EP 360: The Ethics of Wholesaling Real Estate Live Panel Part II

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About this episode:

Is wholesaling real estate ethical? A better question would be — what’s the most honest & ethical way to do our jobs as real estate investors?

Join Jamil Damji and a rockstar lineup of wholesalers, flippers & agents as we tackle the hard questions about how to wholesale real estate ethically.

Questions like…Should wholesalers choose their salary? Should investors be regulated and licensed? When sellers don’t understand what they have, what’s your responsibility as an investor?

We aim to elevate the standard for wholesaling and shed light on those who are helping sellers in honest & ethical ways.

If you’re an investor or agent who wrestles with questions like this, bring your questions & join us live for an open discussion.

Don’t miss Part 1! The Ethics of Wholesaling Real Estate Pt 1 | A Panel Discussion

Brady Winder

Carrot's Content Strategist & Host of Carrot's Podcast. Loves family, music, good conversation and all things Volvo.

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One response to “EP 360: The Ethics of Wholesaling Real Estate Live Panel Part II

  1. I do a lot of speaking at live events on this topic. I’m here in California and have been a real estate broker for 28 years. I am also a flipper, wholesaler, investor, and a run a 3,500+ real estate investing group. I have spoken to thousands of people at events on this exact topic.

    Wholesalers and investors have a fiduciary responsibility to themselves! The Realtor has a fiduciary to the seller. Most Realtors do not like wholesalers but it’s because they have been burned by a wholesaler who writes a cash offer and then backs out when they can’t find a buyer. It’s just about being honest. I frequently use my own capital to secure the deal for the wholesaler and turn it into a “wholetail” deal if the wholesale doesn’t work. In my experience the wholetail deal will almost always yield far more money.

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