It’s that time of the month, time for another Carrot harvest report. But this month we are throwing a little curveball that we think you will like.
Aside from living up to our transparency core value and showing behind the scenes of our website stats, including how many leads our members generated in the month of November, and of course where those leads came from… we are going to share an inspirational story about an InvestorCarrot member who joined less than 6 months ago and has already closed 4 deals from his Carrot website.
We are excited to share stories about members achieving their business and personal goals and want to use these stories to help you get excited about what you can achieve.
So here is what you should do.
First, dive in and see the November recap on the real estate investor lead volume (motivated sellers, cash buyers, note sellers, rent to own tenants, etc.), read Tim’s excellent story and then implement the same trainings and resources that Tim used to get results.
Let’s Get Started With Our Monthly Lead Harvest Report For November
As we’ve posted before, the holiday months tend to level off as far as lead volume goes for many types of leads that our clients are looking for. In November Carrot members pulled in 16,616 online opt-in leads (plus thousands and thousands of phone call leads that we’re not able to track), so the month was really a very average month compared with the previous 5-6 months of leads in our Carrot Harvest Reports.

SEO remains the #1 way we’re pulling in so many leads followed by Craigslist marketing (which makes up a portion of the “(direct)” lead source), Facebook then PayPerClick leads which are growing.
So the bread and butter of what we teach in our trainings for our members is remaining to be extremely strong.
Now, with these lead reports each month, you may say…
“Ya, amazing seeing tens of thousands of leads each month… but are they turning into deals?“
We don’t have a way of tracking what happens to the leads after a member gets them into their Carrot Lead Database… but we do talk with our members all of the time finding out how things are going and what’s working.
We do know that there are tons of deals being closed every month by Carrot users with leads they’re pulling in leveraging our platform. On some weeks we may hear of half a dozen or a dozen+ deals being closed from various members… and those are just the ones we hear about in passing.
And here’s one awesome story how one Investor closed 4 Deals In 60 Days. His PPC Marketing leads turning into real deals and real profits.
“Before Carrot, I was spending roughly $2k in PPC advertising per month with little to no results…”

Tim is a relatively new real estate investor in Delaware and has been a Carrot member for roughly 6 months.
Tim is a regular on our weekly Carrot Coaching Calls (for our Content Pro members) where we dive into behind the scenes stuff that’s working in today’s market… and have open Q&A where we dive in and help our members with their biggest strategy related questions.
He’d come week after week and ask us questions… then he’d go away and implement and come back the next week with more questions.
Pretty soon he let us know he was having his first closing from his Carrot leads (at the start from his PPC campaign).
The kinds of students/investorsPP we love :-)
It’s exciting for us to see. Here’s how Tim did it…
So… we reached out to Tim after hearing about some of his success flipping local properties and asked him to share a little bit more about how he found Carrot, how he uses Carrot, and some of the success he has had.
We asked Tim to share a little about his journey, where he started and where he’s at now in his real estate investing business.
What were you doing before you joined InvestorCarrot?
“I was laid off from my job in June and decided to go full-time into wholesaling and purchase InvestorCarrot even though my wholesaling business was in debt up to that point. I worked very hard to follow the 3 Lead Per Day program and implemented everything I could, along with the weekly Coaching Calls.”
So, you focused on PPC marketing to drive seller leads, how were things working before you switched your website to the high converting InvestorCarrot websites?
Tim said he started his investing business and wanted to use PPC to drive traffic to his website. This is a great way to get traffic coming quickly but he quickly realized he was spending too much and not getting any results with his non Carrot website.
“After I spent $6k on PPC and didn’t get any deals with my low converting old non-Carrot website, I knew I needed a better way.”
One of the best features of an InvestorCarrot website is it converts well. Therefore, sending PPC traffic to it is a no brainer. Plus with features like customizable landing pages and lead source tracking it makes PPC marketing easy to implement and track.
Tim purchased Carrot’s 3 Lead Per Day course and frequents the weekly Coaching Calls with excellent questions on the best way to implement the PPC/SEO strategies covered in the training.
Aside from implementing the 3LPD training we wanted to know what Tim liked best about his InvestorCarrot membership and how it has helped him with his business.
How has InvestorCarrot helped you overall, vs the lower cost website you had before?
“InvestorCarrot has helped me to streamline and automate my internet marketing. The most important thing InvestorCarrot does is to BRING ME DEALS!!!“
We have already shared one of Tim’s traffic generation strategies (PPC), but he was able to attract a lead from another traffic strategy.
Now that you’re using InvestorCarrot for your real estate investor websites and letting us focus on making sure it converts well, how many deals have you closed since you joined only 6 months ago and where did they come from?
“Of my 4 deals, 3 came from PPC and 1 came from YouTube. Most of my leads are from PPC (because I’m driving traffic to a website setup to convert visitors into leads unlike my old site).”
The 3LPD training outlines Youtube marketing strategies and implementations as well as PPC.
If you are a Carrot member you can view the 3LPD here.
In closing, Tim has some parting words for any InvestorCarrot members on how to get the results you want for your own business.
“Stick with it, have a plan, and believe in the system.”
We are really happy Tim found InvestorCarrot and love his eagerness to dive into the trainings and tweak his website to get the best ROI he can from his Carrot membership.
If you have a story you would like to share with other Carrot members, we would love to hear from you in the comments section below!
Also, as always… if you’re not yet an InvestorCarrot member and you want to finally stop dumping good money into PPC sending traffic to a low performing website and not getting results… give InvestorCarrot a try. You’ll find that our plans aren’t the cheapest on the market.
In fact, Carrot members like Tim are proud to pay much more than most other website systems. But, we focus on performance, support, and expertise in helping real estate investors generate more high-quality leads online and pulling a higher ROI.
In the end, Tim thought he was saving money going with a low-cost do it yourself website builder and it ended up costing him $6k in PPC costs that produced no results. Just by switching to InvestorCarrot, those same campaigns (with a few tweaks we helped him with in our training and Coaching Calls) turned into 4 deals so far and tens of thousands in profits.
Congrats Tim and here’s to an amazing year ahead!
Good job Tim! Thanks for sharing your encouraging success story.