How Keith Sant Closes 500k/yr in 50% Less Time with Carrot + SEO

Keith Sant consistently generates six-figure revenue by closing 2-4 high-value real estate deals every month, all from Carrot leads. He attributes his success to mastering SEO and leveraging targeted lead generation through Carrot, which has allowed him to scale his business efficiently while focusing on quality leads over outdated methods.

Read on to hear how he does it.

Carrot Success Story - Keith Sant (Kind House Buyers)

vs chasing 35 leads per deal

vs. 6-12 months before Carrot

per deal, at 2 deals per month

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The Challenge: Keith Was Reliant on Offline Marketing that Generated Low-Quality Leads, Wasting His Precious Time

Keith Sant was heavily invested in traditional real estate marketing strategies — cold calling, text-blasting, etc. However, these methods weren’t delivering the results his growing business needed. He needed truly motivated leads.

“I was spending countless hours on strategies that barely brought in any leads, and the ones I did get weren’t ready to make a move. I needed something more efficient.”

Despite his efforts, Keith’s time-intensive tactics yielded leads that rarely turned into profitable deals. He knew there had to be a better way to reach motivated sellers ready to take action.

“I realized I was chasing the wrong leads—people who weren’t serious about selling. I needed to find sellers who were already ready to make a decision.”

What was missing?

Keith recognized that relying solely on offline marketing tactics wasn’t enough. He needed an online presence to attract high-quality, motivated sellers at the right stage in the buying process.

Keith shifted his focus toward leveraging Carrot’s online platform, saving time and improving lead quality, which allowed him to close more deals faster.

Kind House Buyers

The Solution: Generate a Stream of Quality, Inbound Leads with Carrot

Keith stumbled upon Carrot, a website and marketing platform for real estate investors. He was introduced to the idea of using a high-converting website to generate leads more effectively.

“When I saw what Carrot could do, I knew this was missing. I wanted to attract motivated sellers ready to take action, not waste time with outdated tactics.”

Keith realized that having a website built for conversions and Carrot’s easy-to-use platform would change his approach entirely. It gave him the tools to connect with motivated sellers immediately.

“It was a game-changer. The platform made it so much easier to capture quality leads, and once I started using it, I saw immediate improvements in lead quality and conversions.”

By leveraging Carrot’s platform, Keith transformed his lead generation strategy and quickly built a pipeline of motivated sellers ready to close deals.

Keith’s 5 Proven Steps to 500k/yr in 50% Less Time

  1. Launched His Carrot Website:
    Keith’s first step was to get his Carrot site online and ensure it was optimized for lead generation.
  2. Dove into Carrot’s SEO Training:
    He took Carrot’s 3-Lead-Per-Day SEO-focused training to learn how to drive high-quality traffic by understanding things like keyword research for Google and how to build credibility online. He also joined our weekly coaching calls to shortcut his lead-gen efforts!
  3. Content + Time = Motivated Leads
    Keith created “location pages” on his Carrot site to attract leads all over his market and added blog posts for credibility & lead-gen. Within a few month his site was ranking in Google, attracting highly motivated seller leads.
  4. Ditched Low-ROI Marketing Methods
    Once Keith realized that the inbound leads from Carrot took half the time to close and were juicer deals, he stopped the dreaded cold calling & paying for leads, saving him over 40 hours per week, while still growing a profitable investing business!
  5. Refined & Scaled for True Freedom & Impact
    As Keith continued to refine his online marketing, branch into other markets and make a name for himself in the REI space, he used his newfound time & energy to help other investors generate consistent leads, through his company, SEO Meets REI.


How much time has Carrot saved you?

Keith: “Carrot has easily saved me countless hours. Before, I spent so much time managing offline marketing efforts that weren’t delivering results. Now, with Carrot, I can focus on growing my business. The platform’s simplicity and support mean I can quickly find answers without wasting time.”

What’s the lead quality like?

Keith: “The lead quality has been night and day compared to traditional methods. My first lead through Carrot turned into a $100,000 deal, which immediately showed me the platform’s potential. Instead of chasing cold leads, I’m talking to motivated sellers who are ready to move. Before Carrot, it could take 5-6 months to close deals, but now I’m closing in as little as 90 days.

Plus, I’m working with fewer leads—about one in 15 turns into a deal versus one in 35 when I used outbound methods like cold calling. The quality and genuine nature of the conversations make all the difference.”

Why Choose Carrot over a custom site or competitor?

Keith: Choosing Carrot has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business. Unlike custom sites requiring endless trial and error, Carrot is built specifically for real estate investors. The SEO tools, support, and resources are unmatched, and they’ve directly impacted my ability to generate quality leads.

The community has also been a huge asset—just being featured on Carrot’s podcast helped me close two deals. The values and transparency behind Carrot make it stand out from the competition, and I didn’t have to worry about my website not performing—it just worked from day one.”

The Result: Keith is Closing High-Value Deals, Consistently.


Keith Sant’s journey underscores a key lesson: the power of pivoting to online, inbound lead generation through Carrot to drive significant business growth. Keith transformed his real estate business from struggling with outdated, offline tactics to now closing deals in >50% less time. His first lead through Carrot turned into a $100,000 deal, and now, with a steady flow of high-quality inbound leads, he’s consistently closing profitable deals every month, buying back his time and energy for what matters in life.

Keith didn’t rely on luck—he strategically shifted his focus to mastering SEO and leveraging Carrot’s tools to attract the most motivated sellers. By making informed, data-driven decisions, focusing on the right leads, and building a sustainable online presence, Keith was able to unlock the growth he was looking for.

With a platform & team like Carrot on your side, and the right strategy, you can achieve these kinds of results too.

Start Your Journey to A Profitable RE Business Today

Launch a website in minutes and use our content marketing, automation, and SEO insights to drive leads that convert.