11 Great Real Estate Investing Blogs We Marketing Geeks Love 

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There’s a fair number of real estate investor blogs out there, all tempting …. But, it’s hard to know which sites are truly trustworthy, educational, and informative. So, we went ahead and scoured the web to narrow it down some real estate investing standouts that we enjoy reading.

Thanks to the well defined tips, information, and news on the housing, mortgage and finance industries that these sites offer, the blogs below offer great insights into the challenges that confront real estate investors. So check them out and bookmark your favorites to keep up with all things real estate. Also, be sure to check out our Carrot blog. We’re here to help investors and agents achieve their goals.

Sure, you can use social media to gather your investor news, but not everyone wants to spend their days combing through their Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter feeds. Save time by going straight to the source, the powerful blogs themselves.

Real Estate Investor Blogs We Follow

We left out some of the obvious amazing blogs in this round like BiggerPockets and a few others. For this post we wanted to highlight some of the lesser known blogs that may (or may not) be on your list yet.

Let’s dive in!

Joe Fairless at joefairless.com/blog


Joe has more of an active outlook on investing and life. He believes the most valuable resource we have is our time. He approaches his life in a manner of pursuing his passions and purpose. That purpose is helping others achieve financial success. His main focus is to place more investors in a “do more good” position in their lives.
After leaving his career in adverting in 2012, Joe now controls over $21,000,000 worth of real estate. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to real estate investing.

While you’re reading through his site, check out his Crash Course on real estate investing

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Paula Pant at affordanything.com

Paula was searching for an opportunity to bring freedom into her life. Like many others, she found it in real estate investing. Through dedication, she has now built a property portfolio strong enough to bring her consistent income while she pursues other interests.

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Seth Williams at retipster.com


Seth is a top blogger and social media enthusiast in the real estate investment area. Seth is “here to show you how I’ve learned to eliminate the hassles, focus on what matters and make money.”  Seth’s blog articles cover a wide range of real estate topics and are very informative.

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Sharon Vornholt at Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog


Sharon has been part of the Louisville, KY real estate investing community since 1998. From her passion about real estate investing she has also become a blogger, coach and a podcast host.  Her podcast is called “Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing”. Not only is she an amazing Carrot customer herself but our CEO Trevor has been fortunate enough to be on her podcast a few times lately.

Sharon’s real estate investing blog is driven around the basis of helping others build their business and dreams by providing quality content.

In addition to the Louisville Gals Real Estate blog, Sharon has also written for numerous other real estate sites and publications, such as REI Wealth Magazine and BiggerPockets.

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Check out Sharon’s amazing real estate podcasts at Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing

Here’s Real Estate Quick Tips – Mindset Shift -Spending vs Investing – with Trevor Mauch

Cris Chico at crischico.com


Cris Chico was the first person to develop and perfect the concept of “virtual” real estate investing, where you can close deals literally from your laptop, from start to finish.

He then streamlined his methods into a fully integrated system called Virtual Wholesaling.

He has successfully wholesaled hundreds of residential properties all across America using his unique and groundbreaking system “Virtual Wholesaling”.

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Matt Theriault from epicrealestate.com


Matt has been a full-time real estate professional since 2003. He has built a small real estate empire with hardly using one dime of his own money.   As an accomplished professional, he writes and teaches other to be successful in real estate investing and become a master of the “multiple streams of passive income” concept.

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Tom Krol from wholesalinginc.com


Tom believes “smart wholesalers who want to win in today’s overcrowded marketplace MUST become master marketers.” Tom is an expert marketer and wholesaler. He started wholesaling houses and became one of the most successful flippers by closing more than 100 deals in his first 18 months of business.

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Mark Ferguson at investfourmore.com


I love educating the world about investing in real estate and being a real estate agent. created “Invest Four More to help people become real estate investors either as rental property owners, flippers, wholesalers or even note owners.”  Besides blog posts, he also offers numerous investor podcasts. I am an investor, investing in today’s changing market. I am also an agent selling houses in today’s market.

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Mike Hambright at blog.flipnerd.com


You could call FlipNerd’s blog an advanced, expert-written, real estate investing information, and knowledge hub. Post topics include; making money, lifestyle, building wealth, networking, operations, and a general category.  It’s a one-stop for all of your real estate investor questions.

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The “Capital Stack”

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Leverage Changed My Life – It Can Change Yours Too

Check out Sharon’s amazing real estate podcasts at Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing

Here’s Real Estate Quick Tips – Mindset Shift -Spending vs Investing – with Trevor Mauch

Also, don’t miss FlipNerd’s real estate podcasts at The FlipNerd Expert Interview Show

Here’s  – Conversation Marketing in Real Estate Investing with Trevor Mauch

J Scott at 123flip.com


J Scott specializes in rehabbing and flipping homes. He blogs about his own property rehabs and flips, while also providing teaching videos and podcasts. He aspires to help investors learn who to be successful in the real estate investing industry.

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Memphis Invest at blog.memphisinvest.com

Memphis Invest is a family owned real estate investing company. Their blog tips for real estate investors and news about the real estate investing industry come from some of the brightest investors in the country. They also base their decision making on company core values and have established a customer-focused business strategy.

NOTE FROM TREVOR: I’ve been fortunate to get to know the Clothier family well this past year and can’t say enough great things about their philosophy in business and their focus on great customer experiences for their investors. Definitely check out their blog and reach out to their team if you’re interested in working with them. They rock.

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What Real Estate Investing Blogs Do You Love To Read?

What blogs do you have on your computer that are “go-to’s” for you? Shoot them through the comments box below. We’d love to hear!

There are a ton out there and we were only able to mention a few of our favorites here in this post… but watch out for future “roundup” posts where we highlight our favorite real estate investing podcasts, real estate marketing blogs, traffic and conversion blogs, and more.

And also… make sure to dive into our blog some more here on our site to get insights on attracting and converting more inbound leads for your real estate investing business.

Writing your own real estate blog posts? Need some inspiration? Check out 101 real estate blog ideas.

Generate More Real Estate Investing Leads and Cut Through The Marketing Clutter In Your Market. Download out FREE Marketing Toolkit: Get Access To This Content Marketing Toolkit + Training For Real Estate Investors here!

And take a Demo of InvestorCarrot today to leverage the same system 1000’s of other investors use to generate his online leads and deals each and every month.

See InvestorCarrot In Action

Brendan Holmes

Brendan Holmes has been managing paid traffic accounts since 2013, overseeing more than $5 million in ad spend. As a seasoned content marketing and SEO expert at Carrot.com since 2015, Brendan helps real estate investors grow their online presence and generate high-quality leads. A seasoned content marketing and SEO expert at Carrot.com since 2015, Brendan works with Carrot and real estate investors to enhance their online presence and generate high-quality leads. His extensive digital marketing expertise, combined with in-depth industry knowledge, makes him a trusted resource for optimizing campaigns and driving results.

Get weekly inbound online marketing tips, test results, and resources to grow your real estate investment business

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14 responses to “11 Great Real Estate Investing Blogs We Marketing Geeks Love 

    1. Sharon, no need to thank us! Keep putting out great content and serving your community. You’re making a big difference for people :-)

  1. Cris Chico’s blog is by far one of the better ones, I’ve been following up his work for quite sometime, great guy, and always great content. Marko Rubel also has pretty good REI blog (disclosure: I am in no way shape or form associated with Marko Rubel, I just think he has a very informative blog for RE Investors) https://www.markorubel.com/blog

    Thanks for sharing Brendan, keep up the excellent job guys!!


    1. Ya Edgar Cris is awesome! Thanks for the share on Marko’s blog too! Marko knows his stuff big time so great share!

  2. I live in Denver I find it very hard to find deals because I find people will pay asking price for any dump no matter how bad I am talking about retail do you have a answer for that?

    1. Hey Norman, great question.

      That’s a really common thing that a lot of investors let bend their mindset a bit. Yes it can be harder to find as many great deals in markets like this but the funny thing about real estate is that no matter what type of market… there are always sellers who need to sell more quickly, or who don’t want to work with an agent, or who aren’t actively seeking out a sale (so no one else has even made them an offer yet), etc.

      It’s more of a mindset and marketing issue than a market issue.

      Portland is as hot if not hotter than Denver right now and we have multiple Carrot clients in that market doing better than ever. They have just shifted their strategy, do MORE marketing (you definitely have to ramp up your marketing in a big way. If you were sending out 1,000 postcards 5 years ago to get X leads… now you’ll want to start sending out 5,000 post cards for the same leads).

      But the deals are there. I know at least 2 investors that I can call on my cell in the Denver market who are doing 5-6 deals a month right now in that market and making very good profits.

      They’re out there man, just need to adjust the mindset a bit and ramp up the marketing to crack through that marketing clutter out there and get to prospects that aren’t listing their houses and where there’s less competition.

      There’s always people motivated to sell in any type of market that are willing to sell at a discount.

      Go get ’em Norman!

  3. Thanks for the inclusion! As to the previous Denver market, I am close to there in Greeley and have 12 flips going right now. All of them bought from the MLS.

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