My name is Mike and I work for the best company in the world…
We’re all over the place. I’m sitting at a coffee shop in Klamath Falls, Oregon right now.

A few weeks ago, I was cruising through Yellowstone, Montana-side with my wife and one-year old goober as we travelled through four different states in a week to visit family and enjoy new scenery. Here’s us in Parks City, Utah.
And during the entire month of May, I sat on the beach in Cairns, Australia sipping on a flat white from a local café.
The best part?
I didn’t take a single day of paid-time-off during any of those travels. By coordinating time-zone changes, traveling on weekends, and using my friendly international hotspot that works in 120 different countries, I kept working closely with all my amazing Carrot team members.
And I’m not the only one who takes advantage of our culture where we can travel and work while we’re gone…

“Flexibility of location and hours is the #1 reason I came to work for the company and I have stayed because of the growth culture. Aaron and I try to have one work-ation a year where we adjust hours for one jam-packed adventure. We have been to New York, Connecticut, Northern Oregon’s Wallowa Mountains, Costa Rica, and miscellaneous beaches of Oregon… Few people get the opportunity to experience that and we were able to experience much of the land and culture along the way.”
– Andre, Customer Success Hero

“Luckily this with the opportunity to work will abroad, I’ve been able to not miss anything that the kids are involved in or things we want to do. Disney, SF, Portland, Eugene, Salem, Sacramento, Corvallis, Coos Bay, Crescent City, Vegas… I’ve been able to cross a couple of bucket list items off and have helped (and will help) Krissy cross a couple more off.”
– Brendan, Advertising and SEO Coordinator

Jen also visited Disneyland with her family recently.
“Disney trip was a Christmas gift for my kids that I was able to make happen because of a bonus from Carrot and a flexible work schedule.”
– Jen Delamotte, Minister for Magic of Random Tasks

Yeah. We’ve been all over the place.
It’s exactly that freedom that makes Carrot such a great place to work – a place where each of us is dedicated to making your business dreams come true. Because when your dreams come true, our dreams come true.
Where has Carrot allowed you to travel? If we’ve helped you build a business that gives you a similar type of freedom, then leave us a comment and let us know.
In fact, we’ll send a swag bag to the first 10 people to leave a comment and tell us about a vacation that they were able to take because of the business that Carrot helped them build.
Either way, cheers to your business, your financial and personal freedom, and the business that we know you’re capable of building – even if you’re not there yet.
You’ll get there. And we’ll help