Carrot customers are a reflection of the Carrot team. Carrot attracts passionate, caring, hard working people that GET IT. They aren’t people looking for handouts or people looking for a short cut. Carrot customers are people that know what success takes, and people that understand how to get success. They’re people looking for the tools to success… not a free pass to it… that’s what made it so fun working with all of the members of Carrot. The Carrot team, especially Trevor and Chris since I worked with them the longest, are flat out AMAZING with how real they are. When I say they are real, they are people that say what they really feel. Carrot marketing amazingly isn’t just marketing tactics, it’s how they really feel. Trevor created this product because he made it for his own real estate investing needs, and found that it worked for him amazingly so he didn’t want to keep it to himself. Instead he wanted to share it with other investors so they could see the same success he found from it. It’s like Elon Musk opening the patent for his Tesla cars. Trevor opened up the recipe for lead generation for all of you rather than hide it for himself, and went 20 steps further by offering to do most of the work for you in creating the actual site, content and more. In end of this appreciation note, Carrot has such awesome members because the people running this company are so true to their word and committed to their customers. The carrot members are a reflection of such an amazing team of leadership at InvestorCarrot. Keep killin it Carrot! Big things are on the horizon!
Kyle, congrats man!! I’m super excited for ya. :-)
Go get ’em!
– Patrick
Go get em Kyle! Sure proud of you!!