Real Estate Keywords for Agents
Carrot helps generate tens of thousands of monthly leads for real estate professionals. Here, you’ll learn which real estate keywords are the most effective to get in front of your prospects and what to do with those keywords on your website.

111 Best Real Estate Keywords for Agents

Featured Resource: The Ultimate SEO Keywords Guide
Download for FreeTable Of Contents
Part 1: Setting The Stage — The Basics Of Keywords and How We Found The Most Profitable Ones To Target.
Part 2: Building The Foundation — Top Keywords To Use
Part 3: Implementing Your Keywords — What To Do With These Keywords On Your Website.
Additional Free Resources From Carrot
Part 1: Setting The Stage: The Basics Of Keywords and How We Found The Most Profitable Ones To Target
64,000 Leads Per Month And Counting…
When we started Carrot, our goal was simple. We wanted to create the most effective inbound online lead generation platform for high-achieving real estate professionals.
2014 was our first full year in business, but by no means our first year generating real estate leads online.
And now, our Carrot members pull in over 13,000 organic SEO leads per month through their Carrot websites (which is why we call it “Carrot.” Dangle our sites in front of your visitors, and they convert into leads better than the average real estate website by far).
So get inspired by these 3 quick examples below of real estate professionals who chose to focus on SEO for their lead generation.
These are just 3 of the hundreds and hundreds of Carrot members all over page 1 in Google for keyword terms that can help you get the right leads and close more deals.
Carrot has built the dream team that builds amazing products, that gets people results.
Carrot seems to actually care about its clients. They have that genuine connection with customers, which you don’t see every day. It’s very affordable for a newbie, extremely reliable, and a great all-in-one package for investors.
Deal Closed! A seller hadn’t been to the property in 6 years, had a family member living there but they moved out and weren’t paying rent. She found us through SEO online “sell my house fast Knoxville TN. We’re dominating SEO in East TN now. was a quick $10k assignment fee closed in 6 days and this lady loves us! Yeah, man, we made this lady’s year. Really felt good.
SEO isn’t the holy grail of leads for every business. But when you focus on the right keywords, have the right system and tools to make ranking easier, and have support to get there, it can be a great source of leads to add to your business.
How Do SEO And Real Estate Keywords Play A Role In This?
A huge part of Inbound Online Marketing as a real estate agent is getting your websites, YouTube videos, and other resources to rank well in Google for keyword phrases that prospective buyers and sellers searching online.
So what is a “keyword phrase?”
Consider this scenario for a minute.
You don’t want to cook tonight and decide to go for dinner instead.
The usual restaurants come to mind, but you want to impress your spouse and put in a little extra effort. So you hop on the computer and search for restaurants.
You might start your search by food type (Seafood, Mexican, Italian) or look for a restaurant based on reviews and price.
Does this look familiar?

Google gives a few suggestions and then gives you search results that it thinks are the most relevant. Then you click some of those websites and check out the restaurant’s menu, price, and reviews. If everything looks good, you decide to try one of them.
Did You See What Just Happened?
- You had a need.
- You went to Google with that need.
- Google served you up a page of options it felt were appropriate.
- You clicked some and decided to go to that restaurant based on what you found in that online search.
This is the power of inbound marketing.
Millions of people every day go to Google with questions or problems. If you can be on the first page of Google’s rankings, prospects come to you.
As a real estate agent, your job is to get your website (the solution) in front of your prospect (house sellers and buyers) to help solve their problems.
For example, if you want to purchase a house in Detroit, MI, you might Google “buy a house in Detroit.”

Or “real estate agent in Detroit.”

The websites that show up in the first several results in Google are the ones that will get that traffic to their websites, and as long as their website is set up to convert visitors, those websites will generate the most leads.
Why Are SEO Leads So Much More Profitable Than Other Lead Types?
Before we dive in and show you the 111 of the best real estate keywords for agents, we want to ensure you have the foundation set first.
Knowing the keywords without knowing why or how to use them effectively is like knowing where you want to go on your road trip but not how to get there.
You should first know that SEO leads are as much as 2 to 4 times as likely to turn into a closed transaction than direct mail leads, cold calling, and social media.
It’s because of the mind-frame the prospect in when they search online.
With direct mail, radio, TV, bandit signs, and billboards (outbound marketing), you’re interrupting whatever they’re doing with a message that hopefully cuts through the clutter of the 17 other postcards prospects got that week.
But With SEO And Inbound Online Marketing…
The home buyer or seller goes to Google to find an answer to their problem.
And they voluntarily click on your website, read around, and choose to ask you for help with their problem.
Read that again.
With SEO and Inbound Marketing (Bing and Google Ads can also have some of the same benefits), they approach you and ask you for help.
Imagine the trust and power you gain versus “interruption marketing” using direct mail and bandit signs.
You’re seen as a trusted resource.
You rank well for the search phrases that your prospects are typing into Google (and other search engines) by optimizing your web pages for the phrases that your prospects search for.
Here is a simple formula we will use to help you increase your profits with a smart and effective online marketing technique.
(Keywords + Traffic) x Conversion = Higher Profits
If only you knew exactly what buyers and sellers were typing into Google… right?
Soon, you will.
How Focusing On The Right Keyword Phrases Is The First (And Biggest) Step In Generating Consistent Quality Real Estate Leads Online
In the above examples, how does Google know to show website X versus website Y if you’re looking to buy a house in Birmingham?
It might seem obvious, but behind the scenes of every Google search is a complex algorithm that considers numerous factors to deliver what Google thinks is the most relevant website for that search.
There are over 200 ranking factors that Google looks at to determine where a website ranks. The key is not to understand the algorithm but to play by Google’s rules to get favorable results.
Knowing the psychology of how and why people search online can be a massive advantage for you.
For example, which do you think gets more searches “Buy a house”
or “Buy a home”?
The only difference is the 1 word: “home” versus “house.”
Knowing the difference could mean a deal a month lost or won, which translates to money in your pocket.
The Answer: “House” is used 20x More Than “Home”
Just that one tweak in the phrase means access to up to 20x more potential clients per month.
Google is getting pretty good at recognizing that words like “house” and “home” are similar and adjusting their search rankings accordingly.
But knowing how your prospects think and search can help you optimize your real estate agent websites for the right keyword phrases to give yourself the best chance at success.
We will show you the keywords most interested buyers and sellers search for and what to do with them to grow your business.
Why Are Real Estate Keywords So Important In SEO?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) relies heavily on the content on your web page.
To understand why real estate keywords are so important for SEO, let’s quickly talk about how keywords are used.
A website uses words and images to describe what your business can do for people.
If you sell turnkey rental properties, you’d better write something about turnkey rental properties on your website … right? (Obvious, I know).
Google crawls websites, looks at your content, and compares your content against the phrase that searchers are typing in.
Google then saves your web pages in its massive database and serves up your website when someone searches phrases that Google believes are related to what your website is about.
When looking for keywords on your website, only go after those that are highly relevant to your prospect (we’ll give you the most popular keywords later in this report).
Ones that they’re typing into Google.
Create content on your website that helps show your prospects that you can solve their problem (i.e., you can help them buy or sell their house).
Then, optimize the content to include the keyword phrases your prospect is likely typing into Google.
Then, structure your website correctly to give it the best chance to rank (our AgentCarrot websites are already optimized for search engines to give you a head start).
It seems simple, but there is a little more to it.
If you’re a Carrot member, we have SEO tools built into our websites, training, and support to help you rank your websites better and faster.
If you’re not a Carrot member, seek tools and support from people who can make your life easier. If it’s a fit, we’d love to have you as a member. Reach out to us at
Okay, now we know why knowing the right keywords is important if you want to generate more online leads with SEO.
But… how do you find those keywords?
How To Find Relevant Keywords In 2 Simple (But Strategic) Steps
Real Estate Keywords Research Made Easy.
The #1 reason most real estate agents have trouble getting leads through SEO is because they aren’t going after the keywords that will put them in front of enough of the right people.
Or, if they know the right keywords, they aren’t using them right on their websites, so we’ll also teach you that later in this report.
This whole report was made to give you a jump start, so you don’t even have to do your keyword research if you don’t want to.
We have the 100+ top real estate keywords for buyers and sellers later in this report, which will answer the question, “What do I optimize my website for?”
But If You Like To Know How Things Work…
Then, this section is for you.
There are a few ways to research what people are searching for.
Most people suggest using the Google Keyword Planner (Google’s free keyword research tool built into Google Ads).
While it’s effective, we honestly do it a bit differently. A way that’s quicker and more accurate.
We start with a strategy we call “Google Suggest,” then end with using the Google Keyword Planner to verify the search volume for those phrases to ensure they’re worth ranking for.
We’ve already done this and compiled the best keywords for house sellers and buyers. This section walks you through how we find the keywords we go after.
So, let’s dive into the “how to.”
Step 1: “Google Suggest”
First off, put yourself in the mind of your prospect.
Close your eyes and visualize what they may type into Google when they’re looking to buy or sell a house.
Things that come to mind for me are things like …
“Buy a home in Austin”
“How to buy a house in Austin”
“How to sell my house in Austin”
You get the idea.
Now go to Google and type in those phrases slowly and see what pops up as suggestions from Google.

TIP: Be specific in what you type in. Add your city name or location to the end of the phrase to “localize” it, and you’ll be surprised what pops up.
Now, write down or remember the phrases in Google’s suggestions.
Google serves those suggestions only when there’s heavy enough traffic surrounding them.
You can rest assured that if something comes up as a suggestion, it’s a keyword phrase worth targeting.
Another tool you can use to find great keywords is Übersuggest.
This tool is very similar. You type in a broad suggested phrase, and it spits out a bunch of suggested searches from Google’s database.
Grab the ones that look interesting to you and save them.
In addition, SE Ranking’s keyword search tool is another valuable resource for conducting comprehensive keyword research and obtaining diverse data for productive analysis.
You can generate thousands of alternative queries with the same meaning. A great practice is concentrating on long tail keywords to start gaining traffic where competition is low and planning to overcome rivals who have taken top positions with the desired query.
The key to the whole thing is putting yourself in your prospect’s mind and asking yourself what you would type in if you needed to sell or buy a house.
Or if you were going through foreclosure or divorce or wanted to buy a new home, etc.
You get the idea.
After a while, it’ll be second nature to you.
We have other resources to help you rank your website higher at the end of this report that you can check out.
But now, let’s move on to the next step…
Step 2: Narrowing Down Your List
Once we have a shortlist of high-traffic keywords (maybe 5-10), we need to prioritize which ones are the most important to focus on first with your website.
Why wouldn’t you instead focus on optimizing your website for a search phrase that gets 100 searches per month from prospects in your area vs. 10 searches per month?
Of course you would!
If all of this sounds confusing… don’t worry.
We narrow these down later in this report and give you marching orders on what to optimize your website for.
And if you’re a Carrot member, we’ve already automatically built the most important keywords for your local area into your websites to give you a huge jump-start in your market.
Now, head over to the Google Keyword Planner.
Google creates great free tools to help us get better results online.
Google wants us to succeed online if we play by their rules.
The more relevant content Google can serve up to searchers, the more people will love using Google, and the more ad revenue it’ll earn.
So, it’s in Google’s best interest to help us create useful websites that help solve real people’s problems.
What Does The Google Keyword Planner Do?
This tool will show you monthly search volume, competition, and estimated cost per click (if you will do paid advertising) per search term.
Take those keywords you generated from the “Google Suggest” step above, put them into the “get search volume” box, and run the search.
It’ll serve you up with rough traffic estimates for those exact phrases.

From here, it’s all about seeing how much traffic each of those keyword phrases gets.
Some will get more than others… which means they have a higher potential to generate more leads if you can rank high in Google for those phrases.
TIP: The Google Keyword Planner isn’t 100% accurate. Use it as a tool … not as a gospel. We’ve discovered keyword phrases that showed a “-” (indicating 0 searches per month) in the Keyword Planner but did appear as a suggested search in our Google Suggest exercise.
This means enough people searched that phrase for it to matter. In some cases, we’ve ranked #1 for those phrases and generated dozens or hundreds of website visitors from those keywords.
Again, if you’re in a small area and some phrases showed up in Google suggestions but showed “-” in search volume… Don’t get discouraged.
Finding Hidden Keywords To Bring In More Traffic
Another beautiful thing about this tool is you can find hidden keyword gems that other marketers are not utilizing.
The best way to find hidden keyword gems is with long-tail keyword research.
Long-tail searches are more specific and less broad. This means they’re likely a more qualified lead if they land on your website.
Consider this: if I search “property,” I might be looking to buy, sell, or rent a property. This result shows 60,000 results because there are a lot of different properties out there.

But if I search “investment property,” Google knows the type of properties I want. If we know what that person’s mindset is when searching, we can create content around why investment properties make sense. The results are lower (9,000), but the message can be more specific and thus more effective.

Long-tail keywords are easier to rank for (fewer searches and less competition) and tend to be much higher quality and more motivated leads.
If I’m an agent in Lancaster, PA … I’d much rather rank high for “buy a house Lancaster, PA” than “buy a house.”
2 reasons.
First, it’ll be much easier to rank high for the longer phrase. There’s less competition.
Second, the broader “buy a house” may attract people from all over the country… including cities you have no interest in working in.
Focusing your keywords on specific locations will bring you higher-quality traffic and be much easier to rank for.
PART 2: Top 111+ Real Estate Keywords to Use
By now, you should have a shortlist of keywords you know are getting searched by actual people… people that you can help in your business.
Circle the 3 keywords that you feel will get you in front of the right people, and that may have enough search volume to matter for your business.
Now you know our process and how we do SEO and capture the right traffic to help us grow our business.
Or… if you don’t want to do your keyword research, we’ve done it for you!
If you skipped to this point to swipe the keywords and run, cool!
But make sure you read the section after this to learn what to do with those keywords on your websites to ramp up your traffic and leads so it can scale your business.
If you’re a Carrot member, you can skip many of the steps in the next section as they may already be done on your website for your local keywords (or our SEO tool will make it easier on you).
First, a quick disclaimer.
This list of keywords is just an overview of some of the most successful keywords we have found on our customer sites and in our keyword research.
This list is not meant to be all-inclusive, and if you search hard enough, you will probably find some that impact your business even better.
This list will give you insights into what people search for on Google and which ones to focus on in your market.
Without further ado, here are the keywords most home buyers, sellers, and agent-interested people search for each month.
SEO Keywords For Buyers
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
home for sale | 368,000 |
buying a house | 18,100 |
real estate listings | 4,400 |
cheap houses for sale | 14,800 |
new homes for sale | 6,600 |
buying a home | 5,400 |
new houses for sale | 3,600 |
big houses for sale | 5,400 |
houses for sale in | 6,600 |
houses on sale | 3,600 |
houses for sale near | 1,900 |
new home listings | 480 |
new house listings | 210 |
These numbers are only the search volume for those “exact” phrases. So, according to the current data as of the publish date of this report, the exact phrase “home for sale” was searched an average of 368,000 times every month across the US.
That doesn’t include all the thousands of people putting that phrase as only a part of their search, such as “houses for sale in Portland” or “buy houses for sale in Portland.”
It only includes that phrase and that phrase alone.
There are thousands more searches per month for these phrases that are more “local” (where the searcher puts their city/location or other qualifying words in the search).
That’s good news!
Overall, the search phrases didn’t change much from last year. The search volume has changed slightly, but the “houses for sale” remains among the most popular for motivated house buyers.
Pick 1-2 primary keyword phrases on which to focus your home page, then add your location at the end. Example: “Houses For Sale Portland, Oregon.” This will drastically increase the chances you’ll rank for a phrase in your location if your website is structured right. Make that phrase the first part of your “title tag” and optimize your content on that page for that phrase.
TIP: Carrot has a built-in “SEO Grader Tool” to help you optimize your web pages for search phrases that matter whether you’re an SEO expert. If it’s a fit, check out our plans.
Carrot SEO Tool

SEO Keywords For Real Estate Agents
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
real estate agent | 165,000 |
real estate agents near me | 65,000 |
find a realtor | 2,900 |
top real estate companies | 5,400 |
local realtors | 6,600 |
realtor reviews | 3,600 |
realtor agent | 4,400 |
real estate agent reviews | 3,600 |
find a real estate agent | 2,900 |
local real estate agents | 6,600 |
realty agencies near me | 440 |
best realtors in my area | 390 |
realtor property search | 70 |
The Carrot Analysis
The winner isn’t a big surprise in most keyword phrase cases. “Real estate agent,” a phrase that sports an average of 165,000 searches every month across the U.S., is simple. And for that reason, it’s effective.
Every real estate agent should rank for the phrase “real estate agent in [your city].” If you don’t, glance at the graph as a reminder of all the business you’re missing.
People want to buy or sell houses in your city and often want a real estate agent to help. Half the battle is simply getting your name, brand, and website before them.
Strategically scatter these keywords throughout your homepage so that it’s clear what you do, where you do it, and who you are.
TIP: Carrot offers a free keyword ranking tracker for all members to find out their current ranking and watch their website improve.
SEO Keywords For Real Estate Brokers
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
real estate broker | 33,100 |
commercial real estate broker | 4,400 |
real estate brokers near me | 60,500 |
real estate broker fee | 1,900 |
top real estate brokers | 320 |
real estate brokerage company | 880 |
best real estate brokers | 480 |
local real estate brokers | 6,600 |
residential real estate broker | 110 |
find a real estate broker | 110 |
The Carrot Analysis
Depending on your state and what you classify yourself as (a broker or an agent), focussing on the “real estate broker” keywords could be worth your time.
Remember, though, that you don’t want to try to rank for “real estate agent” and “real estate broker” keywords on the same page. Doing so will dampen the effect of each keyword set and ensure that you don’t rank for either.
Your best bet is to classify yourself as one or the other and tackle only those keywords. Or, if you’d rather tackle both sets of keywords, create a separate landing page for the broker keywords and one for the agent keywords.
This will allow you to rank under both titles without cluttering your website.
SEO Keywords For First Time Home Buyers
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
first time home buyer | 40,500 |
first time home buyer programs | 49,500 |
first time home buyer loan | 33,100 |
first time home buyer credit | 2,900 |
buying your first home | 2,900 |
first time home buyer down payment | 4,400 |
first time home buyer tips | 3,600 |
first time home buyer assistance | 2,900 |
first time buyer mortgage | 2,400 |
buying a house for the first time | 2,900 |
buying my first house | 140 |
The Carrot Analysis
With the massive amount of searches around the “first time home buyer” phrase, at least the first 4 keyword phrases here are worth paying SEO-time to.
First-time homebuyers are a ripe market for real estate agents. While a seasoned house buyer might attempt the buying process alone, a first-timer likely wants your expertise.
In other words, sprinkling these keyword phrases into your homepage, landing page, and content is a great way to attract motivated home buyers.
SEO Keywords For Buyer Tips
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
best time to buy a house | 3,600 |
how to buy a home | 2,400 |
best time of year to buy a house | 2,400 |
when to buy a house | 2,400 |
home buying tips | 1,300 |
tips for buying a house | 1,900 |
house buying tips | 1,900 |
when to buy a home | 2,400 |
tips for home buyers | 170 |
new home buying tips | 50 |
The Carrot Analysis
These keywords should be used a bit differently. The volume of monthly searches is significantly less for the “buyer tips” category than in the last few we’ve discussed.
But that doesn’t mean they’re inconsequential.
These keyword phrases are the perfect ones to tackle when trying to cater to people who might not even know they want to use a real estate agent.
Maybe they’re just curious about buying a home or wondering what they need to know before starting.
If you set yourself up as the source where they can get information, they’ll likely come to you when they’re ready to buy a house.
For that reason, these keyword phrases make for a great focus on your blog content.
TIP: You can even use these keyword phrases as the title of your content (blog, podcast, infographic, YouTube videos) if you want to cater to what people are searching for.
SEO Keywords For MLS
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
mls listings | 49,500 |
MLS listing | 6,600 |
MLS search | 4,400 |
MLS real estate | 27,100 |
MLS homes | 3,600 |
MLS listings search | 4,400 |
MLS realtor | 2,900 |
MLS property search | 880 |
MLS realty | 720 |
MLS homes for sale | 1,900 |
MLS real estate listings | 2,400 |
MLS houses for sale | 1,600 |
The Carrot Analysis
Any home searching prospects with some knowledge (probably not first time home buyers) know what MLS is. Because of this, it’s worth your time to focus your website on these keywords.
One idea is to create a place on your website with some of the listings from an MLS database. Another way would be to create blog posts about MLS and how home buyers can use them. Both methods will help you rank in Google for anyone searching keyword phrases such as “MLS listings” or “MLS homes.”
SEO Keywords For Selling A Home
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
selling your home | 1,300 |
sell house fast | 3,600 |
selling a home | 2,400 |
sell my home fast | 720 |
how to sell your home | 590 |
sell home fast | 1,600 |
home selling tips | 1,900 |
sell your home fast | 1,600 |
house selling tips | 1,900 |
staging your home to sell | 1,300 |
marketing your home | 40 |
cost of selling your home | 70 |
The Carrot Analysis
Onto the seller.
With 3,600 searches every month for a single house seller keyword phrase, it’d be a sin to ignore the seller.
Consider creating two separate landing pages on your website—one for the buyer and one for the seller. Focus on the above keywords to rank your seller landing page.
TIP: It would also be worth your time to research keywords such as “how to list my house in [your city] since house sellers often enter the real estate arena under the cover of a listing.
SEO Keywords For Seller Tips
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
tips for selling your home | 1,900 |
tips for selling your house | 1,900 |
home selling tips | 1,900 |
tips to sell your home | 1,900 |
how to sell your home fast | 3,600 |
selling your house tips | 1,900 |
house selling tips | 1,900 |
real estate agent tips | 480 |
help sell my house | 110 |
The Carrot Analysis
Similar to the buyer tips section but with fewer searches is the “seller tips” category.
These keyword phrases are great when you’re targeting prospects simply thinking about selling their house — they might not be ready to sell their house immediately. But you’re in this for the long haul.
Sprinkle your content marketing plan with these real estate keyword phrases now and again so you’re not missing out on potential seller leads.
SEO Keywords For For Sale By Owner
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
houses for sale by owner | 18,100 |
for sale by owner homes | 8,100 |
fsbo homes | 4,400 |
real estate for sale by owner | 880 |
how to sell your own home | 1,300 |
sell your own home | 1,000 |
for sale by owner real estate | 880 |
how to for sale by owner | 1,000 |
for sale by owner listings | 590 |
listing property for sale by owner | 20 |
The Carrot Analysis
Why would you ever want to target the “for sale by owner” keywords?
Even though these buyers and sellers are looking to work outside the realm of an agent, creating content (and even listings) around the pros and cons of for-sale-by-owner negotiations will sometimes yield leads.
Now and again, someone will want to buy or sell a house alone, but once they start going through the process and realize how difficult it is, they’ll look to an agent as a savior.
If they’ve already been learning from you, you might get to be that savior.
SEO Keywords For Short Sale And Foreclosures
Keyword | Monthly Search Volume |
foreclosure | 49,500 |
foreclosure homes | 49,500 |
foreclosed homes for sale | 40,500 |
foreclosure listings | 3,600 |
short sale homes | 2,900 |
bank owned homes for sale | 6,600 |
houses for sale foreclosures | 40,500 |
foreclosed properties for sale | 1,000 |
short sale real estate agent | 70 |
short sale houses for sale | 260 |
The Carrot Analysis
In a perfect world, everyone would buy a foreclosure.
They’re often a phenomenal price point for the quality of the house the buyer receives. This is why 74,000 prospects are searching for them every month.
As an agent, staking your name on foreclosures by creating a landing page with appropriate foreclosure listings and keyword phrases to help you rank on Google is a great way to collect leads.
This is a chunk of business you don’t want to miss. And well-placed keyword phrases will ensure that you don’t.
PART 3: What to Do with These Keywords on Your Website
How To Use These Keywords On Your Websites To Bring In More Traffic And Leads
So now you know what your prospects are searching for online.
That’s the first half of the SEO battle.
Let’s quickly talk about what to do with these keywords, as there is a lot of misinformation.
Often, newcomers to online marketing and SEO think that the number of times a keyword shows up on a page, the number of links, and the number of people who visit determine if the site gets ranked well.
This is not entirely true and can hurt rankings if you do it wrong.
Always remember quality over quantity.
Using a keyword a bunch on a web page is called keyword stuffing.
It is best to avoid this because it violates one of the SEO golden rules.
The golden rule states, “Don’t write for Google; write for your audience.”
Try to write simple-to-understand and meaningful content that helps build trust, rapport, and value and shows the reader that you can help solve their problem.
If you are not a copywriter, you might consider hiring someone or finding a solution that provides SEO-optimized content for real estate websites like Carrot does (take our demo).
Optimizing for the right keywords is very important, but Google looks at how the website’s content is used, not just what is being said.
Google will notice if the content is being shared on social media if others link to it, and how often it is mentioned on other pages or websites. All of those are great things that can help your rankings over time.
Building Your Website, Writing Effective Content, And Optimizing Your Content To Rank Well
Great! This is where the rubber meets the road with SEO.
It can be overwhelming if you’re new to online marketing and SEO. But everything we discussed in this free guide is already built into every Carrot website to give you a head start on the process.
We even localize the content on your web pages to help you have a better chance of ranking well in your specific market… which is one of the reasons Carrot members hold more page 1 ranking for critical keywords than any other website platform.
But here are a few steps you should take to learn the process or do this on a non-AgentCarrot website.
Each page, post, or article should be optimized for 1 or 2 related keywords.
Many people will try to make their homepage rank for everything.
Instead, be precise. When you try to optimize 1 page for too many things, Google may not know what that page is about and choose not to rank it well.
So here’s what to do with those keywords on your website.
NOTE: Head over to our website for free SEO training videos that walk you through optimizing your website for the best keywords to reach more sellers, buyers, lenders, and tenants.
Check out these FREE detailed SEO videos.
Your Title Tag
A title tag on your website is one of the first things that Google looks at when trying to figure out what your website is about. It’s also what it tends to show in the search results when your website shows up.
Title Tags and Headlines should be compelling and contain the targeted keyword for that post or page. Try to keep your title tag between 50 and 60 characters, which Google will show in their search results.
So, let’s dive into what to do with your title tag on your website.
Optimal Format Of Your Title Tag:
Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword – Your Company Name
Optimal Length:
Between 50-60 characters
“Klamath Falls Apartments – Apartments Near OIT – Siskiyou Apts”

Your Content
Content is perhaps the most important part of your real estate investor website strategy.
Because it’s the part that lays the foundation for what your website is about in Google’s eyes, along with the title tag.
Plus, if crafted carefully, your content hopefully converts a visitor to a lead once they land on your website.

You can have the #1 ranking website in your market, but if the words on the page aren’t effectively written to build credibility, engage the reader, and convert them to a lead, that #1 ranking doesn’t matter.
Our Carrot websites are among the best-ranking and highest-converting websites in the industry, so take a demo to see if we can help you save time and get better results.
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We could write a report on optimizing your website’s content better than your competition’s website, but we don’t have time for it in this SEO Keyword Bible.
So, here are a few tips to help you make the content on your website have the best shot at ranking well for your keywords.
- Vary the way you write the keywords on your page. If the main keyword you’re going after on that page is “buy a house in Atlanta,” use that just a few times but also use variations of that phrase, like “buy houses in Atlanta” and “Atlanta Houses.” This helps give the page more reach, and Google can still understand that those phrases are all extremely related (which is a good thing). This kind of writing looks natural to Google and the reader.
- Include pictures on your pages and variations of your keyword in the “alt tags” (alternative text) of your images.
- Use your “H1” and “H2” headings wisely. They help break your content up and make it easier to read… but are also a great place to mix your keywords where it makes sense.
- Aim for at least 300 words on every page you want to rank well. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but more high-quality content is generally better than less content (as long as it’s optimized).
- Link to and from your most important pages. The pages you want to rank should link to 1 to 2 other high-quality pages (it could be other pages on your website or other reputable websites), and make sure your most important pages are linked to and from other pages on your website. This helps Google realize that that page is important on your site.
- Include your keyword in the URL of the pages. Including the keyword phrase in the page’s URL is a great practice. This rule generally applies to pages on your website. We’re not saying that your domain name has to have your main keywords in it. For example, let’s say you’re an agent in Fresno, CA, and you create a page for Fresno on your website. The URL may be:
- Write your content for the visitor to your site, not for Google. We like to write the content on our web pages for the house buyer and seller first. Write the page to convert them to a lead. Then, after the content is written, we use our built-in Carrot SEO Tool to optimize the page for the keyword we want to rank for. This ensures the content makes sense and resonates with the reader … AND is optimized well for Google.
All those elements above are already pre-built into our AgentCarrot websites to give you a jump start. Then, if you want to tweak and customize your content to fit your business better, it’s easy to do that!
You Don’t Have To Be An SEO Expert
We take the technology and SEO headaches out of the process for you. If you’re a Carrot member, your websites are pre-built with high-converting content optimized for your local city. Then, we give you access to our built-in Carrot SEO Tool to have our SEO experts take you by the hand to ensure any content you write is optimized, and we could do it ourselves.
You can optimize your web pages by following directions and our “stoplight” signals.
Next, craft a well-thought-out plan to create value with your content.
Share a story that resonates with the website visitor about why your real estate solution is better than the competition.
Start educating users on the process, what they can expect, what to watch out for, and how they can reach their goals quickly with you.
A Quick Example Content Guide…
Here is an example of how to effectively use keywords in a post.
1) First, identify a real estate keyword phrase to target:
“Buy a house in Phoenix AZ”
2) Create a post SEO Title Tag:
“Buy a house in Phoenix AZ – 4 Simple Steps – ABC Houses”
3) Craft a compelling headline:
“Want to buy a house in Phoenix AZ? 4 Simple Steps”
4) Hook the reader with your intro:
“Looking to buy a house is an exciting time. Sadly, all that possibility and anticipation can quickly become confusion, frustration, and, in the worst of cases, quitting altogether.
That’s why I created this quick guide. To give you an idea of what you can expect when you’re looking to buy a house, once you find a house, and once the deal is closed. I’ve been selling houses for over X years and will share what I’ve learned.
Here’s what you can expect.”
5) Write the main content on the page:
Write some content on your page that walks them through buying a house in the Phoenix area. Write the way you would talk. Don’t try to sound too professional or stiff. Include your primary and secondary keyword phrase in the post content where it makes sense, and vary it up so you use similar phrases to make it read and feel natural.
6) Create a simple call to action:
Again, a high-ranking web page doesn’t do you any good if it doesn’t work to convert a visitor to a lead. Hundreds of elements can make a website convert well or not. Most real estate agent websites leave 30%+ of their leads on the table because of underperformance.
One of those elements to improve your website conversion is to have a very clear call to action on every page.
“For a free consultation regarding your home search, call me at 555-555-5555 or fill out the short form below.”
Is This Overwhelming?
If this all seems overwhelming to you, don’t sweat it.
I started doing this over 8 years ago, so I’ve got a bit of a jump start on most.
But you don’t have to learn SEO how to build a website or make a website convert to get results online.
Maybe this isn’t something you’re good at, or you don’t have the time to learn SEO from the ground up.
No biggie! That’s what we specialize in and why there are more Carrot members on page 1 in Google than any other real estate website platform on the planet.
Launch Your First Carrot Site In Minutes!
Ranking Well In Your Area
Local Search Identifiers
One beautiful thing about SEO as a real estate agent is that you’re usually just looking to rank well for phrases people in your local area are typing in.

Most agents don’t need to rank nationally.
If you’re in Richmond, VA, and you do 90% of your work in Richmond … you should just be focused on getting your website ranked well for local Richmond, VA keywords.
Keywords like …
“Buy a house in Richmond VA”
“How to buy a house in Richmond Virginia”
“House listings in Richmond VA”
“Richmond VA real estate agents”
You get the idea.
People tend to search “local” for a solution to their real estate problems.
So, take the keywords in this guide and put your location name after it.
Like, “buy a house in [your city/area here].”
Simple, eh?
The Right Real Estate Keywords Are The Foundation
But You Can’t Stop There.
You now know the exact keywords that house buyers and sellers are typing into Google to find the solutions you offer.
Knowing that is like knowing the best streets in your city to put bandit signs where the most motivated buyers drive.
Pretty awesome, right?
Knowing the right keywords to target is perhaps the most important part of SEO that most real estate investors get wrong.
Now that you have this resource, your life will be 100% easier regarding getting leads online with SEO and PPC.
But keywords are only part of the equation.
Keywords are like the soil in your vegetable garden.

Without nutrient-rich soil, your chances of growing a good crop of vegetables are pretty low. The same goes for keywords.
The right keywords are your nutrient-rich soil. But to harvest a great crop (profits), there are other things you have to do.
1) “Plant” great seeds.
(build a website geared for SEO and conversion, not just to look pretty)
2) “Nurture” and water those seeds.
(actively market your website & improve your rankings)
3) “Grow” the crop.
(create pages that go after other keywords on your site to broaden your reach)
4) “Harvest” a great crop.
(turn those leads into profitable deals)
Having a great website platform, great content, some good quality backlinks, a high-converting website, and great support when you need help are the “water,” “fertilizer,” and “care” needed to grow great rankings and harvest that traffic into leads.
Our Carrot members generate over 1 million website visitors annually and over 13,000 SEO monthly leads.
If you want to leverage our industry’s best Inbound Online Marketing Platform with built-in SEO and Conversion Tools and Methodology, head to our website and take a free demo, or reach out to us to see if we can help you reach your goals.
Take our demo here and start your journey!
Additional FREE Resources from Carrot
Is Your Website Optimized For Mobile?
Go to to test your website today! See how it looks on mobile devices and whether it’s user-friendly on our free “Mobile Checker”!
Go to:
Inbound Marketing For Investors and Agents Blog
We publish articles and free weekly resources to help real estate agents and investors generate more online leads. See our split test results, SEO tips, tricks, and innovative reports to help you stay ahead of your competition.
Go to:

So, Who is Carrot Anyway?
Carrot is a passionate team of techies, marketers, agents, and investors who are helping thousands of high-achieving real estate investors and agents “save precious time in life for the things that matter” by creating simple and effective software, training, and hands-on support to help you generate more leads and credibility online.
Our members are pulling in over 60,000 leads per month (13,000 organic) as we’re writing this and closing more deals with online leads than before, leveraging our Inbound Online Marketing Platform for real estate professionals.
If you want to build more credibility online and generate better results (leads and deals), there is a reason some of the most successful real estate experts in the country have been attracted to our system and methods.
Learn more about Carrot and how we can help you grow your real estate business today.
To Learn More, Visit:
Our Mission: “Add humanity back to business and help people regain more precious time for the things that matter in life.”
Our Core Values:
- Have Fun and Be Different
- Always Genuinely Care
- Be A Beacon of Positivity and Possibility
- Consistent Improvement and Innovation
- Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open Minded
- Transparency
- Deliver WOW Through Great Service
- Gratitude for Everything
- Consistent and Predictable Financial Growth
What Are People Saying About Carrot?
I have generated just over 200 leads in a little over 4 months using my carrot site. I couldn’t be more thankful for the services they have provided. Thank You Carrot! #WWCD?”
Carrot has built the dream team that builds amazing products, that gets people results.
Carrot has built the dream team that builds amazing products, that gets people results.
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I want to acknowledge one of the most lucrative tools in my arsenal of marketing. Carrot websites provide more tools, education, content and overall value of any website service I have ever been with. Most recently I had some questions about some features with the administration page. Carrot not only addressed the problem, but within days, made changes to the system to address these issues. I’ve never seen a company with customer service at this level. It’s truly unprecedented. Besides the excellent customer service, the website is capable of producing more traffic than any I’ve been with in the past. I don’t see ever leaving Carrot. And with more updates I know are coming, I don’t see how anyone can even compete with them. Thanks Carrot! You ROCK!
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