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DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement

If you believe infringing material has been posted to our website, you must notify us in writing of the following:

  1. Identify your copyrighted work. If your copyrighted material is available online, include the specific URL where it can be found or sufficient data to find it.
  2. Identify the material that you believe infringes upon your copyrighted work. Include the specific URL where it can be found or sufficient data to find it.
  3. Provide contact information so that we may contact you, including your email address, name, telephone number and physical address.
  4. Provide contact information of the poster of the alleged infringing material.
  5. Include the statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by you.
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  7. Include your physical or electronic signature.

Send the written DCMA Notice by regular mail or email to the following:

Carrot, LLC

Attn: DMCA Takedown Notice

950 SE Oak Street
Roseburg, Oregon 97470

You may be liable for damages (including costs and attorney fees) if you materially misrepresent that material posted on our website infringes upon your copyright.

Your DCMA Notice will be sent to the person who provided the allegedly infringing material.

Counter Notice

If you receive a DMCA Notice, you may reply with a Counter Notice. You may be liable for damages (including costs and attorney fees) if you materially misrepresent that material was removed by mistake or misidentification.

To notify us of a Counter Notice, you must notify us in writing of the following:

  1. Identify the material that has been removed and the location where the material appeared before it was removed.
  2. Include a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material removed.
  3. Provide contact information so that Carrot may contact you, including your email address, name, telephone number and physical address.
  4.  Include a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court in the district where your address is located, or if your address is outside of the United States, in any district in which Carrot may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who filed the DCMA Notice.
  5. Your physical or electronic signature.

Send the written Counter Notice by regular mail or email to the following:

Carrot, LLC

Attn: DMCA Counter Notice

950 SE Oak Street
Roseburg, Oregon 97470

Your Counter Notice will be sent to the person who filed the DCMA notice.