What Is Your Energy Ratio?
The Energy Audit Process: What is your energy ratio?
What you’ll learn: How to shift tasks and work toward your unique abilities that GIVE you energy when you do them.

Shift Your Focus From Energy Drain to Energy Boost
One of the biggest things that can kill our happiness and energy in life and in work is by working on things that drain our energy.
When you shift what you do every day from energy drains to things that GIVE you energy… things within your Unique Abilities… it’s amazing what happens to your happiness, productivity, and progress towards your goals.
Use this energy audit at least quarterly to continually shift more and more of the things you do in life and work towards your Unique Abilities… the things that you’re great at and GIVE you more energy when you do them. A fulfilled life and high energy work week can’t happen without over 50% of your activities being “energy activities”. The highest performers operate in the 70%+ energy range on a weekly basis.
What’s Inside?
Plug & Play spreadsheet
How to operate in the 70% energy range
Strategy for eliminating energy draining tasks
Best practices for boosting energy
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I’m Ready To Download My Energy Audit Process
I wish I would have done it a long time ago. My conversion as compared to before is unbelievable.
All other marketing channels are just tactics; Carrot is the big chunk in the middle that was just missing.