The Carrot Culture Team was back at it during the Holidays. Since our team has grown to over 20 team members, we wanted to do something to get everyone involved. So, we decided to go on individual shopping sprees for Toys for Tots.
This year, we captured some images from the joy our team was spreading. It’s not a complete list. Some of the stories didn’t make it into our #livinglife chat, but we all contributed to others. Great work team! These are some pretty amazing, generous, and uplifting accounts.
But… to get it started…
Chris kicked off the holiday giving season with an annual Carrot charitable contribution, by dropping off a check today with Salem Dream Center.
This is a good local organization, run by his father in law, that helps kids and families in the West Salem area. Carrot and Chris were able to cover the cost of turkeys for a whole bunch of food boxes this year.
We’re super proud to be able to give back to these folks having once been on the receiving end of these food boxes for over a decade.
Carrot’s Toys for Tots Giveaway

Carrot Christmas Tree 2018
The Carrot team and families gathered toys for another great year of giving. We were able to give over 100 toys to the Toys for Tots.
I’m so grateful that I work for a company whose core values directly coincide with mine. Being able to be the best me I can, simply by doing my job, is something I could only do, working for an amazing company like Carrot.
I’m so thankful I’m in a position where I can make an impact in other peoples lives, even if it’s something as simple as providing a toy to an underprivileged kid this Christmas.
– Mason

I’ve been organizing this toy drive through our local entrepreneur group here for about 4 years and now getting to expand it into the whole Carrot Community by involving our team in other states is seriously incredible.
This year from local donations in Roseburg we are already on track to have a higher amount of toys to give than ever before and I’m overjoyed to see the impact we can all make.
My favorite part is taking my children out to find toys for less fortunate kids – it’s really encouraging them to be more giving people.
– Jen

Jen and her family then joined forces with Josh’s family to generate even more cheer…

Grateful to be working for a company that truly cares about making an impact and serving others. My son had a blast getting to shop for other kids. What was really amazing is having the opportunity to make an impact on my own kid by teaching him about the cause!
– Brady

Taking these goodies to our church tomorrow for The Salvation Army’s Tree of Giving! These will be going to a 9 year old boy in our community.
– Danni
Living in Southern Oregon, we do a lot of exploring in some amazing places. We’re also not far from where the Camp Fire destroyed a majority of Paradise, California.
An area that we’ve explored numerous times and come to find out has a few connections to Carrot team members.
We were fortunate enough to make some connections and send our toys to a family with small children who lost everything in the fire.
– Brendan

We’ll end with amazing generosity. The Carrot team is also fortunate to have an opportunity called the “Carrot Giving Challenge” where each team member receives $100 to pay-it-forward. Pete put an exceptional touch on the Holiday season for some of the Baltimore community.
So last year we did 10 bags for the homeless and we handed them out Christmas day. This year we set a goal to try and do 25. We had raised $590 (which would have put us just a bit short of our goal). I added in my $100 for the Carrot giving challenge, and with Jen and Trevor’s blessing used the remainder of my Carrot donation money to buy backpacks and we made it!! So here’s where my $100 went:
Each bag contains:
-personal care items (toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderent etc)
-2 bottles of water
-3 various dry snacks
– Cough Drops
– Hat
– Gloves
-2 pair heavy duty wool socks
– Heavy Duty Fleece blanket
– $10 cashWe’re going out Xmas Eve, and potentially Xmas morning to hand it out.
– Pete
We’re a pretty tight group at Carrot, so I know that I can speak for everyone when I say that we are all so grateful for having the opportunity to be part of a team that is striving to help the lives of others. Whether it’s via an online platform or in our local communities.
Did you do something special for your community during the Holidays? Hit us up in the comments section, we’d love to hear some amazing stories!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! – The Carrot Team